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- James on "Dr." James David Manning Warns The Long Legged Mac Daddy–White Folks Are Ready To Riot! (UPDATED 11-3-09)
- James on "Dr." James David Manning Warns The Long Legged Mac Daddy–White Folks Are Ready To Riot! (UPDATED 11-3-09)
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Tag Archives: Obama And His Administration
Obama, "My Crappy Bowling Is Right Up There With The Special Olympics"
Barack Obama appears on the Jay Leno Show and quickly steps in it with a disparaging remark about his bowling and the Special Olympics…
Further Proof Wikipedia Is A Freakin' Joke Which Is Why Using That Site As A Reference For Anything Is Laughed At By Everyone, Everywhere
It really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that the Obama-bots are hovering all over his page on Wikipedia. Members, who have the ability to edit the site, along with moderators who not only can edit but also remove users, have apparently been deleting anything negative that is posted about their Dear Leader, usually within minutes…
Obama Orders 17,000 Additional Troops To Afghanistan. Why Didn't He Tell The World In Front Of TV Cameras?
Barack Obama has very quietly ordered an additional 17,000 troops to the country of Afghanistan shortly after flying all over the country loudly promoting his nearly one trillion dollar government spending spree in front of thousands of people and dozens of well placed TV cameras. So where are all of the marching in the street protesters from the likes of codepink and moveon.org?
Obama Versus Iran's Ahmadinejad. Now Taking Bets On Who Blinks First
Give these Iranian whacks an inch .and they will very soon start demanding a mile as displayed here by emboldened Iranian president and scuzzy looking little dirtbag Mahmoud Ahmadinejad…
Obama Lied, CNN's Campbell Brown Cried.
Notice how Campbell Brown is sooo wistful, full of genuine angst, that her fella let her down? Well I have an idea Campbell (what the hell kind of name is that for a woman anyway?) how about you join us in a sing along?
Leftist Celebrities Pledge Servitude To Their Master, Barack Obama
So a bunch of lefty “celebs” decide now that their guy is president they can break out of the shackles that have held them back for so long and they can finally become decent American…no world!…citizens, something they were obviously unable to accomplish while George Bush was occupying the White House.