Thursday January 14th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

Is Health Care Reform A Sure Thing?

David Dayen over at FireDogLake has a clip of Emanuel Cleaver giving a less-than-bullish account of the prospects of health care reform in the House:

As Dayen notes, the math is not a slam dunk for House leadership. Consider the following. The bill earned 220 votes the first time around. Yet Robert Wexler has resigned. That puts the total support at 219. Let’s assume that the new bill will lack Stupak language on abortion – a reasonable one, I think. That would lose them Joseph Cao, the sole Republican supporter. Bart Stupak claims that he has 10 to 12 Democrats who would walk away then, too. Assuming Stupak’s number is correct, that puts the bill at 206 to 208, with 218 needed for support. The House leadership would have to find 10 to 12 supporters among the 38 Democrats who voted against it late last year. [If this was such a terrific deal for the American people why are the Democrats having such a hard time getting THEIR OWN members on board? If this is such a terrific deal for the American people why did Congress exempt THEMSELVES from ObamaCare?…ed]

President Obama pushes for a deal on health bill

After an unusual day-long negotiating session, President Barack Obama and top Democratic congressional leaders said late Wednesday that they were making “significant progress” towards reconciling the House and Senate health care reform bills. Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry Reid issued a statement at the close of more than eight hours of White House talks – by far the most significant, high-level negotiations undertaken during the yearlong push for health care reform. [Democrats exclusively, behind closed doors plotting to ram ObamaCare down our throats even though the American people have very vocally told these people we are not the least interested in their scheme to take over 1/6 of our economy and put it in the hands of government bureaucrats…ed]

Cadillac Tax Evasion

The nation’s labor unions, according to Congress Daily, have cut a deal with House Democrats: Labor will drop its opposition to the so-called Cadillac tax — an excise tax on high-cost employer-provided health-care plans — if Congress will carve out an exemption for plans provided under collective-bargaining agreements. Even after all the unsavory bargains and rotten deals that have characterized the rush to get this thing passed (the “Louisiana Purchase,” the “Cornhusker Kickback,” etc.) the “Labor Loophole” surely takes the prize. A few Democrats in the Senate already tried this trick and were laughed out of the smoke-filled room, so nakedly obvious was the special-interest favoritism at work. That the Democratic party is seriously reconsidering this deal is a sign of how desperate it has become to pass a bill — any bill — that shoves the federal foot through the waiting-room door. [So much for the 14th Amendment guaranteeing equal protection under the law. Get ready for the lawsuits all you ObamaCare proponents…ed]

Majority Would Vote Against Obama

A year into his tenure, a majority of Americans would already vote against Pres. Obama if the ’12 elections were held today, according to a new survey. The Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor poll shows 50% say they would probably or definitely vote for someone else. Fully 37% say they would definitely cast a ballot against Obama. Meanwhile, just 39% would vote to re-elect the pres. to a 2nd term, and only 23% say they definitely would do so. Obama’s first year in office has been marked by an unemployment rate that surged to 10%, an increased commitment of troops to Afghanistan and a health care battle that has taken a serious political toll on the WH. Obama’s approval rating is down to 47%, the poll showed, a 14-point drop since the April survey. 45% disapprove, up 17 points from April. [Gee, I wonder why he wouldn’t be president if the election was held today? Could it be that we now know what a disaster it is for this country to hire a no name nobody with zero experience for the top job?…ed]

GOP: We’ll take back the House

GOP leaders have privately settled on a strategy to win back the House by putting the vast majority of their money and energy into attacking Democrats — and turning this election into a national referendum on the party in power. House Minority Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia, one of 10 leaders who attended a strategy session in Annapolis, Md., this week, said the party will attack Democrats relentlessly for the stimulus, health care and cap-and-trade bills. Internally, Republicans call it the “80-20 strategy,” which, loosely interpreted, means spending 80 percent of the time whacking Democrats and the remainder talking up their own ideas. [40 more willow kneed Republicans will do this country absolutely no good. What we need are real conservatives kicking ass and taking names in Congress. Enough of this civility crap, it’s hammer time!…ed]

Scott Brown: Obama not invited to this party

Surging GOP Senate candidate Scott Brown yesterday warned President Obama to “stay away” from the Bay State during his roiling race against Democratic rival Martha Coakley and not to interfere with their intensifying battle in the campaign’s final days. “He should stay away and let Martha and I discuss the issues one on one,” Brown said. “The machine is coming out of the woodwork to get her elected. They’re bringing in outsiders, and we don’t need them.” Coakley’s campaign showed signs of panic as they scrambled to get a last-minute appearance by Obama to bolster their effort before Tuesday’s election. [I say have the light skinned guy with no discernible Negro dialect unless he wants to use it show up in Massachusetts like he did three time during the New Jersey governors race last year. We all know how that turned out…ed]

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Wednesday January 13th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

Rep. Rangel: Dems facing ‘serious problems’ on healthcare reform bill

Congressional Democrats face “serious problems” in getting a healthcare reform bill to the president’s desk, according to a House panel chairman. “We’ve got to get a bill that’s more compatible to the House,” Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday. “Forget all the other questions. Two-hundred-eighteen [votes] is the most important issue we are dealing with… We have serious problems on both sides of the Capitol. Serious problems.” [Yesterday Senator Chris Dodd (D-Loser) said this mess was “hanging by a thread.” Democrats know this ObamaCare is political suicide but they don’t seem to care so when they start saying this thing is in trouble you can be assured this is nothing more than disinformation designed to get people to take their eye off the ball…ed]

In Gallup Poll, President Obama at All-Time Lows for Handling of Economy, Health Care

The latest Gallup Poll has President Obama experiencing some pretty harsh disapproval ratings among the American people on some key issues. The president has 40% approval on the economy and 56% disapproval. He has 37% approval on health care and 58% disapproval. These are the lowest approval ratings on those two issues to date of his presidency, per Gallup. [It took eight years of never ending negative media attacks and blatant lies from the Democrats before George W. Bush saw numbers like this. Oblunder, even with all the fawning media coverage, managed to pull it off in 11 months. If it wasn’t for welfare recipients, drunk college students and a certain ethnic minority his numbers would be in the low double digits…ed]

Obama concedes he hasn’t brought country together

President Barack Obama says he has not succeeded in bringing the country together, acknowledging an atmosphere of divisiveness that has washed away the lofty national feeling surrounding his inauguration a year ago. “That’s what’s been lost this year … that whole sense of changing how Washington works,” Obama said in an interview with People magazine. The president said his second-year agenda will be refocused on uniting the country around common values, “whether we’re Democrats or Republicans.” “We all want work that’s satisfying, pays the bills and gives children a better future and security,” Obama said in the interview, which the magazine conducted with the president and his wife, Michelle Obama, at the White House last Friday. [Oh I disagree with the light skinned fella. He certainly HAS brought Independents and Republican together like never before with the goal of stopping the Democrat fueled runaway freight train come November. Fiercely advocating unwanted programs to be forced on unwilling people (ObamaCare, for example) and shutting out and shouting down dissenting voices won’t exactly engender warm fuzzy feelings in most Americans…ed]

Obama’s education of little use to his presidency

David Brooks notes that in the last year, something dire has happened: The public has turned decisively against the “educated classes” and all of their works. At the same time, it has also moved against Barack Obama, who began his term with approval ratings that bumped up against 70, and have now sunk to the high to mid-40s, with “strongly disapprove” ratings that rival those of George W. Bush at his worst. It has also moved strongly against his — and the educated classes’ — ideas. It is more pro-life, more anti-climate change, more free market, less statist, more inclined to favor “harsh” measures against terrorism suspects, more in favor of “waterboarding” the terrorist caught in the brief-bombing effort, more opposed to the closing of Guantanamo Bay. While the liberal Left controls the White House along with both houses of Congress, the country it governs has moved to the Right. [It’s real simple. Americans don’t like politicians acting like dictators. Americans don’t like secretive legislation concocted in the middle of the night. Americans don’t like being told they will have to buy something they don’t want or face fines and possibly jail time and Americans don’t like their president bowing to and kissing the asses of leaders of foreign countries. in addition, for all their supposed intelligence, liberals sure do have a ton of failures stacked up behind them and Americans are well aware of that FACT too…ed]

Anatomy of a Meltdown

Many saw Obama’s polls dropping for a variety of reasons, and can anticipate what’s next. People took the candidate at his word of bipartisanship, fiscal seriousness, and centrism, and from day one got instead shady Cabinet nominations of tax cheats and lobbyists, indifference to congressional corruption as symbolized by Rangel and Dodd, a whiny monotony of “Bush did it” for a year, a 1,000-page health-care monstrosity, fiscal insanity, serial appeasement of enemies with conscious neglect of old allies, and on and on. No hope, less change. [Nice laundry list of Obumble’s fumbles…ed]

Quake-stunned Haitians pile bodies by fallen homes

Haitians piled bodies along the devastated streets of their capital Wednesday after a powerful earthquake crushed thousands of structures, from schools and shacks to the National Palace and the U.N. peacekeeping headquarters. Untold numbers were still trapped. It seemed clear that the death toll from Tuesday afternoon’s magnitude-7.0 quake would run into the thousands. The Roman Catholic archbishop of Port-au-Prince was among the dead, and the head of the U.N. peacekeeping mission was missing. International Red Cross spokesman Paul Conneally said a third of Haiti’s 9 million people may need emergency aid and that it would take a day or two for a clear picture of the damage to emerge. The United Nations said the capital’s main airport was “fully operational” and open to relief flights. [(Forgive my non-political correctness here for just a sec) Rest assured the citizens of the “evil and wicked” United States will fund 95% of the aid to these poor unfortunate folks, many of which will surely wind up on in our country to live permanently here real soon. For those who may not be aware, some of the most violent vicious gangbangers in south Florida have come from—-Haiti…ed]

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CNN's Jack Cafferty: Nancy Pelosi Is A Horrible Woman

True unemployment is over 17% in this country and approaches 20% in several states. People are losing their homes to foreclosure by the millions. Citizens are finding it next to impossible to access credit because of the out of control borrowing and frivolous spending by this Congress and the current Obama administration.

Americans are hurting in this terrible economy made even worse by the bone headed policies of Obama and his Democrat allies in Congress but that didn’t stop Pelosi from blowing hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars dollars to wisk a bunch of her buddies off to that completely useless Copenhagen climate change farce last month “in luxurious comfort.”

It would be fortunate if voters would remember this story when Pelosi, who is one of the wealthiest members of Congress–net worth of at least tens of millions–yet demands the Air Force provide her with first class transportation whenever she snaps her fingers, is up for reelection but sadly she is safely ensconced in her district for as long as she wishes to run.–Few would argue with the U.S. having a presence at the Copenhagen Climate Summit. But wait until you hear what we found about how many in Congress got all-expense paid trips to Denmark on your dime.

CBS investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports that cameras spotted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the summit. She called the shots on who got to go. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and embattled Chairman of the Tax Committee Charles Rangel were also there.

They were joined by 17 colleagues: Democrats: Waxman, Miller, Markey, Gordon, Levin, Blumenauer, DeGette, Inslee, Ryan, Butterfield, Cleaver, Giffords, and Republicans: Barton, Upton, Moore Capito, Sullivan, Blackburn and Sensenbrenner.

That’s not the half of it. But finding out more was a bit like trying to get the keys to Ft. Knox. Many referred us to Speaker Pelosi who wouldn’t agree to an interview. Her office said it “will comply with disclosure requirements” but wouldn’t give us cost estimates or even tell us where they all stayed.

Senator Inhofe (R-OK) is one of the few who provided us any detail. He attended the summit on his own for just a few hours, to give an “opposing view.”

“They’re going because it’s the biggest party of the year,” Sen. Inhofe said. “The worst thing that happened there is they ran out of caviar.”

Our investigation found that the congressional delegation was so large, it needed three military jets: two 737’s and a Gulfstream Five — up to 64 passengers — traveling in luxurious comfort.

Add senators and staff, most of whom flew commercial, and we counted at least 101 Congress-related attendees….(read the rest here)

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Tuesday January 12th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

Poll: Obama Health Care Marks Hit New Low

President Obama’s approval rating on handling health care is at an all-time low, according to a new CBS News poll, something that is helping to drag down his overall approval rating. Just 36 percent of Americans approve of Mr. Obama’s handling of health care, according to the poll, conducted from Jan. 6 – 10. Fifty-four percent disapprove. [Keep in mind this isn’t Rasmussen’s company, which the Democrats claim is nothing more than a GOP operative, dropping this turd. This is Obama loving CBS doing the polling but the socialist in chief wouldn’t care anyway as he is adamant about pushing forth with his agenda against the American people…ed]

IBD Poll: Obama’s Independent Woes Intensify

January’s IBD/TIPP Presidential Leadership Index fell 3.6% to 50.8 — barely holding above the neutral 50 level and 20 points below Obama’s level when he took office. High unemployment, an unpopular health care plan and security fears are all taking their toll. Independents led with a 6.5% decline — 21% since September — to 44.3, a new low for Obama. The bad news for Obama and other Democratic politicians gets worse: The number of independents is growing. [IBD/TIPP polling has been proven to be extremely accurate over the years…ed]

Obama in no rush for State of Union

The State of the Union address may be going the way of the NFL’s Super Bowl, another January tradition that has become a February fixture. No date has been set for the president’s annual address to Congress, but with Democrats hoping for a health care bill in hand first, the affair could be pushed until the first week in February or later — marking the latest date for a standard address in modern history. “Soon” was the short answer that White House press secretary Robert Gibbs gave reporters last week, though he helpfully ruled out Feb. 2, the Tuesday that ABC is supposed to air the final season premiere of its show “Lost.” [What’s for him to brag about? His administration’s laughable “transparency?” Blatant NON-partisanship from the Congressional Democrats? A very UNpopular with the American people “healthcare plan?” The 10% + unemployment rate? Nearly 4 million jobs gone since he took office? How secure our airports are? Iran flipping him the middle finger over their nuclear bomb ambitions? War still raging in Afghanistan? Gitmo still housing terrorists? Gas prices reaching $3 a gallon again? Is his real fear some Democrats will stand up and yell, “YOU LIE!” ?…ed]

Irate Labor Leaders Press Obama on Proposed Health Care ‘Cadillac’ Tax

President Obama told labor leaders in a tense two-hour closed door tussle over whether to tax health care benefits that he backed the tax, which labor leaders vehemently oppose, but also supports efforts “to protect working men and women.” Their problem? Labor leaders say you can’t have it both ways. Some now openly accuse Obama of doing that and violating one of his most important early promises in the health care debate: that if you like the coverage you have, you will be able to keep it. Obama did not attend all of the meeting held in the Roosevelt Room, but, according to an official who spoke on the condition of anonymity “reiterated his support for the excise tax but also reiterated his commitment to protect working men and women.” [Obama lied, union thug bosses cried. The light skinned black man with no discernible Negro dialect has deliberately shucked and jived damn near every constituency in this country and many are now starting to realize they were bent over and driven home during the presidential campaign without the benefit of any KY…ed]

White House changes how stimulus jobs are counted

Now we’ll never know just how many jobs were funded by the $787 billion stimulus program. Until a policy change last month, Obama administration officials had said they would keep a running count of the number of jobs created or saved by the massive American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Going forward, the White House will only tally jobs one quarter at a time and not attempt to determine a total. On top of that, the administration has directed Recovery Act recipients to report all jobs funded with stimulus money – regardless of whether they were new jobs or existing ones. [One more thing to add to the Obama administration’s growing list of massive failures. When will the lamestream media finally have enough of these crooks and start doing their job of informing the American people about what the hell is going on in Washington?…ed]

Obama Must Know His Spending Yields Bankruptcy, Not Growth

Could we all agree that we are doomed as a nation if President Barack Obama continues his deficit spending at unprecedented levels? Can you think of any reason, then, to justify this spending? Oh, our president says it’s to jump-start the economy? Sorry, that dog won’t hunt. So what’s his real motive? Obama has been saying from the beginning that his stimulus plan was for the purpose of spurring economic growth — though when we did have economic growth during the George W. Bush administration, the likes of which Democrats can only fantasize about during Obama’s term, they trashed it as a “jobless recovery.” [The answer is rather simple. The Democrats have an end game, either you will be an employee of the government, or you will be a dependent of the government. And of course, both these classes will be lorded over by an elitist ruling class. Just like every socialist country on the planet. Believe me when I say Obama’s methods to enact “the plan” are NOT being carried out in ignorance nor stupidity…ed]

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Robert Gibbs, The Dumbest White House Press Secretary In History?

It’s hard to tell if this idiot is really just a stupid bumbling fool or if he’s actually pretty sharp (lol-you know I’m kidding) and doesn’t buy into some of his administration’s agenda but is forced to go through the motions for the sake of hanging onto his job.

I’m sticking wholeheartedly with the former….

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Georgetown Professor: Obama Runs From Race Issues Like A Black Dude Runs From The Police

Just in case Professor Dyson wasn’t aware, Obama is half white and therefor cannot be considered a full blooded “runnin’ brutha.”

Race and Religion , , , Leave a comment

Monday January 11th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

Democrats launch counterattack to save Harry Reid’s career

Democrats are preparing to throw the race card back in the laps of Republicans as part of a counterattack designed to help save Harry Reid’s political career. First, Reid’s allies plan to distribute the NAACP vote ratings of Republican senators who have scolded him. The data will be made available to editorial boards, cable programs and the blogosphere — including votes on minimum wage, community-oriented policing, education funding and HIV/AIDS programs. Separately, the Congressional Black Caucus plans to issue a new statement Monday, defending Reid and brushing back Republicans. [This blatant double standard regarding racism is a non starter for Republicans. There are too many black “leaders” who’s careers and bank accounts depend on whipping out the race card when politically expedient and too many blacks who are completely ignorant of past history. As long as the Democrats continue to promise the black community everything under the sun without them having to pay or work for it they will continue to look the other way when the true colors of the true racists are exposed…ed]

Liberal Democrats can be (and frequently are) racist, too

Oh, this one is way too good to pass on writing about it. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid got nailed for uttering what may be one of the most stupid — and flagrantly racist — comments in some time. Here’s the kicker, and what makes this so good: The remarks were about the leader of his party. That would be President Obama of course, who, according to Reid, is refreshingly bereft of “Negro dialect” when he speaks. “Negro dialect”? Is Reid’s mind stuck way back in the 1940s? (SNIP) How has Obama reacted to all this? Why, by accepting Reid’s pathetic apology and declaring “the book is closed” on the matter. White guys like Don Imus must be wondering where Obama was when they really needed him. [“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” -Racist Democrat Vice President Joe Biden’s description of Barack Obama…ed]

Sharpton: Clinton ‘Coffee’ Remark About Obama ‘Disturbing’

The Rev. Al Sharpton on Monday said he was disturbed by condescending remarks reportedly made by former President Bill Clinton about Barack Obama during the 2008 campaign. Sharpton was referring to a passage in the new book, “Game Change,” which recounts the conversation Clinton had with the late Sen. Ted Kennedy when he was trying to convince the liberal lion of the Senate to endorse his wife for president. “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee,” Clinton told Kennedy, according to the book — a comment that angered Kennedy, who later endorsed Obama. Sharpton, speaking on Fox News, defended Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid over a passage in the book in which he said Obama doesn’t have a “Negro dialect” unless he wants one. But the reverend would not give Clinton such a pass for his remark. [The absolutely useless race baiter Al Sharpton IS disturbed and I’ll leave it right there…ed]

Dems back away from Harry Reid in wake of Nevadan’s racially charged comments on Barack Obama

The first signs of abandonment from within Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s own party emerged Sunday, as some Democrats said his racially charged comments about President Obama have placed his already perilous reelection prospects on the precipice. “He’s in deep trouble, I think,” said one senior aide to a member of the House Democratic leadership. “Even with the apology, no matter what it’s a negative thing. There are a lot of minorities that vote [in Nevada].” Asked whether lawmakers who are next in line to be majority leader – such as Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, or Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois – would begin to target Reid, the senior Democrat said there would be no point. [Would the Democrats be willing to throw the very unpopular in Nevada Harry Reid under the bus because that would be their only chance at holding his Senate seat? There’s no question if he stays in the hunt he will go down in November so don’t be surprised to see this turd resign well before election day considering several no name Republicans are already out polling his sorry ass these days…ed]

More Nevadans unhappy with reform package and in Reid’s efforts pushing it

Support for the health care reform package moving through Congress continues to drop among Nevadans, as does support among the state’s Democrats and independents for the work done on the bill by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a new poll commissioned by the Las Vegas Review-Journal shows. That same poll shows nearly one in five Nevadans would elect to pay a fine by the government rather than buy health insurance under the new plan. (SNIP) Perhaps even more critical for Reid, President Barack Obama’s point man for passage of the legislation, is the fact that his disapproval rating among independents for his work on health care rose to 74 percent, compared to 53 percent in December. [Nice work Dingy Harry. Keep it up, you’re making the voters in your state dislike the Democrat party more and more as the days go by…ed]

Blagojevich: ‘I’m blacker than Barack Obama’

Ousted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich says he’s “blacker than Barack Obama” and tells Esquire magazine that he was a real person in a political arena dominated by phonies. Blagojevich, referring to the president as “this guy,” says Obama was elected based simply on hope. “What the (expletive)? Everything he’s saying’s on the teleprompter,” Blagojevich told the magazine for a story in its February issue, which hits newsstands Jan. 19. “I’m blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment. My father had a little laundromat in a black community not far from where we lived,” Blagojevich said. “I saw it all growing up.” [Gee, another Democrat, who apologized all over the place for his “stupid, stupid, stupid comments this morning, going off over the light skinned black guy who doesn’t use his negro dialect unless it comes in handy…ed]

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Dr. James David Manning Connects The Saudi, Barack Hussein Obama Dots

According to pastor Dr. James David Manning:

The Saudis bought the 2008 election for Obama.

The Saudis, with the assistance of Khalid al-Mansour and Percy Sutton, donated millions to Columbia University.

Columbia University covered for Obama while he was actually in Pakistan and Afghanistan instead of in the classroom.

Columbia University gave Obama an unearned degree and recommendation letter for Harvard.

The Saudis then paid for Obama’s Harvard education.

The Saudis recently sponsored Obama’s Kenyan grandmother’s trip to the haji in Mecca.

And last but not least he declares Obama is a “quasi-Muslim freak!”
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Off the Wall , , , , , , 2 Comments

AARP Has Lost At Least 150,000 Members Over Support Of ObamaCare

Ever notice that when people get wise to the true agenda of a left wing organization it’s always because they supposedly “misunderstand” the issues at hand?

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Healthcare Issues , , Leave a comment

Friday January 8th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

What’s Islam? Don’t Ask Google

Type a few words into the search field on Google’s home page and the engine automatically returns a helpful list of popular, similar searches for the words you’ve typed in so far — a convenient way to find the right information. Enter “Christianity is” and you’ll find results that, while offensive, at least indicate common discussions on the Internet. Likewise, type “Judaism is” and Google suggests other, potentially offensive searches such as “Judaism is false” and “Judaism is not a race.” But type “Islam is” into the search engine and Google’s auto-results pane mysteriously vanishes, leading some to conclude that Google, whose mantra is “don’t be evil,” is censoring its search results. [It’s OK. The loony leftists at Google say it’s just a software glitch that gives these results and I’m sure they’re working diligently to get to the bottom of it…ed]

Officials: Anti-Muslim images are protected speech

Two Minnesota prosecutors say they won’t file charges against a man who investigators say admitted posting anti-Muslim images in front of a mosque, a Somali-owned store and other spots. They say the cartoons are protected under the First Amendment. The posters put up last month in the St. Cloud area depicted images such as the Prophet Muhammad engaged in bestiality and an Islamic crescent with a swastika inside it. [If muslims don’t like our Constitution’s First Amendment they are free to pack their crap and move back to the armpit they came from…ed]

Judge tosses out most evidence on Gitmo detainee

A federal judge has tossed out most of the government’s evidence against a tarrorism [sic] detainee on grounds his confessions were coerced, allegedly by U.S. forces, before he became a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. In a ruling this week, U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan also said the government failed to establish that 23 statements the detainee made to interrogators at Guantanamo Bay were untainted by the earlier coerced statements made while he was held under harsh conditions in Afghanistan. However, the judge said statements he made during two military administrative hearings at the U.S. detention center in Cuba, where he was assisted by a personal representative, were reliable and sufficient to justify holding the detainee. Musa’ab Omar Al Madhwani allegedly engaged in a 2 1/2-hour firefight with Pakistani authorities before his capture in a Karachi apartment in 2002. [A harbinger of things to come, comes to mind. If you don’t think Obama knew exactly what he was doing when he decided to divert a bunch of these terrorists away from military tribunals and into civilian courts then you sure don’t know the Kenyan very well…ed]

Obama Funder ‘Jodie Evans’ In White House Visitor Log days after Code Pink Hamas Trip

The name of Obama funder and terrorist sympathizer Jodie Evans turns up twice in recently released White House visitor logs. The logs show that a ‘Jodie Evans’ met with Buffy Wicks, the Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement (OPE) on June 19, 2009. The meeting came just days after Evans’ group, Code Pink, visited the terrorist group Hamas in Gaza from May 28th to June 14th and was given a letter by Hamas to deliver to President Barack Obama. On December 30th, the Obama administration released 25,000 records of visitors to the White House complex from the latter half of September. Mixed in those records were visits from other dates, including two by ‘Jodie Evans’ in June. [Keep in mind Code Pink is a George Soros funded group dedicated to undermining this country every chance they get and one of the founders has direct access to Barack Hussein Obama inside of OUR White House…ed]

Lehman: Clueless Obama

After watching President Obama’s remarks on national security this afternoon, John Lehman, the secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration and a member of the 9/11 Commission, tells National Review Online that, “frankly, I’m pissed off.” “President Obama just doesn’t get it,” says Lehman. “I don’t think he has a clue. It’s all pure spin. He’s ignoring key issues and taking respectable professionals like John Brennan and turning them into hacks and shills. It’s beyond contempt.” “The president has ignored the 9/11 Commission’s report,” says Lehman. “This whole idea that we can fix things by jumping higher and faster is ridiculous. The fact is that the system worked just like we said it would work if the president failed to give the Director of National Intelligence the tools he needs: it’s bloated, bureaucratic, layered, and stultified.” [Obama “clueless?” No, I don’t think so. Deliberate and unflinching in his quest to destroy the U.S. in every way possible? Absolutely…ed]

Obama Unveils Green Jobs Plan After Economy Loses 85,000 Jobs in December

President Obama announced Friday that he’ll create jobs of the future by building a “robust clean energy sector” following news that the unemployment rate remained stuck at 10 percent in December. Figures released Friday showed that employers shed a more-than-expected 85,000 jobs last month as hundreds of thousands of people stopped looking for work altogether, reversing the slight gains from the month before. Obama said the government would provide more than $2 billion in tax credits already approved by Congress to add some 17,000 green jobs for 183 projects to develop solar and wind power and energy management technologies. [2.3 BILLION tax dollars comes in somewhere around $135,294 per non-sustainable “job” in this stupid phony “green jobs” nonsense and that doesn’t even take into account the interest we’ll have to pay. This is INSANITY not hope and change…ed]

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