Sunday January 24th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

End of O’s cowardly lyin’

We the people of the United States owe Scott Brown’s sup porters a huge debt of gratitude. They didn’t merely elect a senator. They ripped the façade off the Obama presidency. Just as Dorothy and Toto exposed the ordinary man behind the curtain in “The Wizard of Oz,” the voters in Massachusetts revealed that, in this White House, there is no there there. It’s all smoke and mirrors, bells and whistles, held together with glib talk, Chicago politics and an audacious sense of entitlement. At the center is a young and talented celebrity whose worldview, we now know, is an incoherent jumble of poses and big-government instincts. His self-aggrandizing ambition exceeds his ability by so much that he is making a mess of everything he touches. [Ouchy! Well I guess someone had to come along and write a column describing exactly how the majority of us feel about the empty suit thrust upon us by a bunch of unthinking inept dolts…ed]

White House nightmare persists

At the end of Barack Obama’s worst week since taking power a year ago, the US president’s fortunes look set only to deteriorate over the coming days. Following the shock defeat of the Democratic candidate in Massachusetts on Tuesday, a move that deprived the president of his 60-seat super-majority in the Senate and left his legislative agenda in tatters, Mr Obama has just four days to reboot the system. (SNIP) In short, Mr Obama’s nightmare January could easily slip into a nightmare February. “Unless and until the president changes the way his White House, works, things are going to continue to go badly for him,” says the head of a Democratic think-tank. “Heads still have to roll.” [The Nightmare For Most Americans Still Persists IN The White House. There, fixed the headline for ya there Mr. Luce…ed]

Obama Needs to Shift From Liberal Policies

Go back some decades, and it looked as if liberals were going to be the death of America. They wanted to take it really easy on criminals. They favored welfare programs that destroyed families. They backed foreign aid that buttressed tyrannies. Their way of dealing with enemies was unilateral disarmament. Still other proposals could have spent, taxed and regulated us into oblivion. The voters didn’t like all of this, the L-word became a curse, and so liberals went into something akin to a witness protection program. They changed their name to “progressives” and if they did not quite hide out, they became less obtrusive with some of their views. [We could only wish Obama was merely a “liberal.” Leopards don’t change their spots and neither will this guy or the people who control him. These people are desperate. Let’s just continue to hope we have our regularly schedule election in November…ed]

When Tolerance Trumps Principle

We were invited to dinner with friends and extended family. Wonderful company. Good food. Stimulating intellects. All was well…until the conversation brushed up against two “untouchables” in a Southern home: religion and politics. As the exchange heated and civility gave way to raw emotion, a timid family Democrat pleaded for tolerance, entreated both sides to lay down their verbal firearms, and then abandoned the dinner table in search of safe harbor and warm, fuzzy house cats. Relishing the beef tenderloin, I pondered the assets and liabilities of a tolerant society. [Another brilliant article. “Tolerance is the pry bar by which the modern liberal moves boundaries.” Let that sink in for a moment…ed]

Who is Mark Spivey? Another Obama Astroturfer; UPDATED With Still More Astroturfing

I joined a Facebook group called “Who is Ellie Light?” This morning I was invited to join a new group: “Who is Mark Spivey?” Who is Mark Spivey? I know only this: that he is the author of this pro-Obama letter that has appeared in numerous publications: [First we had “Ellie Light” writing fawning letters to the editors that were published in at least 62 different newspapers around the country (and who’s email IP came back as originating from Saudi Arabia!) now we have a newly discovered “Mark Spivey” situation. So when do ya suspect the lamestream media will catch up to the New Media and look into what the hell is going on here?…ed]

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Saturday January 23rd

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

The Incredible Deflation of Barack Obama

The air is seeping out of the Obama balloon. He has fallen to below 50 percent in the poll approval ratings, a decline punctuated by his party’s shocking loss in the Massachusetts special election. Why? (SNIP) But Obama’s problems are more than a question of style. There is doubt aroused on substance. He sets deadlines and then lets too many pass. He announces a strategic review of Afghanistan, describing it as “a war of necessity,” only to become less sure to the point that he didn’t even seem committed to the policy that he finally announced. As for changing politics in Washington, he assigned the drafting of central legislative programs not to cabinet departments or White House staff but to the Democratic congressional leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, the very people so mistrusted by the public. Who could be surprised that the critical bills—the stimulus program and healthcare—degenerated under a welter of pork and earmarks that had so outraged the American public in the past? [Billionaire Zuckerman continues his rants against the guy he voted for, for hope and change. Makes me wonder how someone who has been able to amassed such a fortune was so stupid when it came to this phony charlatan…ed]

Campaign finance ruling: Can Congress do anything?

While many Republicans on Capitol Hill hailed this week’s Supreme Court 5-4 decision striking down restrictions on corporate spending on political campaigns, Democrats are ramping up measures to curb its impact. For majority Democrats, it’s yet another urgent agenda item heading into a charged election season. “This disastrous decision paves the way for free and unlimited special-interest spending in our elections,” said Sen. Charles Schumer (D) of New York at a briefing with Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D) of Maryland on Thursday. “We will not let this decision go unchallenged,” The two lawmakers chair their party’s campaign organizations in the Senate and House. They aim “to re-implement the ban on corporate spending or modify it in a significant way,” Schumer said. [Obama has spent the better part of two years ripping American corporations and Congressional Democrats are crapping their pants over what’s coming from these companies in the way of political payback in the upcoming election season. Fun to watch indeed…ed]

Public Agrees With Court: Campaign Money Is “Free Speech”

Americans’ broad views about corporate spending in elections generally accord with the Supreme Court’s decision Thursday that abolished some decades-old restrictions on corporate political activity. Fifty-seven percent of Americans consider campaign donations to be a protected form of free speech, and 55% say corporate and union donations should be treated the same way under the law as donations from individuals are. [Proving once again Democrats are out of touch with how the American people feel about the issues…ed]

Wall Street has its worst week in a year

Wall Street tumbled to its biggest weekly loss in nearly a year Friday as concerns about proposed bank regulations continued to weigh on that sector. All of the major indexes fell at least 2 percent Friday, and there were significant losses in financial stocks. Bank of America and Goldman Sachs were down 3.7 percent and 4.2 percent, respectively. American Express’s stock fell 8 percent even after the financial giant reported Thursday that its fourth-quarter net income had more than doubled to $716 million. [Nice, Obama comes out with his “new rules” and investors lose a ton of money. I’m still waiting for the spin from this administration that this crash was Bush’s fault…ed]

Obama has suspicious number of letter-writing fans named ‘Ellie Light’

Ellie Light sure gets around. In recent weeks, Light has published virtually identical “Letters to the Editor” in support of President Barack Obama in more than a dozen newspapers.Every letter claimed a different residence for Light that happened to be in the newspaper’s circulation area. “It’s time for Americans to realize that governing is hard work, and that a president can’t just wave a magic wand and fix everything,” said a letter from alleged Philadelphian Ellie Light, that was published in the Jan. 19 edition of The Philadelphia Daily News. [I would like to know how this letter managed to make it into so many newspaper “letter to the editor” sections because we all know how difficult it is for anyone to get their missives printed let alone the same “person” in so many different publications. (over 50 so far as near as I can tell) Be sure to read the email exchanges between the reporter and “Ellie” at the conclusion of this very interesting article. More info on this here…ed]

It’s Time to ‘Roll Back’ Liberalism

America: the time has come to roll back liberalism. This was the best week for conservatism in modern memory. On Tuesday, Scott Brown won a tremendous victory for the Republican Party in his Massachusetts Senate race. On Thursday, the Supreme Court handed down a decision more important to the Constitution than any it has handed down in decades. The case, entitled Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, dealt with Citizens United’s “Hillary: The Movie,” a 2008 documentary highly critical of the then-Democratic presidential candidate. [It has been a mighty fine week for conservatives and America: we got a Republican Senator from Mass. elected, the McCain-Feingold idiocy struck down, we killed the “progressives'” plan for the governmental takeover of our healthcare system, we saw Obama make an ass out of himself in Ohio, and watched as the uber left wing Air America radio program bit the dust…ed]

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ZoNation: The Liberal Healthcare Reform BS Will Not Be Televised

Gotta love the ‘fro!

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Democrat Arlen Specter Goes Asshat On Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann

Had a Republican Senator gone off on a Democrat Congresswoman like this old fool Arlen Specter did to Michele Bachmann it would be all over the lamestream media until he was forced to resign. Every womans’ lib organization in the country would have come out of the woodwork protesting in front of the guy’s office, marching in the streets and raising hell until the man had little choice but to step down.

But when it comes to a Democrat man demeaning a Republican woman, you can rest assured you won’t hear a word about it unless you happen to catch Fox NEWS or listen to talk radio.
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1984 Music Video Features Scott Brown's Wife Gail Huff

Admittedly the “music” in this video will likely make you hurl but I think we can all pretty much agree that Scott Brown, the newly elected Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Massachusetts, sure knew what he was looking for when he bumped into this flat bellied hottie way back in the day.
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More Barack Hussein Obama Hypocrisy

It’s almost like he was describing his administration and the Democrat controlled Congress four years ago doesn’t it?

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Dick Morris: Obama Will Not Be Able To Pass ANY Piece Of Major Legislation

Dick Morris, who knows a thing or two about Democrat presidents, made an appearance on Fox and Friends this morning and declared that Barack Hussein Obama will not be able to pass ANY piece of major legislation after Republican Scott Brown was elected U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, the first Republican Senator to come along in that bluest of blue states in 38 years.

If Morris is correct that would indeed be an outstanding situation for this country!

….the message is, any Republican can beat any Democrat any place any time now.

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Wednesday January 20th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

A revolution begins

It was – for the second time in Massachusetts history – the shot heard round the world, or at the very least from coast to coast and surely in the halls of Congress. Scott Brown won this one fair and square with his down-to-earth charm, his hard work and his forthright position on issues – and with the help of that much-disparaged by the opposition pick-up truck. But it is also true that Brown was the right candidate at the right time with the right message. And it’s that message that the White House and congressional Democrats can no longer ignore. After all, if the people of Massachusetts can send a Republican to the U.S. Senate to fill the seat Ted Kennedy had a lock on for 47 years, then the revolution has indeed begun. [Democrats all over the country will be skidding in their own crap scrambling to sprint back to the center because the 3 to 1 ratio of Democrats over Republicans in Massachusetts shows their sorry asses are in some serious trouble now that the GOP owns one of the state’s Senate seats…ed]

Globe jumps the gun in online map goof

In a Dewey beats Truman blunder, posted an online map of Massachusetts voting results declaring Attorney General Martha Coakley the winner of yesterday’s U.S. Senate election. Whoops. There’s only one problem, guys – the polls were hours away from closing and Coakley was upended in a 5-point blockbuster by state Sen. Scott Brown (R-Wrentham). “It was a test on a tool and it meant nothing. I don’t know how these things happen,” said the executive assistant to the editor of [“Goof” my ass. The left wing lamestream media decided to stoop to new depths trying to help their candidate get elected and got caught…ed]

Dazed Democrats rethink entire strategy

Scott Brown has turned this town upside down. Usually, the tendency among political reporters and operatives alike is to overreact and overinterpret elections. And there are caveats to the stunner in Massachusetts. (SNIP) There is no way for Democrats to spin an upside to losing their 60th vote in the Senate. Without it, the health care bill that passed one month ago with 60 votes would go down today. [If Democrats can get their asses thrashed this badly in royal blue Massachusetts they can be beat anywhere in the land come November…ed]

Reid promises to press ahead on health care

Majority Leader Harry Reid says Senate Democrats will press ahead with President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul despite the loss of a Massachusetts Senate seat to a Republican. Speaking on the Senate floor Wednesday, Reid offered a list of Senate accomplishments last year, from the Cash for Clunkers program to expanding national service programs. He said in the coming year, the Senate would ensure all Americans affordable health care. [What’s that flushing sound I hear? Why it’s more tone deaf Democrat politicians’ careers getting flushed down the toilet I believe…ed]

Claire McCaskill: No forced Senate health care bill

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) has joined Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) in warning leaders not to try to push a revised health care reform bill through the Senate before newly elected Republican Scott Brown arrives. McCaskill said Wednesday morning that the agenda is “going too far, too fast” and that it would be a “huge mistake” for Democrats to force a vote on a new bill in the Senate before the new senator from Massachusetts is seated. “As I said to somebody last night:, everybody needs to get the Washington wax out of their ears and listen and pay attention that people out there believe that we are going too far, too fast,” McCaskill told POLITICO. [Let the previously mentioned skidding begin as the idiotic Democrats begin to figure out this Brown victory in Massachusetts and the GOP governorship victories in Virginia and New Jersey show we’re not interested in their left wing “progressive” agenda. Let’s keep the ball rolling all the way through until November!…ed]

Barbara Boxer’s Fundraising, Poll Numbers Spell Storm Clouds for Difficult 2010 Re-Election Campaign

Carly for California Deputy Campaign Manager for Communications Julie Soderlund today issued the following statement in response to news about Barbara Boxer’s fundraising in the last quarter of 2009: “Barbara Boxer should be a very worried incumbent senator today. Not only did Carly out-raise Boxer in just 60 days to the tune of 2 to 1, but the polls are showing that, going into a tough election year, Boxer can’t earn the support of more than a majority of voters and that Carly is within three points of beating her after just two and a half months in the race. [Massachusetts hadn’t elected a Republican U.S. Senator (and he was a liberal RINO who beat a conservative Democrat) in nearly four decades and come to think of it, neither has California. Let’s ‘hope’ that the voters in CA ‘change’ that fact in 10 months…ed]

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Hey Obama, How About YOU Practice Some Of What YOU Preach?

We’re right here Mr. Obama. The American people have spoken OVER and OVER again and “voted” on your “ObamaCare scheme” so maybe it’s time for YOU to save some face, realize you royally screwed up and put an end to your idiotic attempt to take over 1/6 of OUR economy behind the phony facade of reducing healthcare costs (it won’t) while providing healthcare insurance for everyone in this country (it won’t) and simply move along to something else we can hammer you over, you hypocrite!
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Friday January 15th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

The Fall of Obama

What went wrong? A year ago, he was king of the world. Now President Obama’s approval rating, according to CBS, has dropped to 46 percent — and his disapproval rating is the highest ever recorded by Gallup at the beginning of an (elected) president’s second year. A year ago, he was leader of a liberal ascendancy that would last 40 years (James Carville). A year ago, conservatism was dead (Sam Tanenhaus). Now the race to fill Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in bluest of blue Massachusetts is surprisingly close, with a virtually unknown state senator bursting on the scene by turning the election into a mini-referendum on Obama and his agenda, most particularly health care reform. [Center right America quickly lost its taste for ALL of the far left scumbags that have infested Washington DC including the phony baloney Barack Hussein Obama…ed]

The Myth That Keeps on Giving

The racial flap surrounding Harry Reid once again reveals the not-so-secret double-standard with regard to stupid racial comments: make one as a Republican and you’re toast, make one as a Democrat and it’s “time to move on to more important things.” How do Democrats get away with it? Besides an in-the-tank media willing to cover their behinds, Democrats have successfully maintained one of the biggest lies in American politics: they, and they alone, are the party looking out for black America’s interests. What interests? The maintenance of a victimist mentality and an expansion of the welfare state. In a sane world, the idea that helping people to remain dependent on government is something to be proud of, would be ridiculed for the insanity — make that racist insanity — it truly is. [Somebody had to say it…ed]

Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race

Riding a wave of opposition to Democratic health-care reform, GOP upstart Scott Brown is leading in the U.S. Senate race, raising the odds of a historic upset that would reverberate all the way to the White House, a new poll shows. Although Brown’s 4-point lead over Democrat Martha Coakley is within the Suffolk University/7News survey’s margin of error, the underdog’s position at the top of the results stunned even pollster David Paleologos. “It’s a Brown-out,” said Paleologos, director of Suffolk’s Political Research Center. “It’s a massive change in the political landscape.” The poll shows Brown, a state senator from Wrentham, besting Coakley, the state’s attorney general, by 50 percent to 46 percent, the first major survey to show Brown in the lead. [If we can prevent all the dead people and ACORN clowns from voting multiple times next Tuesday Scott Brown just might pull this off but I have a sneaking suspicion boxes full of ballots for the Democrat Coakley will start magically showing up in trunks of cars, polling place restrooms and warehouses all over the state. If the DemoCROOKS were able to pull it off for Franken get ready for the same type of shenanigans in Massachusetts…ed]

Report: Scott Brown raising $1 million a day this week

The news Web site The Daily Caller is reporting Republican Senate hopeful Scott Brown has raised at least $1 million every day this week, the bulk of which came from online donations. The report published yesterday cites “knowledgeable sources.” Brown spokesman Felix Browne issued the following statement about the report to the Herald: “Thanks to an outpouring of grassroots support, we have the ability to pay our bills and get our message out. We’ll report our finances at the appropriate time.” Brown is locked in a tight race with his Democratic rival Attorney General Martha Coakley heading into the special U.S. Senate election on Tuesday. [The rest of the country realizes how important a Brown victory is for America and they are speaking loudly by opening up their wallets…ed]

Massachusetts: ‘Bottom has fallen out’ of Coakley’s polls; Dems prepare to explain defeat, protect Obama

Here in Massachusetts, as well as in Washington, a growing sense of gloom is setting in among Democrats about the fortunes of Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley. “I have heard that in the last two days the bottom has fallen out of her poll numbers,” says one well-connected Democratic strategist. In her own polling, Coakley is said to be around five points behind Republican Scott Brown. “If she’s not six or eight ahead going into the election, all the intensity is on the other side in terms of turnout,” the Democrat says. “So right now, she is destined to lose.” [The Democrats have “owned” Massachusetts for so long there is a very good possibility they don’t have a very good, reliable cheating infrastructure in place so Brown very well may have an excellent chance of being the first Republican Senator from this state in decades…ed]

Martha Coakley’s Convictions

The story of the Amiraults of Massachusetts, and of the prosecution that had turned the lives of this thriving American family to dust, was well known to the world by the year 2001. It was well known, especially, to District Attorney Martha Coakley, who had by then arrived to take a final, conspicuous, role in a case so notorious as to assure that the Amiraults’ name would be known around the globe. The Amiraults were a busy, confident trio, grateful in the way of people who have found success after a life of hardship. Violet had reared her son Gerald and daughter Cheryl with help from welfare, and then set out to educate herself. The result was the triumph of her life—the Fells Acres school—whose every detail Violet scrutinized relentlessly. Not for nothing was the pre-school deemed by far the best in the area, with a long waiting list for admission. All of it would end in 1984, with accusations of sexual assault and an ever-growing list of parents signing their children on to the case. [Meet Scott Brown’s Democrat challenger Martha Coakley…ed]

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