[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]
We the people of the United States owe Scott Brown’s sup porters a huge debt of gratitude. They didn’t merely elect a senator. They ripped the façade off the Obama presidency. Just as Dorothy and Toto exposed the ordinary man behind the curtain in “The Wizard of Oz,” the voters in Massachusetts revealed that, in this White House, there is no there there. It’s all smoke and mirrors, bells and whistles, held together with glib talk, Chicago politics and an audacious sense of entitlement. At the center is a young and talented celebrity whose worldview, we now know, is an incoherent jumble of poses and big-government instincts. His self-aggrandizing ambition exceeds his ability by so much that he is making a mess of everything he touches. [Ouchy! Well I guess someone had to come along and write a column describing exactly how the majority of us feel about the empty suit thrust upon us by a bunch of unthinking inept dolts…ed]
White House nightmare persists
At the end of Barack Obama’s worst week since taking power a year ago, the US president’s fortunes look set only to deteriorate over the coming days. Following the shock defeat of the Democratic candidate in Massachusetts on Tuesday, a move that deprived the president of his 60-seat super-majority in the Senate and left his legislative agenda in tatters, Mr Obama has just four days to reboot the system. (SNIP) In short, Mr Obama’s nightmare January could easily slip into a nightmare February. “Unless and until the president changes the way his White House, works, things are going to continue to go badly for him,” says the head of a Democratic think-tank. “Heads still have to roll.” [The Nightmare For Most Americans Still Persists IN The White House. There, fixed the headline for ya there Mr. Luce…ed]
Obama Needs to Shift From Liberal Policies
Go back some decades, and it looked as if liberals were going to be the death of America. They wanted to take it really easy on criminals. They favored welfare programs that destroyed families. They backed foreign aid that buttressed tyrannies. Their way of dealing with enemies was unilateral disarmament. Still other proposals could have spent, taxed and regulated us into oblivion. The voters didn’t like all of this, the L-word became a curse, and so liberals went into something akin to a witness protection program. They changed their name to “progressives” and if they did not quite hide out, they became less obtrusive with some of their views. [We could only wish Obama was merely a “liberal.” Leopards don’t change their spots and neither will this guy or the people who control him. These people are desperate. Let’s just continue to hope we have our regularly schedule election in November…ed]
When Tolerance Trumps Principle
We were invited to dinner with friends and extended family. Wonderful company. Good food. Stimulating intellects. All was well…until the conversation brushed up against two “untouchables” in a Southern home: religion and politics. As the exchange heated and civility gave way to raw emotion, a timid family Democrat pleaded for tolerance, entreated both sides to lay down their verbal firearms, and then abandoned the dinner table in search of safe harbor and warm, fuzzy house cats. Relishing the beef tenderloin, I pondered the assets and liabilities of a tolerant society. [Another brilliant AmericanThinker.com article. “Tolerance is the pry bar by which the modern liberal moves boundaries.” Let that sink in for a moment…ed]
Who is Mark Spivey? Another Obama Astroturfer; UPDATED With Still More Astroturfing
I joined a Facebook group called “Who is Ellie Light?” This morning I was invited to join a new group: “Who is Mark Spivey?” Who is Mark Spivey? I know only this: that he is the author of this pro-Obama letter that has appeared in numerous publications: [First we had “Ellie Light” writing fawning letters to the editors that were published in at least 62 different newspapers around the country (and who’s email IP came back as originating from Saudi Arabia!) now we have a newly discovered “Mark Spivey” situation. So when do ya suspect the lamestream media will catch up to the New Media and look into what the hell is going on here?…ed]