[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]
Poll: Fox most trusted name in news
Fox is the most trusted television news network in the country, according to a new poll out Tuesday. A Public Policy Polling nationwide survey of 1,151 registered voters Jan. 18-19 found that 49 percent of Americans trusted Fox News, 10 percentage points more than any other network. Thirty-seven percent said they didn’t trust Fox, also the lowest level of distrust that any of the networks recorded. [A left wing polling group does asks who Americans trust most when it comes to their news source and they put Fox NEWS on top. Hey Obama and crew, stick that in your pipes and smoke it…ed]
Licking the hand that feeds us
Somewhere along the way we forgot that without brains connected to it, the heart does more harm than good. We forgot that human beings have a certain nature, and, without the natural rewards and punishments the world imposes upon that nature, people often degenerate into a state of selfishness, immorality and hopelessness. Hope and change, therefore, will come when we put brains back into the equation. It’s time to add back the brains. The biggest problem we face in America today isn’t terrorism, scarsity of resources or out of control immigration. It certainly isn’t the environment or so-called global warming. It isn’t even our president, the Congress or the Supreme Court. We the people, after all, elect them or they are appointed by those whom we elect. No, our government along with all the rest are merely symptoms of the real problem. [GREAT article, pass it on to all you know…ed]
ACORN ‘gotcha’ man arrested in attempt to tamper with Mary Landrieu’s office phones
Alleging a plot to tamper with phones in Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s office in the Hale Boggs Federal Building in downtown New Orleans, the FBI arrested four people Monday, including James O’Keefe, 25, a conservative filmmaker whose undercover videos at ACORN field offices severely damaged the advocacy group’s credibility. Also arrested were Joseph Basel, Stan Dai and Robert Flanagan, all 24. Flanagan is the son of William Flanagan, who is the acting U.S. attorney for the Western District of Louisiana. All four men were charged with entering federal property under false pretenses with the intent of committing a felony. [The lamestream media pretty much completely ignored O’Keefe exposing ACORN for the criminal organization it is so it outta be interesting how they try and make a big deal about his arrest considering their readers and viewers know next to nothing about the scandal he uncovered…ed]
An Interview With Andrew Breitbart About The O’Keefe Arrest
I interviewed Andrew Breitbart about the arrest of James O’Keefe: HH: Joined now by Andrew Breitbart of www.biggovernment.com and www.bigjournalism.com, who’s name will be in big, big print in many newspapers tomorrow as the man whose videos he published at Big Government is under arrest in Louisiana. Andrew, what is going on?
AB: Well, your guess is as good as mine. We’re reading the same Associated Press copy out there. The first I heard of it was an e-mail early this afternoon from the Times-Picayune asking for my comment on it. I have not heard from anyone. I’ve issued a statement that I could read to you that in essence says I had no prior knowledge of any of this stuff, and I know nothing, quite frankly about this, and I’m going to wait until I hear from someone with information here. There’s obviously an attempt to use this for political purposes right now, and I see that Media Matters is referring to this group of gentlemen who were arrested as “Breitbart’s Crew.” I’ve looked at all four of the names…
HH: That’s slanderous, by the way. [The left wingers are already slanderously trying to pin whatever O’Keefe was up to on conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart. Hugh Hewitt got out in front of this nonsense yesterday…ed]
Tri-Staters Not In Love With ‘New’ Obama
President Barack Obama plans to use his state of the union address to “reconnect” with the middle class. Some say it’s an open admission to many here in the tri-state area that he has failed to feel our pain and our needs. From his war on the banks — the lifeblood of the metropolitan area economy — to his health care reform which could cost taxpayers here over $1 billion, President Obama’s policies have sent a strong message to the tri-state area that Washington doesn’t care about the middle class. [Perhaps the aggrieved people in the tri state area could begin feeling much better by tossing out all of the loony liberals they’ve voted into office for decades and start over again…ed]
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