CNN's Cafferty: Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Arrogance Is "Breathtaking" Updated: 1-30-10

The numbers are in and they are huge.

You may recall that Nancy Pelosi took a huge group of government officials, including many Congressmen with their spouses and in some cases their children, along for a cozy taxpayer funded free ride on a couple of Air Force jets to the utterly useless, stupid and ridiculous “climate change summit” in Copenhagen Denmark last month.

Or you may not recall since most of the lamestream media didn’t bother to make much of an issue of it.

Well CBS News did some snooping around and puts the number of people who made the trip at a bit north of 100 with the cost coming in at over one million United States taxpayer dollars for the two day party.–Thanks to recently filed Congressional expense reports there’s new light shed on the Copenhagen Climate Summit in Denmark and how much it cost taxpayers.

CBS News Investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports official filings and our own investigation show at least 106 people from the House and Senate attended – spouses, a doctor, a protocol expert and even a photographer.

For 15 Democratic and 6 Republican Congressmen, food and rooms for two nights cost $4,406 tax dollars each. That’s $2,200 a day – more than most Americans spend on their monthly mortgage payment.

CBS News asked members of Congress and staff about whether they’re mindful that it’s public tax dollars they’re spending. Many said they had never even seen the bills or the expense reports. (SNIP)

Total hotel, meeting rooms and “a couple” of $1,000-a-night hospitality suites topped $400,000.

Flights weren’t cheap, either. Fifty-nine House and Senate staff flew commercial during the Copenhagen rush. They paid government rates — $5-10,000 each — totaling $408,064. Add three military jets — $168,351 just for flight time — and the bill tops $1.1 million dollars — not including all the Obama administration officials who attended: well over 60….

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Wednesday January 27th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

Poll: Fox most trusted name in news

Fox is the most trusted television news network in the country, according to a new poll out Tuesday. A Public Policy Polling nationwide survey of 1,151 registered voters Jan. 18-19 found that 49 percent of Americans trusted Fox News, 10 percentage points more than any other network. Thirty-seven percent said they didn’t trust Fox, also the lowest level of distrust that any of the networks recorded. [A left wing polling group does asks who Americans trust most when it comes to their news source and they put Fox NEWS on top. Hey Obama and crew, stick that in your pipes and smoke it…ed]

Licking the hand that feeds us

Somewhere along the way we forgot that without brains connected to it, the heart does more harm than good. We forgot that human beings have a certain nature, and, without the natural rewards and punishments the world imposes upon that nature, people often degenerate into a state of selfishness, immorality and hopelessness. Hope and change, therefore, will come when we put brains back into the equation. It’s time to add back the brains. The biggest problem we face in America today isn’t terrorism, scarsity of resources or out of control immigration. It certainly isn’t the environment or so-called global warming. It isn’t even our president, the Congress or the Supreme Court. We the people, after all, elect them or they are appointed by those whom we elect. No, our government along with all the rest are merely symptoms of the real problem. [GREAT article, pass it on to all you know…ed]

ACORN ‘gotcha’ man arrested in attempt to tamper with Mary Landrieu’s office phones

Alleging a plot to tamper with phones in Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s office in the Hale Boggs Federal Building in downtown New Orleans, the FBI arrested four people Monday, including James O’Keefe, 25, a conservative filmmaker whose undercover videos at ACORN field offices severely damaged the advocacy group’s credibility. Also arrested were Joseph Basel, Stan Dai and Robert Flanagan, all 24. Flanagan is the son of William Flanagan, who is the acting U.S. attorney for the Western District of Louisiana. All four men were charged with entering federal property under false pretenses with the intent of committing a felony. [The lamestream media pretty much completely ignored O’Keefe exposing ACORN for the criminal organization it is so it outta be interesting how they try and make a big deal about his arrest considering their readers and viewers know next to nothing about the scandal he uncovered…ed]

An Interview With Andrew Breitbart About The O’Keefe Arrest

I interviewed Andrew Breitbart about the arrest of James O’Keefe: HH: Joined now by Andrew Breitbart of and, who’s name will be in big, big print in many newspapers tomorrow as the man whose videos he published at Big Government is under arrest in Louisiana. Andrew, what is going on?

AB: Well, your guess is as good as mine. We’re reading the same Associated Press copy out there. The first I heard of it was an e-mail early this afternoon from the Times-Picayune asking for my comment on it. I have not heard from anyone. I’ve issued a statement that I could read to you that in essence says I had no prior knowledge of any of this stuff, and I know nothing, quite frankly about this, and I’m going to wait until I hear from someone with information here. There’s obviously an attempt to use this for political purposes right now, and I see that Media Matters is referring to this group of gentlemen who were arrested as “Breitbart’s Crew.” I’ve looked at all four of the names…
HH: That’s slanderous, by the way. [The left wingers are already slanderously trying to pin whatever O’Keefe was up to on conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart. Hugh Hewitt got out in front of this nonsense yesterday…ed]

Tri-Staters Not In Love With ‘New’ Obama

President Barack Obama plans to use his state of the union address to “reconnect” with the middle class. Some say it’s an open admission to many here in the tri-state area that he has failed to feel our pain and our needs. From his war on the banks — the lifeblood of the metropolitan area economy — to his health care reform which could cost taxpayers here over $1 billion, President Obama’s policies have sent a strong message to the tri-state area that Washington doesn’t care about the middle class. [Perhaps the aggrieved people in the tri state area could begin feeling much better by tossing out all of the loony liberals they’ve voted into office for decades and start over again…ed]

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Jon Stewart Slaps Obama Over Use Of Teleprompters In Sixth Grade Classroom

While many in the conservative blogosphere jumped all over this occasion to hammer Obama for using teleprompters while yapping with sixth grade kids in their classroom, reality tells us that he and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan had actually sat down with the students and their teacher at Graham Road Elementary School in Falls Church, Virginia before the infamous TOTUS session making the rounds all over the internet. That said, how freakin lame dragging the presidential podium, the carpeted presidential seal and the omnipresent teleprompters into a classroom to babble on about how much taxpayer money he plans to blow on his “Race To The Top” program for school children that we know won’t receive anywhere near the amount of media scrutiny and derision that George W. Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” gameplan did.

And the video that got everyone all worked up into a frenzy?

…we’re going to raise the bar for all students and take bigger steps towards closing the achievement gap that denies so many students, especially black and latino students, a fair shot at their dreams…

Tell me again which political party really keeps black and latino kids from “realizing their dreams” in this country?

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Newsmax/Zogby Poll: Scott Brown Could Beat Obama If Presidential Election Held Today

It just keeps getting better for Barack Hussein Obama as a Newsmax/Zogby poll shows that if a presidential election were held today, brand spanking new but not even sworn in yet U.S. Senator from Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown very well could beat the current disaster in chief in a head to head matchup. Ouch.

This comes on the heels of another recent poll showing that after only one year in office and starting out with some of the highest approval numbers of any newly elected president, the majority of Americans would vote against a second term for Obama if the 2012 election were held today. Ouch again.

What a perfect occasion to introduce Glenn McCoy’s most recent and very appropriate cartoon…

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WWII Veteran Writes A Letter To Mr. Obama

Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, meet Mr. Harold B. Estes a 95 year old retired U.S. Navy Master Chief Boatswain’s Mate with 23 years of service to our country under his belt. Apparently this man is not very happy with your performance as a president nor the direction you are trying to take this country.

Clearly there are millions of Americans who feel the same way as Mr. Estes which would explain the Democrats getting their asses handed to them in New Jersey, Virginia and now Massachusetts not to mention their trailing badly in several other Congressional races all over the country.
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Tuesday January 26th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

Indonesia mulls tearing down Obama statue

Indonesian authorities said Monday they are considering a petition to tear down a statue of US President Barack Obama as a boy, only a month after the bronze was unveiled in Jakarta. The statue of “Little Barry” — as Obama was known when he lived in the capital in the late 1960s — stands in central Jakarta’s Menteng Park, a short walk from the US president’s former elementary school. Critics say the site should have been used to honour an Indonesian and 55,000 people have joined a page on social networking website Facebook calling for the statue to be removed. [The world’s love affair with the light skinned fellow with no discernible negro dialect is starting to fall apart as the largest muslim country in the world is getting ready to pull down little Barry’s statue only a month after they threw the thing up…ed]

Why Is Obama Acting So Weird?

here are two explanations (maybe more) for the White House’s eerie indifference to all the available evidence concerning their own shoddy performance and the public’s reaction to the same, which has resulted in losses in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts and sent many Democrats fleeing from the 2010 races. There is the Out-to-Lunch explanation. Fred Barnes observes:

Months of polls on the president and his policies, the Virginia and New Jersey governor’s elections, then last week’s momentous Massachusetts Senate race – all have sent the blunt message to Obama that, for now, he’s lost. But Obama and his team insist on pretending it’s not true. This is a bad sign. One of the important tests of a president, especially a relatively new one like Obama, is how he deals with a serious setback. Does he respond rationally and realistically? In Obama’s case, the answer is no.”

Sounds like the Democrats need to stage an intervention if the president is that immune to evidence. [It ain’t an act. I think the guy really is seriously weird…ed]

Liberals tune out Mass. message

My favorite e-mail after Scott Brown’s stunning Senate victory: “Can You Hear Us NOW?” Answer from Team Obama: “We Know – You Love Us!” There’s a point where blind arrogance becomes comic, and we passed the punch line long ago. Check out this headline from the Boston Globe-Democrat: The Message: Loud But Not So Clear.” Not clear to whom? Bad policies and even worse politics drove this blue state to replace Ted Kennedy with a fiscally-conservative Republican. It wasn’t exactly a subtle message. [Arrogant liberals can’t be bothered with what the little people have to say. They have an agenda and they will continue to push it by hook or crook because they think we are simply too stupid to know what’s best for us. All we have to do is continue to pay close attention to what they are up to and hold em off til November then work on getting the one termer out of office come 2012…ed]

Bayh’s Prognosis: Democrats Must Move to the Middle

Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana, the very embodiment of calm understatement, seems an unlikely character to play the role of scold. But in recent weeks—particularly after last week’s Massachusetts mauling—he has been scolding his Democratic Party, and sternly. His message: Democrats and their president need to move decisively to the political center and root themselves there by showing they are serious about controlling spending and the deficit, which angry mainstream voters see as the real sign that Washington is out of touch. Thus, while many Democrats complain that the Obama administration’s problems arise because it hasn’t been aggressive enough in pursuing a liberal agenda, Mr. Bayh arises to make the opposite case. [It is my sincere desire that the Democrat party leadership, the far left fringe in Congress and Barack Hussein Obama do NOT listen to Evan Bayh. We have a great game plan in place for a bunch of these peeps come November…ed]

CNN Poll: Most Americans applaud Democrats’ loss of supermajority

Americans are divided on whether Democratic control of Congress is good for the country, according to a new national poll. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday also indicates that 7 in 10 Americans believe that the Democrats’ loss of their 60 seat supermajority in the Senate is a positive move for the country. Forty-five percent of people questioned in the poll said Democratic control of Congress is a good thing, with 48 percent disagreeing. The margin is within the survey’s sampling error. But the results are a shift from last June, when 50 percent felt that Democratic control of both chambers of Congress was good and 41 percent felt it was bad for the country. (SNIP) “The poll provides more evidence of the dwindling appeal of the Democratic party in the wake of last week’s special election in Massachusetts,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “Fewer Americans have a favorable view of the Democrats, and fewer support Democratic control on Capitol Hill.” [Yeah, I’d say the TAXPAYERS in this country are sick and tired of the never ending stream of government programs created and enacted by the Democrats for the benefit of those who merely vote for a living…ed]

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SC Lt Gov Andre Bauer: Political Correctness Is Killing Our Country

“For the first time in the history of this country we have more people VOTING for a living than WORKING for a living….”
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Monday January 25th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

Obama’s Second Coming

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) popped a surprise on the Republican Conference in their January 20 meeting. President Obama had accepted his invitation to appear at their Baltimore retreat scheduled for January 29, two days after the State of the Union speech. According to several dismayed conservative members that attended the meeting and sought me out in the two days that followed, North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx asked Boehner whose idea it was and was told it was “the leadership.” When Foxx pressed him on precisely who among the leadership came up with the idea, Boehner demurred. So what is the point to the invitation? [WHAT IN THE HELL are the Republicans thinking with this stupid move? You have the most radical whackjob this country has probably ever seen occupying our Oval Office on the ropes after serious ass kickings in big blue New Jersey, Obama supporting Virginia and the most leftist state in the union Massachusetts and you invite him to appear at your “retreat?” Time for some new leadership in the GOP, like yesterday!…ed]

White House to take new shot at health care reform despite Massachusetts setback, aide says

The White House isn’t about to pull the plug on heath care reform, aides said Sunday, although they acknowledged their job now is determining “the art of the possible.” “It’s very clear, people don’t want us to walk away from health care,” David Axelrod, a senior Obama adviser, told ABC News’ “This Week.” “They want us to address their concerns with the program.” [WOW, just wow! Talk about not getting the message! “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”-Albert Einstein…ed]

Damned If They Do .  .  .

In the wake of the stunning debacle (in their view) in the Bay State last Tuesday, Democrats find themselves with two thrilling alternatives: They can drop their unread and unreadable 2,200-page monstrosity of a health care reform bill and be labeled as wimps, jerks, and hapless losers who wasted a year and couldn’t deliver. Or, they can try to ram the Senate bill through the House (which hates most of it) in order to pass a bill that two-thirds of the country now loathes with a passion. They can either jump off the ship or stay on and sink with it. Either way, they end up in the drink. There’s an interesting split among Democrats as to which courses to take. Those edging their way toward the lifeboats are those members of the House and Senate who sooner or later have to be in touch with the voters. [The far left fringe that has a lock on the White House and leadership positions within Congress have been slapped down and since they are insane they WILL NOT give up this fight under any circumstances. FTA: “They see Scott Brown’s win solely in the context of breaking the Senate supermajority, of being a technical glitch that requires a slight recalibration, not as the eruption of a national grassroots rebellion that has been brewing for months.” They don’t and won’t ever “get it”…ed]

Democrats’ Bush-bashing strategy goes bust

After three consecutive losses in statewide races, some top Democrats are questioning a tactic aimed at boosting the party’s candidates in each of those contests: Bush-bashing. Running as much against the Bush White House as he was running against Sen. John McCain, Barack Obama easily carried Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts in 2008. Yet when Democratic nominees for governor in Virginia and New Jersey and for Senate in Massachusetts sought to tie their GOP opponents to the still-unpopular former president, the strategy didn’t resonate. Voters were more focused on the current administration or local political issues — and the onetime Democratic magic formula seemed yesterday’s news. [Most of the people who have had their homes foreclosed on and are now unemployed were doing just fine when Bush was president. The wheels didn’t really start falling off the damn bus until this Obama crew came along to “fundamentally transform this nation as we know it”…ed]

Democrats exiting the sinking ship? Part 19: Delaware

Beau Biden has decided to run for reelection as attorney general of Delaware rather than run for the remainder of the term of the Senate seat that was held by his father Vice President Joe Biden for 36 years. Republican Congressman-at-Large Mike Castle, who has declared for the seat and who has held statewide office for 30 years, is now the heavy favorite to win the seat in a state the Obama-Biden ticket carried by a 62%-37% margin. [President Obama’s former Senate seat has a good chance of going to the GOP as does vice president Biden’s and Senate Leader Harry Reid’s. But don’t worry folks, the Democrats will tell you it’s because Americans are still pissed off at George W. Bush and this has nothing to do with their and Obama’s lousy performance in office…ed]

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Barack Hussein Obama: I AM The Tax Man!

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Humor Leave a comment

How Can You NOT Like Guns?

Catchy little tune…

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