Barack Hussein Obama's Never Ending Litany Of Lies To The American People Marches On

“I’m not an ideologue. I’m not!”

Ideologue: an often blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology.

Not an ideologue huh Barry?–In the following list, senators are assigned liberal scores for their roll-call votes on key economic, social and foreign policy issues during 2007. The scores on each scale are given as percentiles. The composite score measures votes across all three issue areas. You can sort the ratings from highest to lowest liberal score across all categories or alphabetically by name. [OK, will do…ed]

Wow, look who was the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate in 2007 just before he started his George Soros backed campaign for president!

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Friday January 29th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

Genealogist: Obama, Mass. Sen.-elect Brown related

It was bad enough that President Barack Obama lost his filibuster-proof margin in the U.S. Senate to a Republican. Now it turns out he also lost it to a relative. Genealogists said Friday that the Democratic president and the newly elected senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, are 10th cousins. The New England Historic Genealogical Society said Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, and Brown’s mother, Judith Ann Rugg, both descend from Richard Singletary of Haverhill, Mass. [Somehow all of Obama’s supporters will twist this little nugget to say that the election of Republican Scott Brown was indeed a vote by the citizens of Massachusetts for him and his policies…ed]

Obama Faces New Pressure to Try Terror Suspects in Military Tribunal

As the Justice Department searches for a new venue to hold the trial of confessed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, critics are pouncing on the Obama administration’s steadfast refusal to consider a military tribunal to bring the terror suspect and his four alleged accomplices to justice. The administration’s critics say moving the trial to a different venue isn’t the solution. They maintain that the terror suspects, who were captured on foreign soil and are being held at the military prison in Guantanamo, shouldn’t be brought to the U.S. at all. “They belong in a military installation — Guantanamo would be an ideal location,” Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y. said of Mohammed and his four alleged accomplices. “… there is no community in the country that should have this foisted upon them,” King told Fox News. “I said then, I say now, the president’s decision, the attorney general’s decision to hold these trials in New York … was the most irresponsible decision any president has ever made.” [Obama’s challenge will be to order the moving of this trial to a military installation like Gitmo where it should have taken place anyway, then try and convince everyone it was his brilliant idea to do so while leaving his AG Holder hanging in the wind…ed]

White House Panic Week Yields No Change in Direction

Barack Obama’s Panic Week has come and gone, but did his White House learn anything from the historic repudiation of his leftist agenda? Putting the question another way, has Obama made the necessary course corrections or is he still refusing to hear the message that America is sending him so loudly and clearly? Given the Democratic Party’s stunning defeat in Massachusetts, its November losses in New Jersey and Virginia and its increasingly bleak 2010 electoral prospects, one would think Obama has no choice but to follow the route Bill Clinton took to the right sixteen years ago when he stared down similar circumstances. With the exception of passing his so-called economic stimulus bill, Obama has been unable to get any major legislation through the U.S. Congress – this despite the presence of a sizeable Democratic majority in the House and (until recently) a filibuster-proof Democratic super-majority in the Senate. [The real danger to this country is not Barack Obama but a voting citizenry willing to trust someone like him with the most powerful position in America if not the world. As a country we CAN survive this arrogant marxist and his merry band of like mined whackjobs. What does threaten America’s survival is this insane group of people willing to enthusiastically vote others just like him into office…ed]

Where Clinton Turned Right, Obama Plowed Ahead

When President Bill Clinton faced a Republican uprising and a nation that turned deeply skeptical about his agenda, he used the 1996 State of the Union address to declare that “the era of big government is over.” That move to the middle — arguably more rhetoric than reality — stopped Newt Gingrich’s Republican Revolution in its tracks. So why did President Barack Obama go a different route on Wednesday night, giving little ground and declaring that the problem was not his agenda but a deficit of trust in government and of pragmatism? If there was a defining line in Mr. Obama’s speech, it might have been “Let’s try common sense,” to which he ad-libbed, “a novel concept.” [He not only plowed ahead but showed up as a guest at the Baltimore area Republican retreat and chewed their asses for not going with the program!…ed]

President Obama rumbles with House GOP

President Barack Obama on Friday accused Republicans of portraying health care reform as a “Bolshevik plot” and telling their constituents that he’s “doing all kinds of crazy stuff that’s going to destroy America.” Speaking to House Republicans at their annual policy retreat here, Obama said that over-the-top GOP attacks on him and his agenda have made it virtually impossible for Republicans to address the nation’s problems in a bipartisan way. “What happens is that you guys don’t have a lot of room to negotiate with me,” Obama said. “The fact of the matter is, many of you, if you voted with the administration on something, are politically vulnerable with your own base, with your own party because what you’ve been telling your constituents is, ‘This guy’s doing all kinds of crazy stuff that’s going to destroy America.’ ” [The Republicans handed Obama a stack of proposals that they have tried to introduce in Congress only to have the Democrat leaders ignore them. Naturally this arrogant narcissist will take the suggestions and do the same very thing. He could care less what those who oppose his agenda have to say and if you aren’t on board with the program you are merely the enemy in his eyes…ed]

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Democrat Senator Ben Nelson's New Campaign Strategy: Show Me The Money Baby!

You may recall Nebraska Democrat Senator Ben Nelson provided the controversial and critical 60th vote in December to pass ObamaCare in exchange for a sweet deal from Senate Leader and Democrat Harry Reid. That deal? The state of Nebraska would never have to pay it’s share of the increased Medicaid costs in the bill that was dumped on every other state in the union. Needless to say there has been one hell of a backlash against Nelson for his “Cornhusker Kickback” even from Nebraska residents who would have benefited from the deal.

Now that he is taking a beating in the polls back home following his decisive vote on the ObamaCare bill that nearly two thirds of Americans do NOT want he is trying to backtrack as best he can while also attempting to save face with his Democrat supporters in Nebraska. A game of political Twister if you will.

Word on the street is Nelson has been working on a new campaign ad aimed at explaining to the voters what was on his mind when he allowed Reid to buy him off and I happened to come across a copy of it. Whether this will be the final product or not is apparently still up in the air but it’s worth spending a couple of minutes to check it out.
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Foreign Policy Mag Compares Barack Obama To One Termer Jimmy Carter

“Barack Obama might yet revolutionize America’s foreign policy. But if he can’t reconcile his inner Thomas Jefferson with his inner Woodrow Wilson, the 44th U.S. president could end up like No. 39.”

Sponsors... article continues below...— Neither a cold-blooded realist nor a bleeding-heart idealist, Barack Obama has a split personality when it comes to foreign policy. So do most U.S. presidents, of course, and the ideas that inspire this one have a long history at the core of the American political tradition. In the past, such ideas have served the country well. But the conflicting impulses influencing how this young leader thinks about the world threaten to tear his presidency apart — and, in the worst scenario, turn him into a new Jimmy Carter.

Obama’s long deliberation over the war in Afghanistan is a case study in presidential schizophrenia: After 94 days of internal discussion and debate, he ended up splitting the difference — rushing in more troops as his generals wanted, while calling for their departure to begin in July 2011 as his liberal base demanded. It was a sober compromise that suggests a man struggling to reconcile his worldview with the weight of inherited problems. Like many of his predecessors, Obama is not only buffeted by strong political headwinds, but also pulled in opposing directions by two of the major schools of thought that have guided American foreign-policy debates since colonial times…..

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Nancy Pelosi: Screw You America! ObamaCare Is Coming Whether You Want It Or Not

“We’ll go through the gate. If the gate’s closed we’ll go over the fence. If the fence is too high we’ll pole vault in. If that doesn’t work we’ll parachute in but we’re going to get healthcare reform passed for the American peo…..”

In other words this horrible woman will do whatever it takes to cram ObamaCare down your throat whether you like it or not folks!
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Rush Limbaugh: Hey Obama, Karl Marx And Saul Alinsky Are NOT Our Founding Fathers

I fully realize Rush Limbaugh gets the panties of virtually all liberals in such a knot that they literally self asphyxiate but he just couldn’t help himself today as he takes a few moments out of his busy schedule to give Barack a little fatherly ♥ to ♥.

So, let the unconsciousness begin….

…you have the longest enemies list of anybody I’ve ever known. These people are not your enemies though Barack, they are Americans. They are part of our country. THEY are part of what makes this nation work.

You are NOT. You have nothing to do and have had nothing to do with this nations’ greatness. You can’t lay claim to greatness on any scale not even rhetorically. You have no direct relationship to the greatness of this country. YOU are damaging the possibility of further greatness….

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Off the Wall , 1 Comment

Thursday January 28th

[Please note: links to news articles and accompanying headlines and text were valid and accurate at the time of posting but content often changes or is deleted by the original publishers for reasons they feel are warranted…ed]

State of the Union: A Feisty Obama, a Frosty GOP

Stand-up comics call it a “tough crowd,” but then tough crowds are part of their business. It’s a whole other matter to be met with cold stares when you are the President of the United States, talking in prime time before a joint session of Congress, when your party controls both chambers by historic margins. President Obama spoke the first 676 words of his State of the Union address on Wednesday night before the first hand clap. His tone was so somber, and the room’s mood so grave, that no one moved when Obama said, “We must answer history’s call.” There were no ovations when he called for “Democrats and Republicans to work through our differences, to overcome the numbing weight of our problems.” He got no love for saying, “The worst of the storm has passed.” [What has this country come to when even starts ridiculing our seriously weak ass president?…ed]

The Lesson of an Affirmative Action President

You don’t pick brain surgeons by the color of their skin. You pick them by competence only. Same thing with airplane pilots. But we have allowed the profoundly irrational liberal media to persuade the American public that we are supposed to pick a U.S. president by affirmative action. Obama was elected to universal Hosannas because he is black. It wasn’t a secret. That’s why the Left around the world went into ecstasies when Obama ran and got elected. We’ve been using affirmative action to hire and promote teachers and cops and to popularize movie stars and media heroes. (SNIP) In America today, competence is suspect, and incompetence gets all the attention. Yet competence is what keeps us alive. [Awesome piece of writing! The author takes a machete to just about every left wing sacred cow wandering towards the feed bin including their holiest of all, affirmative action. A must read indeed…ed]

The President Who Knew He Was Right

Last December, President Obama, while chatting with Oprah, conferred upon himself a “good, solid B-plus” for his first year. The self-indulgent auto-grading continued this week. Carefully seated beneath a painting of a pensive Abraham Lincoln, Obama told Diane Sawyer of ABC News that he would “rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president.” Perhaps what’s most striking about his self-grading is that he appears to consider it modest. He could have given himself an A-plus in the Oprah interview, after all. “I don’t want to look back on my time here and say to myself all I was interested in was nurturing my own popularity,” he said to Sawyer. That’s very big of him. [Obama has no interest in considering the positions of those who disagree with him as evidenced by the fact he’s absolutely refused to meet with Republican Congressional leaders for months even though he claims he is willing to hear from all sides of any issue. He’s convinced of his righteousness and superiority over the rest of us because he has skated through life on the affirmative action, anti America far left wing ticket. Let’s keep up the pressure folks and cut this guy off at the pass every chance we have over the next three years. The party of no? We’ll be more like the party of HELL NO!…ed]

Matthews: ‘I forgot he was black tonight for an hour’

Chris Matthews has put his foot in his mouth before on live television, and after the State of the Union, he did it again. “I forgot he was black tonight for an hour,” Matthews said of President Barack Obama’s speech before a joint session of Congress and to millions of Americans. Matthews’s line about Obama’s skin color was part of a longer comment about the presidency and race that’s below. [Funny, I never concerned myself with the color of Mr. Obama’s skin (or his weird looking lips) though we do know he IS half white, a fact the “progressives” continue to ignore. My overwhelming concern is his radical left wing ideology which is in direct conflict with the vast majority of our center RIGHT country…ed]

What an absolute nonsensical race obsessed moron.

‘Obama Girl’ now falling out of love

First, Massachusetts turned on the president. Now, the bikini-clad “Obama Girl” — who fa mously cooed about her “crush” throughout the presidential campaign on YouTube videos — admits the thrill is gone. Amber Lee Ettinger — the buxom sensa tion who lip-synched about her love for then-candidate Barack Obama — said she wishes he spent his first year in office more fo cused on fixing the abysmal economy. “I think he’s doing an OK job,” said Ettinger, whose original “Crush on Obama” video, first shown in 2007, has had more than 16.5 million views on YouTube. [I’m sure few would really care what this ditz has to say but this is yet another example of how even the most mentally vacuous supporters of Barack Obama have become suddenly disenchanted with their former messiah, even if they can’t spell the word “disenchanted” to save their ass…ed]

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Supreme Court Justice Alito Responds To Obama Diss: "Not True!" Updated: 1-28-10

Last Thursday the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that domestic corporations have the right to participate in our elections just like the rest of American citizens and that decision didn’t sit too well within the Obama White House already reeling from a series of humiliating political setbacks in recent months. Odd that Obama would be so concerned about funny money showing up during election cycles considering he was suspected of accepting tens of millions in donations from foreigners during the last presidential campaign.

Predictably Obama and the Democrats are beside themselves over the potential political repercussions of this ruling which is understandable considering they are in serious danger of losing many seats in both the House and Senate come November and with the never ending assault against America’s corporations from the president and Democrat leaders in Congress they are just a tad bit nervous that payback is gonna be a real bitch, starting real soon.

That said, many of us who sat through this yawner of a State of the Union speech were amazed that Obama had the audacity to stand there and publicly intimidate and diss the justices of the Supreme Court over the decision while they sat mere feet away from his podium. Chicago thuggery at its finest.

Justice Samuel Alito decided he wasn’t going to just sit there while the flunky-in-chief laid down the verbal abuse. Check out his response to Obama’s diatribe in the following video.
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Barack Hussein Obama, It's Really All About Me

Obama ripped out to Ohio a few days ago to lie to the good people of that state about a second stimulus bill (cleverly renamed a “jobs bill”) in the legislative pipeline bringing much needed employment to the beleaguered state wracked by the lost of thousands of good paying manufacturing jobs and he just couldn’t stop talking about himself even though I thought i caught him saying at least a couple of times, “this is not about me.”

The number of times he uttered the word “taxpayers?”2

The number of times he uttered the phrase “tax cuts?”2

The number of times he uttered the phrase “small business?”8

The number of times he blurted out “I?”132

But really folks, it’s not about him.
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Latino Union Official Admits: Immigration "Reform" All About Adding Millions Of New Democrat Voters

If you had any lingering doubts about why the Democrats are always so desperately trying to make the millions of illegal aliens in this country legal citizens and demanding our southern border with Mexico remain as wide open as Joy Behar’s mouth, then this should clear things up nicely for you.

I found a terrific post that really lays bare the end game of Democrats and immigration “reform” activists. I strongly urge everyone to read the entire article.–Why, in a time of high U.S. unemployment, is the Obama Administration seriously considering Rep. Luis Gutierrez’s “Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity” bill which would grant citizenship to up to 12 million illegal immigrants.

The answer has little to do with humanity, national security or prosperity.

It is all about power- raw socialist power. It is all about 8,000,000 more Democratic Party votes and the creation of a “governing coalition for the long term”.

At the “progressive” America’s Future Now! conference in Washington, DC on June 2, 2009, SEIU International Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina addressed attendees on the issue immigration reform…..

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