Hey Obama, Pelosi, And Reid….It's The Economy–Stupid

America to Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid…… 71% of us are shouting out loudly that our overwhelming concern is the economy and job creation, with this global warming nonsense you far left nutjobs seem to be obsessed with, way WAAAY back there on the back burner.

By job creation we don’t mean 100,000 new federal government slugs. We mean get the hell off the backs of small business owners who are directly responsible for the vast amount of employed people in this country. Reduce the corporate tax rate, the second highest on the planet which is passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices for everything, stupid punitive rules and regulations that hobble business expansion and in turn hiring opportunities and ramp up domestic energy development then we’ll get the damn ball rolling all over America in short order.
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Friday December 4th

Al-Qaida Kills Eight Times More Muslims Than Non-Muslims

Few would deny that Muslims too are victims of Islamist terror. But a new study by the Combating Terrorism Center in the US has shown that an overwhelming majority of al-Qaida victims are, in fact, co-religionists. In the battle against unbelievers, can one also kill Muslims? Even the terror network al-Qaida is troubled by this question. A leading al-Qaida ideologue for the terror network, Abu Yahya al-Libi, has developed his own theologically-based theory of collateral damage that allows militants to kill Muslims when it is unavoidable. (SNIP) But even as such apologetic communiqués from al-Qaida show the terror network stylizing itself as a defender of the true faith wrestling with religious concepts, they also make it look as though any dead Muslims are regretful but isolated cases. The facts, though, tell a different story. [Interesting considering Obama’s rules of engagement are designed to place our soldiers in mortal danger so as to not kill or injure muslim “civilians.” This story reminds me of the serious problem of black on black crime here in this country…ed]

Unemployment rate falls to 10 percent

The U.S. unemployment rate edged down to 10 percent in November from 10.2 percent the month before, suggesting that the economy is stabilizing and starting to claw its way back from the deep recession. Non-farm payrolls fell by just 11,000, the Labor Department said Friday, a sign that companies are starting to hang on to workers. In October, 111,000 jobs had vanished, and analysts had expected a much higher number of jobs had been lost in November — as many as 130,000 or more. “The numbers are a lot better than we expected,” said David Wyss, chief economist of Standard & Poor’s. “We’re still looking at unemployment rates that are going to be highest since the postwar record in 1982, but this is encouraging. . . . Small negatives are better than big negatives. Flat is the new up.” [Before we get all giddy and start slappin’ each other on the ass, over 3.5 MILLION jobs have gone poof since this anti capitalist Obama administration took over in January. It’s a no-brainer, at some point companies simply RUN OUT of jobs to cut as they struggle to stay in business! In addition new, temporary jobs are always added during the Christmas season but the vast majority of those usually disappear in short order. We are looking at a long term high unemployment trend in this country into the foreseeable future as long as these Democrats have firm control of the White House AND Congress…ed]

The American Left in Context

The current Left — or the Socialists — in Europe were born out of the fire of revolution and war. They came from a determination to change a historical and implacable social order, a drive to ensure that causes of two devastating continental wars in the twentieth century never recurred. The Left in the United States, while professing commonality with their European counterparts, has evolved out of peace, economic prosperity, and a determination to impose a rigid social order under the guise of classless society. European Socialism, while desirous of guaranteeing equality of outcome and opposed to unfettered capitalism, nonetheless recognizes the essential role that free enterprise plays in the economic well-being of the people by providing jobs and the funds needed to support government programs. The American Left understands that unbridled capitalism is the engine that assures and promotes individual liberty and freedom. Therefore, free enterprise must ultimately be overthrown and replaced by a state-controlled economy if the Left is to create a social utopia. [The liberals in America are all about absolute domination and control with themselves as the permanently empowered elitists at the top with no way for the citizens to remove them through the electoral process. They will stop at nothing to attain this goal including creating phony messiahs out of thin air such as Barack Hussein Obama, outright and blatant lying about manufactured crisis such as global warming and massive election fraud with the well coordinated help from radical leftist groups like ACORN and the SEIU thugs. What these tools may have underestimated is the number of patriots ready willing and able to defend this country and her Constitution with the cartridge box if these bastards don’t stop screwing with the ballot box…ed]

Gun registrations in Hawaii on record pace

Hawai’i residents have registered guns at a record pace for each of the past four years, and appear headed for a new high again this year, preliminary figures show. Nearly 26,000 firearms — an annual record — were registered with the four county police departments during 2008. Yearly gun registrations in Hawai’i have marched steadily upward for most of the past decade — from about 13,600 in 2000 to 25,996 in 2008 — said Paul Perrone, chief of research and statistics for the Hawaii Department of the Attorney General. Hawai’i firearms dealers and Hawaii Rifle Association officials say the rise in gun ownership here is in line with a similar trend across much of the Mainland. [Obama, “Gun Salesman of the Year.” Nice to see my relatives on the islands are getting with the program but guns without ammo are nothing but close quarter combat clubs and the anti Second Amendment creeps in the Obama administration and all around the country are scheming as we speak to address “this issue”…ed]

CSU student board votes in favor of guns on campus

Only a few universities in the country allow students to carry guns on campus, and one of them in Colorado is considering a change. At Colorado State University in Fort Collins, public safety experts and the president’s cabinet support a gun ban. Before the decision is made, however, the school wants to hear what students think. Wednesday night, the student governing body voted 21-3 in support of keeping CSU a conceal-and-carry campus. Five student senators were absent or did not vote. The student leaders will now submit their resolution to the CSU president for consideration. Author of the bill, CSU Junior Cooper Anderson said, “We wrote this bill because we felt that a student should have the right to self defense on campus. We don’t believe that crime stops at a campus’ borders.” [Nobody should have the ability to tell anyone else if, how and whether they can chose to arm themselves for self defense and preservation. Deranged idiots with murder on their minds ALWAYS go to so called “gun free zones” because they KNOW they can commit maximum damage with little fear of being stopped before the body count starts to pile up…ed]

Tancredo rouses gun rights advocates

Former Rep. Tom Tancredo, best known for his tough stand in Congress against illegal immigration, has taken up a new cause since his retirement from the House last year: defending American gun owners against international treaties. The Obama administration is moving forward on two treaties that Mr. Tancredo and other gun rights advocates see as a threat to the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms. His response is a 2010 ballot initiative that would direct elected officials in his home state of Colorado to oppose any such agreements. (SNIP) Gun rights advocates went on red alert in October after Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton reversed Bush administration policy by throwing her support behind the convening of a U.N. conference to discuss a treaty to regulate the international transfer of arms. Mrs. Clinton argued that “a strong international standard” is needed to tighten worldwide security measures on arms transfers to “rogue states, terrorist groups, and groups seeking to unsettle regions.” [Obama and his gang of Second Amendment haters plan on using the U.N. to make an end run around our Constitution to get firearms and ammunition out of the hands of American citizens. We MUST stay vigilant on this stuff folks…ed]

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Candidate For Congress? Hell This Man Should Be POTUS!

Lt. Col. Allen West (Retired) is running for Congress in 2010 hoping to represent Florida’s 22nd district but after reading his bio and listening to the man speak one can’t help but wonder, why in the hell couldn’t HE have been the first black man to become president of the United States?!

allenwestforcongress.com–Lieutenant Colonel Allen West (US Army, Retired) was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia and is third of four generations of military servicemen in his family. His parents instilled in him a very basic principle, love of God and Country. In 2004, when it was time to retire from more than twenty years of service in the US Army, he brought his wife and two young daughters to Broward County, Florida, where he taught high school for one year. He then returned to Afghanistan as an advisor to the Afghan army, an assignment he finished in November 2007.

Allen West received his Bachelors degree from University of Tennessee and Masters degree from Kansas State University, both in political science. He also holds a Master of Military Arts and Sciences from the US Army Command and General Staff Officer College in political theory and military operations.

“Education is the great equalizer,” he says. “With a good education, any child in America can live his dream.”

Allen West knows that for our children to live their dreams, they need to be safe. He has served in several combat zones: in Operation Desert Storm, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he was battalion commander for the Army’s 4th Infantry Division, and in Afghanistan, where he trained Afghan officers to take on the responsibility of securing their own country.

In his Army career, Col. West has been honored many times, including a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals (one with Valor), and a Valorous Unit Award. He received his valor award as a Captain in Desert Shield/Storm, was the US Army ROTC Instructor of the Year in 1993, and was a Distinguished Honor Graduate III Corps Assault School. He proudly wears the Army Master parachutist badge, Air Assault badge, Navy/Marine Corps parachutist insignia, Italian parachutist wings, and German proficiency badge (Bronze award).

Allen is an avid distance runner, a PADI Master certified SCUBA diver, motorcyclist, and attends Community Christian Church in Tamarac Florida.

Excellence is a West family tradition. His wife, Angela, holds an MBA and PhD. and works as a financial planner. His oldest daughter, Aubrey, attends Archbishop McCarthy HS and his youngest daughter, Austen, attends Parkway Christian School.

Lt. Col. West sure blows the anti America apologist-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama right out of the water doesn’t he?
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Remember Those "Obama The Joker" Socialism Posters? Well Get Ready For Round Two People!

First we had those iconic “Obama The Joker” posters with the word socialism emblazoned across the bottom plastered all over America.

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Now we have round two coming to a wall, freeway on ramp sign, mailbox or bus shelter near you….
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Thursday December 3rd

Denmark rife with CO2 fraud

Denmark is the centre of a comprehensive tax scam involving CO2 quotas, in which the cheats exploit a so-called ‘VAT carrousel’, reports Ekstra Bladet newspaper. Police and authorities in several European countries are investigating scams worth billions of kroner, which all originate in the Danish quota register. The CO2 quotas are traded in other EU countries. Denmark’s quota register, which the Energy Agency within the Climate and Energy Ministry administers, is the largest in the world in terms of personal quota registrations. It is much easier to register here than in other countries, where it can take up to three months to be approved. [The whole climate change/global warming nonsense is a fraud so it stands to reason that the carbon trading market is gonna be rife with scams like this which goes to show it’s all about the money, not “protecting” mother earth…ed]

Former NASA climate scientist pleads guilty to contract fraud

A former top climate scientist who had become of one the scientific world’s most cited authorities on the human effect on Earth’s atmosphere was sentenced to probation Tuesday after pleading guilty to steering lucrative no-bid contracts to his wife’s company. In addition to a year’s probation, former NASA manager Mark Schoeberl, 60, of Silver Spring, was also fined $10,000 and ordered to put in 50 hours of community service. He admitted in the late summer that he had hid some $50,000 in NASA contracts for a company called Animated Earth, which was run by Schoeberl’s wife, Barbara. Prosecutors alleged that Schoeberl tried to help his wife’s firm for years. When his colleagues balked at giving no-bid contracts to his wife’s firm, Schoeberl pressured them to steer money to his wife through indirect means. [Naturally my first thought would be, if this guy had no problem committing fraud in order to enrich himself through his wife’s business what would stop him from committing fraud with his so called scientific findings in order to steer millions of dollars in grants his way? With this global warming scam all one needs to do is follow the money to get to the lying rats behind this crap…ed]

Secret Service Director: Threats Against Obama Not Up Over Other Presidents

You may remember a rash of media reports in August and September about a claim that assassination threats directed at President Obama are up 400 percent over previous presidents, stretching the Secret Service to its limits. The claim came from a book by NewsMax’s Ronald Kessler, “In the President’s Secret Service.” In the wake of the White House party crashers media blitz, Kessler has again gotten attention, saying the Secret Service has been cutting corners since 2003, and may be endangering Obama. But Director of the Secret Service Mark Sullivan begged to differ at a Congressional hearing over the party crasher incident today: “The threats are not up,” Sullivan said, adding that they receive about the same amount of threats against Obama as they did for presidents Clinton and Bush. [More left wing hysteria definitively debunked. The only “fatal” danger Obama is in will be the ballot box come 2012 when we can finally boot his ass out of office…ed]

Secret Service Suspends Agents Over Gate Crashers

Three uniformed officers have been put on administrative leave in connection with the security breach at last week’s White House state dinner, but the incident was an aberration and President Barack Obama was never at risk, said the head of the Secret Service. However, Mark Sullivan acknowledged before the House Homeland Security Committee Thursday that mistakes were made and that the Secret Service must have a “100 percent” performance record. Rep. Bennie Thompson, the committee chairman, said the country is fortunate the affair didn’t end in a “night of horror.” [I hate to see some of our dedicated Secret Service agents fall on their sword for a situation that is definitely not what it appears. See the next article for clarification…ed]

White House Party Crashers Linked to Obama’s Radical Pal Rashid Khalidi

From the Polo Contacts Website–“America’s Cup Polo Pre-Event with President-Elect Barack Obama” From Left to Right is: Randy Jackson, better known as a Judge on American Idol – his previous life he was a bass player for the Rock band JOURNEY, which also performed at the America’s Polo Cup. Others pictured are Black Eyed Peas Rock Band, Tareq Salahi the President of the America’s Polo Cup, President Elect Obama, Fergie from Black Eyed Peas and Michaele Salahi a former Miss USA and SuperModel. American Power discovered this on the White House party crashers- They belong to a radical anti-Israeli group: Tareq Salahi, the polo-playing intruder, is a Palestinian nationalist with ties to the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP), a pro-Palestine lobby demanding the “right of return” for all Palestinian refugees and their descendants. The “right of return” has long been considered the backdoor to Israel’s destruction. But not only that: ATFP President Ziad Asali is an America-basher who blamed 9/11 on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Asali was a lead U.S. official to PLO terrorist Yassir Arafat’s funeral in 2004. And in a position paper in 2007, the ATFP called for a power-sharing agreement at the Palestinian Authority, which would have included the State Department’s designated-terrorist group, Hamas. [My what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive. For some reason someone in the White House saw to it these people got into that state dinner, you can bet the farm on that. Unfortunately a couple of Secret Service agents are gonna get thrown under the bus because of the shenanigans…ed]

Are Mattel’s New Dolls Black Enough?

With so few black dolls on toy-store shelves, many black parents had high hopes when toy powerhouse Mattel Inc. released So in Style, its first line of black dolls with wider noses, fuller lips, sharper cheekbones and a variety of skin shades. Now, despite the company’s efforts to solicit input from a group of high-profile black women, including Cookie Johnson, wife of former basketball star Magic Johnson, some parents are saying the dolls aren’t black enough. They complain that five of the six dolls feature fine-textured, waist-length hair; half of them have blue or green eyes. Moreover, all have the freakishly skinny body of a Barbie (something that irks some white parents as well). “I thought it was unfortunate that once again we’re given a doll with hair that is so unlike the vast majority of black women,” says Cheryl Nelson-Grimes, the mother of a 7-year-old girl and a resident of Queens, N.Y. [Ain’t diversity grand? I mean really, what the hell did all the little girls do when all they had were those ubiquitous Raggety Ann dolls to play with?…ed]

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Barbara Boxer: "Stolen" Climategate Emails Constitute A Crime. Fraud Perpetrated By Agenda Driven Climate Scientists…Not So Much

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Socialist Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) is really pissed off over this exploding Climategate scandal which seems to have thrown a major monkey wrench into the grand scheme of the globalists to rob citizens of productive countries, mainly the U.S., of their wealth and hand it over to the UN and third world dictators.

Oh she’s not upset at all over the concerted and coordinated efforts of the “scientists” involved in this fraud deliberately deceiving the planet’s population into believing that every time they, as guilt ridden individuals, performed the absolutely-necessary-for-life-function of exhaling a breath of carbon dioxide, they became part of the massive evil cabal bringing the planet another moment closer to certain doom. (This very well could be way over Mrs. Boxer’s head, but virtually all plant life on the planet absolutely depends on this naturally occurring and necessary gas, which, among other things, is a waste product of living land dwellers simply going through the natural act of breathing in order to survive and in an act of God given appreciation our leafy green friends give us back life providing oxygen. I think I learned that little scientific fact way back in the third grade when teachers actually taught that kind of stuff instead of trying to indoctrinate children into every left wing cause under the sun. The very same sun that gives us “global warming” but I’ll save that for another post.)

No, it wasn’t the bad science that got this woman spitting venom. What twisted the 69 year old Boxer’s Depends into a messy wad was her unsubstantiated and irrelevant assumption that the information was retrieved, disseminated and provided to the planet’s population by “illegal means.” In other words she assumes some dastardly villain(s) had the audacity to “break into” computer systems holding the key to this insidious climate change fraud, which was intended as nothing more than a plot to screw the unwitting masses out of their hard earned income so it could be handed over to a bunch of globalist loons, and she ain’t one bit happy about this alleged in her own mind “criminal” transgression.

Mentally challenged people like Boxer are no doubt blissfully unaware that the Climategate information eventually released into cyberspace for all to see was initially provided to a well known mainstream media outlet over a month and a half ago but those folks, in what can only be viewed as a politically motivated move, deliberately decided to withhold the explosive news from the public.

So what the hell is a whistleblower to do when the media refuses to do its job?

dailymail.co.uk–The controversy surrounding the global warming e-mail scandal has deepened after a BBC correspondent admitted he was sent the leaked messages more than a month before they were made public.

Paul Hudson, weather presenter and climate change expert, claims the documents allegedly sent between some of the world’s leading scientists are of a direct result of an article he wrote.

In his BBC blog three days ago, Hudson said: ‘I was forwarded the chain of emails on the 12th October, which are comments from some of the world’s leading climate scientists written as a direct result of my article “Whatever Happened To Global Warming”.’

That essay, written last month, argued that for the last 11 years there had not been an increase in global temperatures.

It also presented the arguments of sceptics who believe natural cycles control temperature and the counter-arguments of those who think it’s man’s actions which are warming the planet.

The leaked files – which show 4,000 documents which have allegedly been sent by scientists over the past 13 years – were apparently taken from servers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit, which is a world-renowned centre focused on studying climate change.

They were then uploaded on to a Russian server before being published on a blog called Air Vent.

The e-mails apparently show researchers discussing how to ‘spin’ climate data and how that information should be presented to the media…..

I’ve yet to see concrete evidence that any computer systems were illegally breached in order to expose this outrageous climate change hoax, (and I wouldn’t care even if they were, this information is that important) it very well could have been a person working within the program who just had enough of the scam and decided to turn whistleblower. I’m sure we’ll know in time what really happened but regardless of how the deliberately skewed information was acquired, the entire world now knows what these climate crooks were up to and that is truly all that matters Mrs. Boxer.
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Golf Digest Believes Tiger Woods Has 10 Tips He Could Drive Home With Barack Obama

There’s bad timing, then there’s REALLY bad timing and unfortunately for Golf Digest, if this is indeed legitimate, their timing couldn’t have come at a worse, time.

Word floating around on the street has it that this will be GD’s (obviously photoshopped) cover pic for the January 2010 issue of the magazine and the Cadillac Escalade and mega dollar vacation tours of Afghanistan are prominently advertised throughout….
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Jon Stewart Nut Kicks Internet Creator Al Gore Over Climategate Scandal

Yeah Stewart is a tool but enough mentally vacuous nimrods in this country watch this clown and consider him to be the defacto source of their news of the day that we are obligated to look in on the stupidity every once in awhile.

While Stewart’s comedic effort is typically weak here, he does provide his followers with a couple of stabs at reality concerning the exploding climategate scandal.

While it’s unlikely, the remote possibility is there that he’ll scramble a few brain cells (not his own of course) of some of those knuckleheads who tune into his nonsense every day and they’ll go searching outside the lamestream media in an effort to find out what the hell is going on concerning this global warming scam and how it will affect their wallet if legislation designed to “address” the bogus issue isn’t stopped in its tracks right now.
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90 Year Old Medal Of Honor Recipient Ordered To Remove Flagpole From Yard (Updated: 12-8-09)

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And the anti American flag drumbeat in this country continues.

Col. Van T. Barfoot, a 90 year old Medal of Honor recipient and veteran of three wars, has been ordered by his Henrico, Virginia home owner association to remove a flagpole in the yard of his home by Friday afternoon or he will face legal action and related fees if he refuses to do so.

A law firm representing the HOA sent Col. Barfoot a letter claiming he was in violation of his community’s covenants, conditions and restrictions even though his daughter says there are no specific prohibitions on flagpoles in the CC&Rs. Evidently people on the HOA board responsible for enforcing the CC&Rs felt that Col. Barfoot’s flagpole was aesthetically offensive so they ordered him to remove it back in July, probably hoping to get the thing out of the ground just in time for Independence Day celebrations.

To date Col. Barfoot has resisted efforts to force him to tear down his flagpole but at 90 years old and up against the juggernaut of an unbending HOA group and a law firm that couldn’t resist the opportunity to harass one of the few remaining Medal of Honor recipients left in our country in exchange for a few dollars (paid for in part by his own HOA dues) time is surely running out for the military veteran who, according to the U.S. government, bravely and unselfishly put his life on the line in defense of our country.

This appears to be yet another assault against our flag here in America by people who clearly hate or are terribly confused about what this country and her stars and stripes truly stand for.

Hopefully word of this outrageous situation will quickly circulate throughout our country and enough pressure will be brought to bear on the Sussex Square community HOA board in Henrico Virginia that they will pull their arrogant heads out of their collective asses and cut this honorable veteran of three wars and man who earned the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government some slack here.
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Wednesday December 2nd

Mag May Have Helped Cover Up Alleged Woods Affairs

The National Enquirer caught Tiger Woods in a steamy extramarital affair two years ago, but killed the story in exchange for the golfer doing a rare cover-shoot for its sister magazine — despite Tiger’s exclusive deal with a rival publication, The New York Post reported. Woods’ camp, fearful of a potential public-relations nightmare in spring 2007, allegedly agreed to do a cover for Men’s Fitness — a magazine owned by the Enquirer’s parent company, American Media, former Men’s Fitness editor-in-chief Neal Boulton said. “[American Media CEO] David Pecker knew about Tiger Woods’ infidelity a long time ago,” Boulton told The Post. “[Pecker] traded silence for a Men’s Fitness cover.” [Might as well get the latest Tiger Woods crap out of the way right off the bat…ed]

Keeping the Nobel Prize would violate the Constitution

Congratulations, Mr. President, but if you care about the rule of law, you’ll have to fork over the Nobel Peace Prize within 60 days of accepting it next week. Contrary to Mel Brooks’ pronouncement in “History of the World Part I,” it’s not always good to be the king. It’s impossible if you are an American president. Article I of the Constitution states: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.” Clearly, the presidency is both an office of “profit” and of “trust” and the prize package (including 1.4 million clams) is included in the terms “present” or “emolument.” Therefore, a sitting president cannot accept it from a “King, Prince or foreign State” without the consent of Congress. [I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that Mr. Obama used to lecture college students on how to subvert our Constitution so I doubt he’s too worried about this little bump in the road…ed]

Obama in handcuffs

Imagine if President Obama went to Oslo next week to receive his Nobel Peace Prize and was arrested for purported war crimes committed by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. This bit of historical irony would be possible under an argument being made by Luis Moreno-Ocampo, chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Mr. Ocampo claims jurisdiction over actions of U.S. troops in Afghanistan because Kabul in 2003 acceded to the Rome Statute, which established the court. He said a preliminary examination already is under way regarding possible American culpability in crimes against humanity. [Well the liberals in this country are all for this stupid international court and since Obama is the guy in charge of calling the shots in Afghanistan it would seem logical HE would be the one held culpable for any perceived “war crimes.” Obama in handcuffs? Sounds great to me…ed]

Searching in Vain for the Obama Magic

Never before has a speech by President Barack Obama felt as false as his Tuesday address announcing America’s new strategy for Afghanistan. It seemed like a campaign speech combined with Bush rhetoric — and left both dreamers and realists feeling distraught. One can hardly blame the West Point leadership. The academy commanders did their best to ensure that Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama’s speech would be well-received. Just minutes before the president took the stage inside Eisenhower Hall, the gathered cadets were asked to respond “enthusiastically” to the speech. [How pathetic. Cadets were TOLD to show “enthusiasm” for Obama…ed] But it didn’t help: The soldiers’ reception was cool. (SNIP) But in this case, the public was more disturbed than entertained. Indeed, one could see the phenomenon in a number of places in recent weeks: Obama’s magic no longer works. The allure of his words has grown weaker. [Those who weren’t intimidated by the predictable catcalls of racism from the leftists warned that Obama was nothing more than an empty suit long before he became president and have now been proven correct. The facade has been stripped away. The world views this man for what he is, a weak “leader” with dwindling support even from his own party. A Democrat party that will undoubtedly suffer major losses in the 2010 midterm elections…ed]

What Obama Really Said Last Night

Last night, President Obama delivered an historic speech to the nation and to the world on his plans for Afghanistan. Here, in sum, is what the president said: I really don’t want to be commander-in-chief, but I’ll do it if I have to — at least for a little while, and then we’ll see. Just so long as it doesn’t cost too much, or take too long, or interfere with my plans to nationalize healthcare and fundamentally change America. We Americans didn’t ask for this war; and God knows I didn’t either. But I’ll certainly make sure we end this war, and soon. I have bigger fish to fry, after all. This war is a distraction from my domestic left-wing agenda and my need to bring “change” to America. So Afghanis, get your act together. We’ll help you for the next 18 months or so and then we’re hightailing it out of here. I have to worry about other threats and other dangers. And, most importantly, I have to worry about healthcare and “change.” [A USMC veteran provides us with his synopsis of Obama’s Afghanistan speech and it didn’t even take 4,000+ words…ed]

Brutal poll for Dems

Democrats had known there was an “intensity gap” between angry conservatives in the Republican Party and the unexcited Democratic base, and in a midterm election, base turnout often determines who wins the night. Yet no one suspected it was this bad. Nonpartisan pollster Research 2000 conducts a large-scale weekly poll for Daily Kos measuring voter sentiment toward key Republican and Democratic leaders and the parties (2,400 respondents, for a margin of error of 2 percent). Last week’s edition featured the typical generic congressional ballot test, and Democrats held a 37-32 advantage, not atypical compared to most other polling on that question. In its most recent polls, CNN had Democrats up 49-43, while Pew was at 47-42. And while Gallup bucked the trend, with Republicans up 48-44, those exact generic congressional numbers aren’t as important for the 2010 midterms as precisely who will turn out. And right now, it’s looking brutal for the Democrats. [Notice how the founder of the left wing loony bin site, the daily kos, conveniently left out the very accurate Rasmussen generic congressional polling which has had Republicans leading the Democrats since the end of June! The bottom line here is Republicans and Independents WILL BE coming out in droves on election day 2010 while the Democrats will be staying home watching The Jeffersons reruns…ed]

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