Denver Police Forced To Admit: Attacks On White People By Black Gang Bangers Due To Racial Hatred

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Except for the local media there doesn’t appear to much coverage of the vicious unprovoked assaults and beatings of white men by black gang bangers in downtown Denver over the last several months. In fact, according to at least one report, up to this point the police department has refused to acknowledge they had clear evidence these brutal attacks had an obvious pattern of black on white racial hatred until constant pressure from local reporters finally forced their hand. Why would the police withhold this information from the public?

Naturally if the roles were reversed and white thugs were beating the crap out of black folks walking around town minding their own business every media outlet in the world would be on hand breathlessly reporting the goings on as the city of Denver became a smoldering looted ruin.

Perhaps we should keep these assaults in the back of our minds and recall them the next time we see Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson flapping their race baiting gums on our television sets.–Black gangs roaming downtown Denver often vented their hatred for white victims before assaulting and robbing them during a four-month crime wave, according to interviews and court records obtained by 7NEWS.

“I hate you f—ing white people,” said a black woman in a large group of black men, according to the victim who was beaten up as he and three buddies left a LoDo bar after midnight on Aug. 30.

“F—- you, white boys,” the woman added, according to the 25-year-old Westminster victim, who spoke to 7NEWS Friday.

“Why do you hate white people?” the man recalled asking. “That’s when I got hit. They beat the crap out of me,” he added, saying that 15 to 20 men beat him to the ground.

“They just swarmed you,” said the man who curled up on the ground to shield his face. “You basically just had to protect yourself and hope they didn’t kill you.”

The victim, who suffered bruised ribs and a cut head, said he was protected by a padded motorcycle jacket. He asked that his name be withheld for his safety.

A couple dozen arrest warrant affidavits unsealed Friday offer chilling insights into the 26 racially-motivated “blitz attacks,” which stretched from July 17 to Nov. 17.

One unidentified suspect told police “that the members of his gang earn status in the gang by beating up ‘white dudes,'” according to court records. He added that the gangs targeted “drunk white guys,” exiting bars and nightclubs in the entertainment district.

The suspects allegedly bragged about knocking out white victims with one punch to the head. Victims lying on the ground were “stomped” and even tossed through glass windows…….

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Race and Religion , , , , , 1 Comment

Tuesday December 8th

Activist Group Puts Bounty on Head of Chamber of Commerce CEO

Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue is a wanted man — at least according to the liberal activist group that’s put a de facto bounty on his head. A network of liberal groups known as Velvet Revolution started an ad campaign offering $200,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the man whose trade organization has become a thorn in the side of the Obama administration and congressional Democrats. The group is not leveling any specific charges of criminal behavior. Rather, it is casting a wide net, fishing for any whistleblowers from Donohue’s past who might come forward with allegations of wrongdoing. The campaign against the Chamber was launched in response to the group’s opposition to climate change legislation and health care reform, and its plan to spend $100 million lobbying against these and other initiatives. [This is typical left winger behavior. Anyone who opposes their plans to destroy our economy and run our country into the ground must be attacked…ed]

Obama wanted “non-religious Christmas”?

President Obama and the First Family were planning a “non-religious Christmas,” according to Social Secretary Desiree Rogers. Ms. Rogers reportedly told a gathering of former social secretaries that the Obamas did not intend on putting the Nativity scene on display – a longtime East Room tradition. The account was reported in the Fashion and Style section of The New York Times. The White House confirmed to the Times that there had been internal discussions about making Christmas more inclusive – but in the end – tradition won out – and the Nativity scene is once again in its traditional East Room spot. [Imagine that, the Obama’s wanted a “non religious” Christmas. Ummm, Christmas is inherently RELIGIOUS isn’t it? Then again I do recall this little Freudian slip Obama spit out before he was elected…ed]

Obama’s 47 Percent Approval Lowest of Any President at This Point

President Obama’s job approval rating has fallen to 47 percent in the latest Gallup poll, the lowest ever recorded for any president at this point in his term. Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and even Richard Nixon all had higher approval ratings 10-and-a-half months into their presidencies. Obama’s immediate predecessor, President George W. Bush, had an approval rating of 86 percent, or 39 points higher than Obama at this stage. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said he doesn’t “put a lot of stock” in the survey by Gallup, which has conducted presidential approval polls since 1938, longer than any other organization. [Ouch, George W. Bush had the highest poll numbers at 86%. Hey Gibbs, the American people obviously don’t put a lot of stock in you, your boss or the rest of the Chicago bums who have infested Washington DC and royally jacked up our country so stick that in your pipe and smoke it chump!…ed]

Shocker polls: That Sarah Palin-Barack Obama gap melts to 1 point

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, look what the pollsters just brought in. A pair of new surveys revealing that President Obama is still declining and has hit a new low in job approval among Americans just 56 weeks after they elected him with a decided margin. And — wait for it — Republican Sarah Palin is successfully selling a whole lot more than books out there on the road. Even among those not lining up in 10-degree weather to catch a glimpse of pretty much the only political celebrity the GOP has these days. (SNIP) The new CNN/Opinion Research Poll shows Palin now at 46% favorable, just one point below her fellow basketball fan. [Well looky here. The media has spent a year slamming the hell out of Sarah Palin while writing nothing but fawning prose for Barack Hussein Obama and they are now one skinny little point apart in the polls. Keep in mind Palin’s numbers are rising like crazy, even though the leftists in the media and showbiz continue attacking her with unprecedented nastiness, while Bambi’s are dropping like a rock…ed]

I was a birther before Obama’s certificate questions

The Labor Department is hurrying to correct inaccuracies in its monthly employment statistics that could cause the Obama administration big problems early next year. Those corrections, however, will probably also eliminate the inevitable — and unsubstantiated — employment gains that come during springtime. We now know that the job gains reported by Washington this past spring were an illusion. Early in 2010 the Labor Department will subtract about 824,000 jobs from its official count in what is called a “benchmark revision” to more accurately reflect the jobs that weren’t created this past spring. Yet while the bigger-than-expected job gains that were reported from April through June of this year may have turned out to be bogus, those superior numbers did help change the mood on Wall Street. The huge rally that occurred in the stock market is still going, although technical factors like the lack of other investment choices — rather than fundamentals such as improving corporate outlooks — are the true reasons for those gains. [In case you were wondering about the nonsensical Dow figures, stuff like this may have something to do with it…ed]

Obama for World President?

Rookie Democratic congressmen are reportedly afraid that Obama will stubbornly press ahead with his unpopular plans for Health Reform, even if they, his unwilling Kamikazes, get voted out of office in 2010 as a result. As a dedicated Obama watcher, I for one am not surprised by this development. In fact, I am now betting even money that our president is not particularly concerned about his own re-election in 2012, and that he will enact as many of his programs in health reform, energy conservation, arms reduction and income redistribution as he can before his current term expires, and then try for higher goals. My hunch is that he is already getting restless in his present job, and that he seeks a promotion to an even greater status. My sensitivities, sharpened by years of Obama watching, take note of the following pieces of evidence, and have gone to Condition Red: [Yeah, when this guy is done screwing up America in less than four years he can move on to destroying the entire planet! What a grand plan indeed…ed]

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J.A.R.G\'s \"Gotta Read\" News Of The Day 1 Comment

Barack Hussein Obama's Campaign Manager Couldn't Be More Pathetic

David Plouffe, the man who helped create and present to America one of the biggest frauds we may ever see in our lifetime, Barack Hussein Obama, is apparently broke on his ass.

I mean, why else would he be webcamming a whining plea from inside of some low rent budget hotel room trying to desperately pimp his stupid book full of worn out campaign rhetoric that this country quickly concluded was nothing but a humongous hoax on the American people?

Seriously folks, how many people does this no name clown, who evidently felt he had little choice but to ride the former Alaska governor’s coattails in order to attract attention, think he’ll attract on his “book tour” compared to Sarah Palin?
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Other Media Issues , , , , 2 Comments

SNL Puts The Screws To The Obama Administration Over Those So Called Party Crashers

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Barack Hussein Obama Keeps Slip Sliding Away

Slip sliding away, slip sliding away……

You know the nearer he gets to his far left wing destination, the more he’s slip sliding away from the American people….

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Monday December 7th…A Day That Will Live In Infamy

Pearl Harbor survivor back for 1st time since war

Retired firefighter Ed Johann was a teenage apprentice seaman on Dec. 7, 1941, when he spotted Japanese planes coming in over Pearl Harbor. He thought they were U.S. aircraft conducting drills until explosions and flames erupted from stricken ships in the harbor. Then came screams of sailors; the stench of burning oil and flesh. The 86-year-old Oregonian is due to return Monday to Pearl Harbor for the first time since World War II to attend a ceremony marking the 68th anniversary of the attack. “I really don’t know how I’m going to handle it,” said Johann, from his home in Oregon. “When I think about it, all I have is unpleasantness. I’m sure it’s not like that now.” [I wonder when Obama is scheduled to go on live TV today and apologize to the Japanese for what they did to us 68 years ago?…ed]

Navy SEALs Arraigned on Abuse Charges

Two Navy SEALs accused in the mistreatment of an Iraqi suspect in the 2004 slayings of four U.S. contractors were arraigned in military court Monday, and one SEAL said he was gratified by support from the public and some members of Congress. The judge scheduled courts-martial next month for Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew McCabe of Perrysburg, Ohio, and Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas of Blue Island, Ill. A third SEAL will be arraigned later. The SEALs have received an outpouring of public support on the Internet, and a California congressman has led a campaign urging Defense Secretary Robert Gates to intervene. About three dozen protesters, including the mother of one of the slain contractors, stood outside the Norfolk Naval Station gate Monday morning holding signs of support. [The latest on this OUTRAGEOUS situation…ed]

Obama Colluding With Left to Subvert His Own Afghan War Policy

In a move by the Obama administration that is gallingly cynical and would be considered treasonous in a less progressive era, a message sent by Code Pink and an article published by the left wing online publication AlertNet indicates the White House is working with the left wing terrorist support group Code Pink to agitate the public and undermine President Barack Obama’s newly announced Afghanistan war policy. Top Obama funder, Code Pink co-founder and terrorist supporter Jodie Evans wrote at AlterNet of a White House initiated phone call she received last week, two days after Obama’s Afghan war speech at West Point. The Obama official said the administration wanted to “consult” with Code Pink in response to the group’s e-mail campaign targeting the White House with opposition to the president’s surge strategy. [The founder of the group who has personally met with America’s enemies on the battlefield has the ear of the commander in chief on a REGULAR basis concerning this administration’s policy issues. I wonder how many Americans are aware of this?…ed]

Reid Compares Opponents of Health Care Reform to Supporters of Slavery

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took his GOP-blasting rhetoric to a new level Monday, comparing Republicans who oppose health care reform to lawmakers who clung to the institution of slavery more than a century ago. The Nevada Democrat, in a sweeping set of accusations on the Senate floor, also compared health care foes to those who opposed women’s suffrage and the civil rights movement — even though it was Sen. Strom Thurmond, then a Democrat, who unsuccessfully tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and it was Republicans who led the charge against slavery. Senate Republicans on Monday called Reid’s comments “offensive” and “unbelievable.” [As far as I’m concerned this despicable idiot just sealed his political fate and any chance he had to hold onto his Senate seat is absolutely history come November 2010…ed]

Denmark’s warm and ‘fuzzy facts’

Shakespeare’s Marcellus was right. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. In this hotbed of homogeneity, where global warming is a sacred assumption for the faithful, 15,000 people will come together from 192 countries to pray for two weeks over what can be done to save the Earth from certain doom. Few places are better suited to handle the throngs of unquestioning believers who will journey from around the globe. Dissent is not tolerated, and diversity — in any form other than biodiversity — is not welcome here. (SNIP) Some 40,000 tons of carbon will be spewed getting this crowd together and keeping them in comfort. That is the daily amount of carbon dioxide produced by 30 of the world’s smaller countries, according to UN statistics. [With liberals, blatant hypocrisy like this asinine global warming party in Nopenhagen is a-ok as long as the alleged purpose behind it is a good one in their tiny minds. Meanwhile record setting snowfall is occurring all over the U.S. including places in CA that haven’t seen the white stuff in decades…ed]

Professor Bob Carter on CO2 and Climate Change

I recently came across this interesting four part series where Professor Bob Carter looks at Climate Change and asks the fundamental question: Is CO2 the cause? [Spend some time and watch these four videos. You won’t see this information broadcast on any of the card-carrying-members-of-the-religion-of-climate-propaganda networks…ed]

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J.A.R.G\'s \"Gotta Read\" News Of The Day 3 Comments

Is Obama A Robot or What?–President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama pose for photos during a reception at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City, New York.

135 different pictures and the man is able to maintain the exact same smile in every damn one of them? And check out the peepers!

That said, I do think I saw his right shoulder dip a couple of times…..or did I??

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Oklahoma Woman Shoots, Kills Home Intruder While On Phone With 911

bill_riley–A woman shot and killed a man who was trying to break into her Lincoln County home early Friday morning, authorities said.

Sheriff Chuck Mangion said 57-year-old Donna Jackson called 911 around 12:30 a.m. to report that she was home alone and a man was trying to break in her patio door.

Jackson told the 911 dispatcher that the man was screaming and threatening to hurt her.

“They need to hurry. He’s going to break this thing open. When he does, I’ll have to kill him and I don’t want to kill him,” Jackson said during the 911 call.

For nearly 10 minutes the man continued banging at the door and yelling profanities, threatening the woman.

“I can hear him banging the doors and yelling at her. I was scared for her,” said Brenda Hart, a Lincoln County 911 dispatch who was on the phone with Jackson during the incident.

The man picked up a patio table and threw it through the glass door and entered the home. The woman then shot him in the chest, Mangion said….

This was obviously a very traumatic event for this woman who couldn’t possibly have known what 53 year old Billy Dean Riley’s intentions were when he blasted through her back door and entered her home at 12:30 in the morning and it was obvious there was no way the police were going to arrive in time to save her from certain assault or death at the hands of this man. As we can hear at the end of this audio clip Ms. Jackson was clearly in anguish after the housebreaker put her in the terrible situation of having to take his life in order to save her own.

While it’s normal for many to take the old “well the bastard got what he had coming to him and good for her” approach the fact of the matter is that while the vast majority of firearm owners own guns specifically for these types of circumstances they always hope they are never put in the position to have to shoot to kill in order to prevent a criminal from taking their life or the lives of loved ones.
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2nd Amendment , , , , , 5 Comments

Barack Hussein Obama, Keeping It Classy as Always

Different venue same middle finger face scratch:

Same style cheap shot at John McCain:

…fast forward to yesterday when we had the commander-in-chief not so subtly flipping the face scratch bird as he announced the mayor of Bethlehem, PA, John Callahan, who supported Hillary Clinton during the Democratic presidential primary.

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Saturday December 5th

Arlington mayor fires at Obama online

In the opinion of Arlington Mayor Russell Wiseman, President Barack Obama’s speech on Tuesday night on the war in Afghanistan was deliberately timed to block the Christian message of the “Peanuts” television Christmas special. Wiseman made the statements on his Facebook page, where he declared Obama to be a Muslim. Only people on Wiseman’s “friend’s list” had access to the post. He has more than 1,600 friends on Facebook. “Ok, so, this is total crap, we sit the kids down to watch ‘The Charlie Brown Christmas Special’ and our muslim president is there, what a load…..try to convince me that wasn’t done on purpose. Ask the man if he believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he will give you a 10 minute disertation [sic] about it….w…hen the answer should simply be ‘yes’….” [Right on Mayor Wiseman. Tell me again what CHRISTIAN church the Obama’s attend on a regular basis? Yeah, you can’t…ed]

Breaking: Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar” Is Promoting Child Porn in the Classroom– Kevin Jennings and the GLSEN Reading List

Scott Baker from and Co-Host of ‘The B-Cast‘ submitted this shocking report today on Obama’s deviant Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings. (SNIP) Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings was the founder, and for many years, Executive Director of an organization called the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN started essentially as Jennings’ personal project and grew to become the culmination of his life’s work. And he was chosen by President Obama to be the nation’s Safe Schools Czar primarily because he had founded and led GLSEN. GLSEN’s stated mission is to empower gay youth in the schools and to stop harassment by other students. It encourages the formation of Gay Student Alliances and condemns the use of hateful words. [Grab your kids and hold them close all you parents out there. These creeps are coming after them and they have a captive audience once you drop them off at school…ed]

Judge: Parents bigots for opposing ‘gay’ lessons

A judge has attacked parents, suggesting they are bigots for seeking to opt-out their elementary-age children from a mandatory controversial pro-homosexual curriculum, according to a non-profit law firm. The parents were represented in California’s Alameda Superior Court by Pacific Justice Institute. On Dec. 1, Judge Frank Roesch denied a motion to allow them to have their children excused from the lessons. According to the group, Roesch blasted the parents for seeking enforcement of a provision of the California Education Code that gives parents a right to opt their kids out of health education. Education Code Section 51240 allows a parent to have a student excused from instruction, “If any part of a school’s instruction in health conflicts with the religious training and beliefs of a parent or guardian of a pupil.” However, Pacific Justice Institute said Roesch repeatedly insinuated that the parents are bigots and insisted there can be no homosexual indoctrination because, he purportedly argued, people are born that way. [More on this insanity…ed]

Comcast-NBC Deal: Does the Merger’s Approval Rest on Health Care?

I’ll be the first to admit that anti-trust law is not my strong suit. The myriad implications of cable giant Comcast’s proposed acquisition of NBC are complexities beyond the grasp of most mortals. Legions of attorneys will put legions of children through college with the fees that this transaction will generate. This is the kind of stimulus that will inject much-needed capital into the private country club sector of the economy. But beyond the regulatory and legal minutia that technically govern this proposed deal, one obscenely crass, downright offensive action by Comcast’s CEO warrants the application of withering scrutiny to the merger. A day, one single day, after the two media giants announced their deal, Comcast CEO Brian Roberts proudly weighed in to strongly support the Senate Democrats’ health care reform bill. [When Obama spoke of transparency in his administration who knew he meant blatant stuff like this where governmental approval of this merger “probably” hinged on the company CEO heartily endorsing the federal government takeover of our healthcare system. It couldn’t be more obvious and fortunately consumers have many other choices besides Comcast and nbc…ed]

‘Inexcusable’ actions in Va. Tech killings report

Some Virginia Tech administrators warned their families and ordered the president’s office locked well before the rest of the campus was notified a gunman was on the loose, according to a revised state report on the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history. Virginia’s governor called some of the administrators’ actions “inexcusable,” and some victims’ relatives who have been demanding the resignation of President Charles Steger ever since the 2007 massacre that left 33 people dead reacted bitterly to the findings. “He’s got to live with himself,” said Dennis Bluhm, who lost his son. “If he’s got any heart at all, and I’m not sure he does, he’s got a long life to live with this on his brain.” [Say, I’ll bet anyone a large beer Virginia Tech president Steger is one of those people that are adamantly opposed to students, who can otherwise legally own a firearm, carrying a concealed weapon on campus…ed]

‘Special relationship’ blossoms between Hillary Clinton and David Miliband

The Anglo-American relationship just got a bit more special. Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, has already admitted to an unlikely crush on David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary. Yesterday one of the more unlikely pairings in international politics went one stage farther when a Nato meeting in Brussels was the forum for some weapons-grade flirting. It started with a greeting in the form of an affectionate arm rub, moved on to a series of coquettish glances from Mrs Clinton that weren’t so much smouldering as positively incendiary — and, well, if it had gone any farther, there is little doubt that the meeting would have been drowned out with cries of “Get a room!” (Although, of course, if they did it would doubtless only be to discuss contemporary issues in global development policy). [Yeeesh, dude, get out now and save yourself. Seriously, it’s gotta smell like an old damp abandoned cellar “down there!” I mean her horn dog husband, who would screw a knothole in a fence board in a pinch, won’t even tap that keg!…ed]

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