WSJ/NBC News Poll: Tea Party Tops Democrats and Republicans
The loosely organized group made of up mostly conservative activists and independent voters that’s come to be known as the Tea Party movement currently boasts higher favorability ratings than either the Democratic or Republican Parties, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll coming out later today. More than four in 10, 41%, of respondents said they had a very or somewhat favorable view of the Tea Party movement, while 24% said they had a somewhat or very negative view of the group. The Tea Party movement gained notoriety over the summer following a series of protests in Washington, D.C. and other cities over government spending and other U.S. economic policies. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party, which controls both the White House and Congress, has a 35% positive rating compared with a 45% negative rating. [Apparently all of the liberal and media smears against Americans sick and tired of the two major political parties, isn’t working…ed]
Democrats’ Blues Grow Deeper in New Poll
Less than a year after Inauguration Day, support for the Democratic Party continues to slump, amid a difficult economy and a wave of public discontent, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. The findings underscored how dramatically the political landscape has changed during the Obama administration’s first year. In January, despite the recession and financial crisis, voters expressed optimism about the future, the new president enjoyed soaring approval ratings, and congressional leaders promised to swiftly pass his ambitious agenda. In December’s survey, for the first time, less than half of Americans approved of the job President Barack Obama was doing, marking a steeper first-year fall for this president than his recent predecessors. [Obama and his fellow liberals in Congress have awoken the sleeping giant in America. The productive hard working people in this country who bust their asses day in and day out and take care of their responsibilities are sick and tired of pulling the wagon full of those who don’t…ed]
Barack has no deaf-ense for a tin ear
Of all the surprises of President Obama’s first year, the biggest is his continuing tin ear for the mood of the country. He often appears clueless about what Americans want. Almost from the moment he stepped into the Oval Office, the man who smashed the Clinton machine and won an electoral landslide over John McCain seemed to lose his touch with the people who put him there. Some days, many days, he doesn’t look like he cares that big chunks of the country, left, right and center, are giving up on him. Voters by a large margin have said for months they don’t want the health-care overhaul he’s pushing, so he pushes harder. They want less spending and debt, so he doubles down on pork, bailouts, handouts and taxes. They thought he would deliver bipartisanship, and he gives his hard-left allies the keys to the kingdom. [Those that took the time to look into this Obama guy before he became president knew exactly what kind of man he was and we knew all along how much he and his wife hate this country…ed]
President Obama: Federal Government ‘Will Go Bankrupt’ if Health Care Costs Are Not Reined In
President Obama told ABC News’ Charles Gibson in an interview that if Congress does not pass health care legislation that will bring down costs, the federal government “will go bankrupt.” The president laid out a dire scenario of what will happen if his health care reform effort fails. “If we don’t pass it, here’s the guarantee….your premiums will go up, your employers are going to load up more costs on you,” he said. “Potentially they’re going to drop your coverage, because they just can’t afford an increase of 25 percent, 30 percent in terms of the costs of providing health care to employees each and every year. “ [Obama gets more desperate by the day as virtually every poll shows the American public has caught on to the healthcare scam he is pushing the Democrats to sneak through Congress…ed]
GOP: Obama can’t act on climate without Congress
Republican lawmakers are telling President Barack Obama that he needs Congress to deliver on any commitments he makes to reduce global warming gases. Seven GOP senators said at a news conference Thursday that any pledges Obama makes in Copenhagen will require Senate approval. The Senate is unlikely to support an agreement that does not include China and other developing countries. The GOP lawmakers also said they would try to block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases. [It’s very telling that someone has to remind the current president of the United States that the Constitution requires him to get the approval of two thirds of the Senate on any treaties or binding agreements he may commit this country to…ed]
Canadian Company Will ‘Offset’ Emissions From Obama’s Air Force One Flight to Copenhagen Climate Conference
A private Canadian company says it will plant 1,176 trees to offset the carbon emitted by Air Force One when it carries President Barack Obama to Copenhagen for the international climate conference. President Obama will travel 3,979 miles to Denmark on Friday, Dec. 18, and Air Force One will emit an estimated 196 tons of carbon on that trip, said LimeGreen Earth, Inc., in a news release.
“By offsetting President Obama’s carbon emission, we are setting a precedent for the global community,” said the company’s president, Andrew Thomas. “It is up to every individual to do their part to eliminate carbon emissions. There is no one better to lead this revolution than the President of the United States of America.” [Another stupid useless stunt by a bunch of Canadian liberals that means absolutely nothing but they must have forgotten about the “spare” Air Force One that will be trailing Obama and the litany of support vehicles that will accompany The Won on his little trip…ed]
Pelosi’s climate air farce
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leading a large delegation on at least two Air Force jets to Copenhagen for the climate summit — where participants harshly condemn the use of jet airplanes for the high amounts of CO2 they emit. “This may be the largest congressional delegation I have ever heard of,” said a source at the 89th Air Wing stationed at Andrews Air Force Base of the trip to the UN summit, which is increasingly being criticized as a farce. Using her authority as speaker, Pelosi reserved at least two jets based at Andrews AFB to fly her and her delegation to Denmark for the final days of the two-week conference. (SNIP) “Climate change is a religion for them, so there was no way they were going to miss this,” said one top GOP aide. “This is their Hajj.” [How cool would it be to hear Pelosi’s plane ran out of gas over the Atlantic with her and her Democrat party contingent the only ones without parachutes?…ed]
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