Christmas Eve 2009

Right Direction or Wrong Track. Just 29% Say U.S. Heading In Right Direction

Just 29% of U.S. voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, the lowest level measured since early February, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. The percentage of voters who felt the country is heading in the right direction remained in the narrow range of 31% to 35% from July to early November. For the previous three weeks, however, confidence in the country’s current course has held steady at 30%. The majority of voters (65%) continue to believe the nation is heading down the wrong track. [How’s all that dope and chains workin’ out for you Obama voters these days?…ed]

No Churchgoing Christmas for the First Family

The Senate vote on final passage of health reform almost scuttled their plans, but it looks like the First Family will still make it to Hawaii for Christmas. They’ve had a whirlwind holiday season so far, starting with the lighting of the National Christmas Tree, through hosting more than 50,000 people for 27 parties and open houses, and ending with a visit by the First Lady, Malia and Sasha, and the family’s dog Bo, to deliver cookies to the Children’s National Medical Center. The Obamas have also started their own holiday traditions in their new home, adding a Christmas wishing tree to the decorations festooning the White House. But there’s one common Christmas practice not on the First Family’s schedule: a visit to Christmas Eve church services. Church, in fact, has been a surprisingly tough issue for the Obamas. [I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell you that the Obamas are completely uninterested in going to church to join in this country’s celebration of the birth of baby Jesus. NOT!…ed]

NIMBY Feinstein nixes solar, wind farms

Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who chairs the Senate subcommittee that oversees the Interior Department, has scuttled plans to build 13 multi-million dollar solar plants and wind farms on a million acres in California’s Mojave Desert proposed as a national monument. Feinstein’s move will severely complicate her state’s quixotic effort to obtain a third of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020. The desert land was bought for nearly $45 million in private funds and $18 million in federal funds by an environmental group, which then donated it to the federal government for the purpose of conservation. In 2005, however, President Bush ordered that renewal energy production be fast-tracked on all public lands including the Mojave, which is among the sunniest in the nation. [The liberals bellow about how badly this country needs this idiotic “green” energy so when the best place in California to pull this off is chosen Feinstein blocks it from happening. Wake the hell up people and understand Democrats could care less about the citizens of this country!…ed]

Dems not worried about post-vote backlash at home

Democrats today have repeatedly expressed a confidence that they won’t face a backlash for their votes when they return home for the holidays, which would stand in marked contrast to the August recess. “This is a happy day. (Senate Republican Leader) Mitch McConnell said on the floor that we’re going to go home and hear our constituents rail against this bill. I don’t believe that. I believe that the negativity that Leader McConnell and others have continually displayed on the floor has peaked, and now when people learn what’s actually in the bill—and all the good it does—it is going to become more and more popular because it is good for America, good for the American people, and a true symbol of what we can do if we all pull together,” said Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer. [EVERY reputable poll out there shows Americans did not want this POS but the tin ear Democrats ddn’t give a damn. If this bill is such a great deal why did some Senators insist on language that THEIR state was exempt from many provisions contained within? If this bill was so great why did Congress exempt THEMSELVES from this pig? Hmmmm?…ed]

Rude awakening for naive Left about big government

To watch the Left turn against President Obama’s health care reform is to watch the shattering of an illusion. Liberals’ high-minded plan for insuring all Americans has devolved into a congressional orgy of pork. It has produced a bailout for insurers and a generous subsidy for drug makers — and both industries are backing this bill to the hilt. Why wouldn’t insurers support a bill that places a gun at the head of every American and shouts: “Write a check to an insurer, or we’ll send you to jail!” Independent-thinking liberals are now suffering from buyer’s remorse. Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean called in vain for the death of Obamacare. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann promised to go to prison before he would comply with the bill’s mandate to purchase health insurance. Markos Moulitsas of the liberal Daily Kos wrote on Twitter: “Insurance companies win. Time to kill this monstrosity coming out of the Senate.” [Heads up to you stupid liberals, Obama is merely the camel’s nose poking through the tent opening. Middle names matter. Think about it…ed]

Crapo: GOP unlikely to be able to repeal health bill

Republicans are unlikely to repeal the health reform legislation before Congress if they take control of the House and Senate, a GOP senator conceded Wednesday. Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) said Republicans are unlikely to be able to repeal the legislation anytime in the near future. “Technically it could be peeled back if the circumstances were right,” Crapo said during an appearance on a conservative news radio syndicate. “But we would have to have a president who would sign such a bill, and we would have to have 60 votes in the Senate — not just 50.” “So it would be a very tall order, and frankly, the likelihood’s that that’s not going to develop in the near future,” he added. [This group of gutless Congressional Republicans are completely useless. Where the hell is the representation of the American people in our government?…ed]

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Wednesday December 23rd

Why Does Interpol Need Immunity from American Law?

You just can’t make up how brazen this crowd is. One week ago, President Obama quietly signed an executive order that makes an international police force immune from the restraints of American law. Interpol is the shorthand for the International Criminal Police Organization. It was established in 1923 and operates in about 188 countries. By executive order 12425, issued in 1983, President Reagan recognized Interpol as an international organization and gave it some of the privileges and immunities customarily extended to foreign diplomats. Interpol, however, is also an active law-enforcement agency, so critical privileges and immunities (set forth in Section 2(c) of the International Organizations Immunities Act) were withheld. (SNIP) Steve Schippert has more at ThreatsWatch, here. [Don’t expect to see this reported anywhere in the lamestream media! Because of Obama, foreign agents are free to do their business on our soil unbound by our laws and Constitution but U.S. soldiers fighting on behalf of our country in other lands are subject to prosecution for not granting enemy combatants their “Constitutional rights.” This friends is the beginning of the end as our sovereignty and freedom are being stripped away by this America hating president…ed]

The Communists Behind Obama’s Health Care Goals

The polls have been clear for quite some time: By a substantial margin, Americans oppose the efforts of Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats to enact a massive overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system, one that would greatly expand the federal government’s role. Significantly, the President’s deeply held positions on healthcare were derived largely from the influence of a politically aggressive group of longtime Marxists whose worldviews were consistent with those Obama had already developed from other radical influences in his life. (SNIP) Barack Obama did not conceive of socialized medicine on his own. His acceptance of such a system was cultivated and nurtured by the same types of Marxist revolutionaries with whom he has surrounded himself throughout his entire adult life – and who are now shaping the major policy agendas of his administration. [This article is a brutally eye opening expose into the scumbags who have influenced Obama and helped him develop what he hopes will be his plans for our country. This one will get you seething…ed]

Senators Cite New Budget Letter to Argue Health Care Bill Will Hike Deficit

Republicans, emboldened by a new letter from the Congressional Budget Office, accused Democrats on Wednesday of “Bernie Madoff accounting” for double counting the savings from Medicare as a means to pay for the Senate health care bill. As the Senate prepares for a crucial vote before final passage of a massive overhaul bill that Democrats argue will reduce the deficit by $132 billion over 10 years, Sen. Jeff Sesssions, R-Ala, said the nearly $500 billion in cuts to Medicare actually will add $300 billion to the deficit. “The real score on this legislation is that it would cause the deficit to increase, and not be a surplus as the president has promised,” Sessions told Fox News. “And a lot members of our Congress have said I won’t vote for this bill unless it’s deficit neutral. It’s not deficit neutral. It will add to the debt. That’s clear today.” [I don’t mean to beat this bogus healthcare scam being rammed through Congress by the Democrats to death but they have been lying about this piece of crap from day one and we MUST stay on top of truthful information as it comes out…ed]

Merry Christmas: Obamacare Slaps $15,000 Annual Fee on Middle Class Families

The Congressional Budget Office’s analysis of the final Senate health care bill indicates it would slap a mandatory annual fee of about $15,000 on middle-class families that earn an annual income greater than 400 percent of the federal poverty level ($88,200 for a family of four) and are not provided with health insurance by their employer. On Dec. 19, the CBO sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) analyzing the fiscal impact of the bill the Senate is poised to vote on before Christmas. The CBO analysis cites five basic facts about the bill that acting together would deal a devastating financial blow to many middle class families if the bill is enacted and enforced as written. Here are these facts: [Obama, Pelosi and Reid are hoping the vast majority of the American public is too busy trying to stay employed to notice how they are getting ready to bend us over and drive this Obamacare home without any lubricant. Fortunately (?) millions of citizens are out of work since Obama took office and have a lot more time on their hands enabling them to stay on top of what these filthy rotten anti American bums are up to…ed]

Health Care Bill Could Face String of Legal Challenges

Organizations and lawmakers opposed to the health care reform package are getting their legal briefs in a bunch, threatening to challenge the constitutionality of the sweeping overhaul should it make its way to President Obama’s desk. Republicans have agreed to allow the Democratic-led Senate to move up the time for a final vote to 8 a.m. Thursday so that lawmakers and their staff can go home for Christmas. But GOP supporters aren’t backing down on their threats to put a stop to the legislation using whatever legal means possible. [It’s high time conservatives quit being nice and polite while getting rolled every time we turn around. Obama, the Democrat controlled Congress and liberals throughout this country are hell bent on destroying our Constitution and our country as we know it. When we get a chance to see what’s really in this monstrosity let the lawsuits start flying…ed]

Obamacare sparking 10th Amendment rebellion, action in seven states

Looks like the steadily growing list of constitutional, ethical and political outrages that constitute the Harry Reid version of Obamacare is sparking a rebellion in the states, as AP reports South Carolina’s attorney general plans to investigate the vote-buying that surrounded the proposal in the Senate majority leader’s office. According to AP, South Carolina’s Henry McMaster is being joined by the attorneys general of Michigan and Washington state in a suit to determine the constitutionality of the Obamacare proposal. Their initiative was prompted by a request from South Carolina’s two senators, Lindsay Graham and Jim DeMint, both Republicans. Attorneys-general in at least four other states are also considering joining McMasters, according to AP. A move by a group of states to challenge the constitutionality of Obamacare could reinvigorate the efficacy of the 10th Amendment, which reserves to the states or the people all rights not specifically granted to the federal government. [The federal government, under BOTH parties, has been running roughshod over states’ rights and the Tenth Amendment for decades and we are quickly approaching the tipping point where the people simply aren’t going to take it any more…ed]

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The Obama's White House Christmas Tree Features Communist Chinese Chairman Mao, Transvestite Hedda Lettuce Ornaments

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In addition there hangs a special tree decoration plastered with Barack Hussein Obama’s ugly ass mug wedged between some truly great presidents up on historic Mt. Rushmore.

True to form, the Obama’s claim they were completely unaware that these despicable ornaments were displayed upon the Blue Room Christmas tree inside of America’s White House.–Why let a holiday season come between the White House and making some political statements? The White House pegged controversial designer Simon Doonan to oversee the Christmas decorations for the White House. Mr. Doonan, who is creative director of Barney’s New York has often caused a stir with his design choices. Like his naughty yuletide window display of Margaret Thatcher as a dowdy dominatrix and Dan Quayle as a ventriloquist’s dummy. For this year’s White House, he didn’t disappoint.

These photos of ornaments on the White House Christmas tree in the Blue Room were taken just days ago. Of course, Mao has his place in the White House. And, of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without an ornament of legendary transvestite Hedda Lettuce……

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Tuesday December 22nd

Rep. Parker Griffith to Switch Parties to Become Republican

Rep. Parker Griffith, a freshman Democrat from Alabama, is switching parties to become a Republican, Fox News has confirmed. Griffith is expected to make a formal announcement in an afternoon press conference on Tuesday. Griffith succeeded former Democratic Rep. Bud Cramer of Alabama, who retired earlier this year in a hard-fought contest for his northern Alabama seat. Republicans thought that district would be hard for Democrats to hold without Cramer on the ballot, but Griffith defeated Republican Wayne Parker by four percentage points — even though Republican presidential nominee John McCain won every county in the district. [Looks like someone wants to keep his job come next year’s midterm elections and being a Democrat is probably not gonna play well with the voters in this particular Alabama district…ed]

Health Care Bill’s Individual Mandate Is Unconstitutional, Conservative Group Argues

Conservatives are discussing a constitutional challenge to the Democrats’ health care legislation, if and when it becomes law. Aside from constitutional questions about Sen. Ben Nelson’s deal with Democrats on behalf of Nebraskans, conservatives are eyeing the bill’s individual mandate – the requirement that every American citizen must purchase health insurance. “Mandating that individuals must obtain health insurance, and imposing any penalty—civil or criminal—on any private citizen for not purchasing health insurance is not authorized by any provision of the U.S. Constitution,” says The Conservative Action Project, a group of prominent conservative activists. “As such, [the bill] is unconstitutional, and should not survive a court challenge on that issue.” [Naturally this assumes that the courts will actually find in favor of the Constitution. One could feasibly argue that the Constitution has been on life support for decades…ed]

Reid Bill Says Future Congresses Cannot Repeal Parts of Reid Bill

Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) pointed out some rather astounding language in the Senate health care bill during floor remarks tonight. First, he noted that there are a number of changes to Senate rules in the bill–and it’s supposed to take a 2/3 vote to change the rules. And then he pointed out that the Reid bill declares on page 1020 that the Independent Medicare Advisory Board cannot be repealed by future Congresses: [Now you know why these Democrat sleazebags want to ram this bill through quickly before anyone has a chance to read the thing. That way nobody knows what’s really in it such as the little nugget that part of the ObamaCare bill CANNOT be appealed by a future Congress…ed]

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s Christmas list should outrage all Americans

One reason that so many Americans hailed the 2008 election of President Barack Obama was because he promised a new way of governing: more transparency, more inclusiveness, more integrity. Some of us believed him. As the president’s first year in office draws to a close, we have to wonder what happened to those promises, especially as we consider the growing list of Christmas gifts allocated on the sly by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. These were offered as incentives — we call them bribes — to secure just enough votes to ram through the controversial $871 billion health care reform bill in the Senate. For instance, if you think Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., was standing on anti-abortion principles in initially refusing to line up with fellow Democrats, think again. [Other than words from someone nobody had heard of before the presidential campaign what had Obama ever done to make people think they could trust his integrity? After all he did come out of the slimy, corrupt and ruthless Chicago political machine and that alone should have been a red flag to everyone…ed]

Sebelius: Yes, you will pay for abortions under Nelson’s deal, like it or not.

At Hot Air, Captain Ed has a tape of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius discussing how the so-called “abortion premium” in the Senate health care reform bill will work. Is she suggesting that everyone will have to pay an abortion premium, and that accounting tricks will be used just to make it look like you’re not forced to pay for abortions? SEBELIUS: That would be an accounting procedure, but everybody in the exchange would do the same thing, whether you’re male or female, whether you’re 75 or 25, you would all set aside a portion of your premium that would go into a fund, and it would not be earmarked for anything, it would be a separate account that everyone in the exchange would pay. [It’s there, in the bill. You WILL be paying for abortions whether you like it or not. The Democrats running the show right now are some of the most devious evil scumbags to ever come along in American politics…ed]

Nelson Says More Senators Seeking Special Treatment in Light of Nebraska Deal

Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson, after securing a sweetheart deal for his state as part of the health insurance reform bill, said Tuesday that three other senators have told him they want to bargain for the same kind of special treatment. “Three senators came up to me just now on the (Senate) floor, and said, ‘Now we understand what you did. We’ll be seeking this funding too’,” Nelson said. [This article brought to us by the “gee-never-could-have-seen-this-one-coming” folks…ed]

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Rasmussen: Obama's Job Performance Numbers Plummet To New Low


Merry Christmas all you hope and change dolts as your hero, Barack Hussein Obama, hits a new low at with an incredible strong disapproval figure of -21 and an overall disapproval rating now ramping up to 56%. Most troubling for Mr. Obama is the continuing slide in approval numbers from independent voters with 62% now saying they aren’t pleased with his job performance.

Today marks the 34th straight day Obama’s Presidential Approval Index figure has been in double digit negatives. The last time Obama sported a positive PAI rating was all the way back on 6-29-09, nearly SIX MONTHS ago, but you certainly won’t hear about that anywhere in the mainstream media.
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If Only Jack Webb Really Had The Chance To Rip Obama A New One

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Greenpeace Ship Gets Owned While Parked During Global Warming Conference

Payback is a real bitch as a Greenpeace ship of lies gets owned while docked in Copenhagen Denmark during the recently concluded attempted shakedown of productive producing countries in the name of “global warming” also known as the bogus “Climate Change Conference.”
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Now THIS Is An Anti Obama Rant!

“He’s the biggest failure since New Coke!”

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Tell Me Again….Who Runs Detroit?

I suppose I mean’t to ask, exactly who is responsible for running the once great city of Detroit straight into the ground?

Powerful unions? Corrupt government bureaucracies? LIBERALS??

All of the above indeed as Detroit may very well represent what America will become as long as we continue to allow these anti America leftists to be in control of our schools, businesses and government.
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Democrat Senator: Those Opposed To Obama's Agenda Are Racist Militia Fanatics

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Opposed to Barack Hussein Obama’s radical left wing agenda he has planned for our country?

Well then, according to Rhode Island Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse you are nothing more than some fanatical right wing militia member, an Aryan Nation groupie or have some serious questions concerning the birth status of a man who clearly does not qualify to hold the office of president of the United States.

It seems as though a sitting United States Senator just smeared the crap out of a HUGE number of American citizens yet they probably didn’t even know it happened.
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