Right Direction or Wrong Track. Just 29% Say U.S. Heading In Right Direction
Just 29% of U.S. voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, the lowest level measured since early February, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. The percentage of voters who felt the country is heading in the right direction remained in the narrow range of 31% to 35% from July to early November. For the previous three weeks, however, confidence in the country’s current course has held steady at 30%. The majority of voters (65%) continue to believe the nation is heading down the wrong track. [How’s all that dope and chains workin’ out for you Obama voters these days?…ed]
No Churchgoing Christmas for the First Family
The Senate vote on final passage of health reform almost scuttled their plans, but it looks like the First Family will still make it to Hawaii for Christmas. They’ve had a whirlwind holiday season so far, starting with the lighting of the National Christmas Tree, through hosting more than 50,000 people for 27 parties and open houses, and ending with a visit by the First Lady, Malia and Sasha, and the family’s dog Bo, to deliver cookies to the Children’s National Medical Center. The Obamas have also started their own holiday traditions in their new home, adding a Christmas wishing tree to the decorations festooning the White House. But there’s one common Christmas practice not on the First Family’s schedule: a visit to Christmas Eve church services. Church, in fact, has been a surprisingly tough issue for the Obamas. [I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell you that the Obamas are completely uninterested in going to church to join in this country’s celebration of the birth of baby Jesus. NOT!…ed]
NIMBY Feinstein nixes solar, wind farms
Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who chairs the Senate subcommittee that oversees the Interior Department, has scuttled plans to build 13 multi-million dollar solar plants and wind farms on a million acres in California’s Mojave Desert proposed as a national monument. Feinstein’s move will severely complicate her state’s quixotic effort to obtain a third of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020. The desert land was bought for nearly $45 million in private funds and $18 million in federal funds by an environmental group, which then donated it to the federal government for the purpose of conservation. In 2005, however, President Bush ordered that renewal energy production be fast-tracked on all public lands including the Mojave, which is among the sunniest in the nation. [The liberals bellow about how badly this country needs this idiotic “green” energy so when the best place in California to pull this off is chosen Feinstein blocks it from happening. Wake the hell up people and understand Democrats could care less about the citizens of this country!…ed]
Dems not worried about post-vote backlash at home
Democrats today have repeatedly expressed a confidence that they won’t face a backlash for their votes when they return home for the holidays, which would stand in marked contrast to the August recess. “This is a happy day. (Senate Republican Leader) Mitch McConnell said on the floor that we’re going to go home and hear our constituents rail against this bill. I don’t believe that. I believe that the negativity that Leader McConnell and others have continually displayed on the floor has peaked, and now when people learn what’s actually in the bill—and all the good it does—it is going to become more and more popular because it is good for America, good for the American people, and a true symbol of what we can do if we all pull together,” said Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer. [EVERY reputable poll out there shows Americans did not want this POS but the tin ear Democrats ddn’t give a damn. If this bill is such a great deal why did some Senators insist on language that THEIR state was exempt from many provisions contained within? If this bill was so great why did Congress exempt THEMSELVES from this pig? Hmmmm?…ed]
Rude awakening for naive Left about big government
To watch the Left turn against President Obama’s health care reform is to watch the shattering of an illusion. Liberals’ high-minded plan for insuring all Americans has devolved into a congressional orgy of pork. It has produced a bailout for insurers and a generous subsidy for drug makers — and both industries are backing this bill to the hilt. Why wouldn’t insurers support a bill that places a gun at the head of every American and shouts: “Write a check to an insurer, or we’ll send you to jail!” Independent-thinking liberals are now suffering from buyer’s remorse. Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean called in vain for the death of Obamacare. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann promised to go to prison before he would comply with the bill’s mandate to purchase health insurance. Markos Moulitsas of the liberal Daily Kos wrote on Twitter: “Insurance companies win. Time to kill this monstrosity coming out of the Senate.” [Heads up to you stupid liberals, Obama is merely the camel’s nose poking through the tent opening. Middle names matter. Think about it…ed]
Crapo: GOP unlikely to be able to repeal health bill
Republicans are unlikely to repeal the health reform legislation before Congress if they take control of the House and Senate, a GOP senator conceded Wednesday. Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) said Republicans are unlikely to be able to repeal the legislation anytime in the near future. “Technically it could be peeled back if the circumstances were right,” Crapo said during an appearance on a conservative news radio syndicate. “But we would have to have a president who would sign such a bill, and we would have to have 60 votes in the Senate — not just 50.” “So it would be a very tall order, and frankly, the likelihood’s that that’s not going to develop in the near future,” he added. [This group of gutless Congressional Republicans are completely useless. Where the hell is the representation of the American people in our government?…ed]