Saturday January 2nd

Limbaugh: Tests show no ailments after chest pain

Conservative talk radio show host Rush Limbaugh said Friday tests showed nothing was wrong with his heart after he was hospitalized with chest pains. Limbaugh, 58, was released from The Queen’s Medical Center two days after he was rushed there during a vacation. Doctors said he did not have a heart attack or heart disease. “The pain was real, and they don’t know what caused it,” Limbaugh said, adding his best guess was he had a spasm in an artery. Limbaugh said he was not taking painkillers. [I wonder how many liberals will have to be rushed to the hospital with chest pains after hearing this news?…ed]

Obama Approval Index Month-by-Month

When tracking President Obama’s job approval on a daily basis, people sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day fluctuations that they miss the bigger picture. To look at the longer-term trends, Rasmussen Reports compiles the numbers on a full-month basis, and the results can be seen in the graphics below. The president’s Approval Index ratings fell three points in December following two-point declines in both October and November. Looking back, the president’s honeymoon ended quickly before his ratings stabilized from March through May. They tumbled in June and July as the health care debate began before stabilizing again over the summer. Public attitudes towards the health care legislation have hardened in recent months, with most voters opposed to the work being done in Congress. [The next time someone tries to tell you what a great job Obama is doing show them these charts indicating how the rest of America feels about his performance…ed]

Healthcare in the liberal/socialist big picture

According to Rasmussen Reports, only 34 percent of voters believe passing the healthcare bill currently before Congress is better than passing nothing at all. Only 25 percent overall actually believe they will be better off under the plan and, for seniors that drops to only 16 percent. But there is, nevertheless, a consensus. A whopping 100 percent of congressmen disapprove of the plan because none of them advocate that the proposed healthcare reform should apply to them. Still, that’s not restraining most of them from doing everything in their power to ram this legislation down the throats of the rest of us. But why? If the polls clearly indicate that the majority of Americans do not approve, plus ancillary data supporting the very real possibility of it costing Democratic Senators and Representatives their seats come the next election why are they so determined to do this to the American people? [Truth be told amendments WERE offered up by Republicans that would force Congress and federal workers now exempt from ObamaCare to be covered by the same plan as the rest of us but Democrats quickly shot those down…ed]

The prospects for revolt in 2010

Where is Nelson Mandela when we need him? In the fine new film “Invictus,” South Africa’s first black president inspects his first official paycheck. “This is terrible,” Mr. Mandela says. He decides he earns too much and subsequently donates a third of his salary to charity. (SNIP) Today’s thoughtless and corrosive spend-o-rama began under a Republican Congress and the feckless Bush-Rove administration. Alas, a Democratic White House and Congress briskly outspend their predecessors. In stunning contrast to Mr. Mandela’s example, Congress carpet-bombs taxpayer dollars on greedy federal bureaucrats – even as Americans struggle, and often fail, to pay their mortgages and rents. [The money shot in this article comes at the very end…ed]

New Media leader exposes myth of Obama’s ‘bottom-up’ Internet-driven 2008 campaign

End-of-year media pieces tend to be boring rehashes but occasionally a thoughtful person will use the opportunity for some genuinely original and useful thinking about the most recent past. Such is Micah Sifry’s powerful and significant post on Personal Democracy Forum’s Tech President, “The Obama disconnect: What happens when myth meets reality.” Remember how the Mainstream Media endlessly told us in 2008 that the Obama campaign was blazing new trails by raising millions of dollars of campaign donations and creating the first-ever bottom-up, people-driven Internet-focused presidential campaign apparatus? Sifry’s post is a must-read for those across the political spectrum who seek to understand why the truth about the Obama campaign in 2008 was almost exactly the opposite of that mythic rendition at the heart of the conventional Mainstream Media wisdom. [There isn’t anything about Obama that is real. Not only was his campaign a big face but so has his presidency. Nice work all you hopey changey dolts…ed]

Barack Obama is vulnerable on terror – and he knows it

In his weekly radio address yesterday, President Barack Obama patted himself on the back for having “refocused the fight – bringing to a responsible end the war in Iraq, which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks”. He then told people to remember that “our adversaries are those who would attack our country, not our fellow Americans”, before decrying “fear and cynicism” and “partisanship and division” – the code phrases for horrid Republicans used during his 2008 election campaign. Complacency, faux moralising and partisan shots at Republicans. It was a neat summary of where Obama is going wrong after the Christmas Day debacle when the Nigerian knicker bomber managed to waltz onto a Detroit-bound flight. [Is Obama really “vulnerable” or would a massive terrorist attack occurring on American soil help him make good on his campaign promise to “fundamentally change this nation as we know it”? And I don’t mean in a good way…ed]

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Thursday December 31st

Rush Limbaugh Hospitalized With Chest Pains

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh was taken to a hospital after suffering chest pains and was resting comfortably Wednesday, his radio program said in a statement. “Rush was admitted to and is resting comfortably in a Honolulu hospital today after suffering chest pains,” the statement said. “Rush appreciates your prayers and well wishes and will keep you updated via and on his radio program.” Kit Carson, Limbaugh’s chief of staff, said he had no further information on Limbaugh’s condition. [Sadly for liberals all over this country Rush will be just fine and back at work soon…ed]

Oops! Wikipedia Pronounced Rush Limbaugh Dead

Looks like the folks at Wikipedia were prepared for the worst when it came to Rush Limbaugh. Actually they were a little too well prepared. Shortly after the news broke that the conservative political radio talk show host was hospitalized, Wikipedia updated his page – and pronounced him dead. Folks (like us) who happened to take a look at Limbaugh’s biography, saw this: [Much like and, wikipedia is operated and managed by left wingers trying to pretend they are a legitimate source of credible information. Yet here we have another story proving the point that the site is about as legit, credible and reliable a source of quality information as is the Sunday funny papers…ed]

Wikipedia Meets Its Own Climategate

Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, had an article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal drawing attention to the rise of “online hostility” and the “degeneration of online civility.” He (and coauthor Andrea Weckerle) suggested ways in which we can “prevent the worst among us from silencing the best among us.” I agree with just about everything that they say. But there is one problem that Mr. Wales does not go near. That is the use of Wikipedia itself to inflame the political debate by permitting activists to rewrite the contributions of others. All by itself, that surely is a contributor to online incivility. The issue that I am particularly thinking about is “climate change” — or global warming as it was once called (until the globe stopped warming, about a decade ago). Recently the Financial Post in Canada published an article by Lawrence Solomon, with this remarkable headline: [More revealing info on the trash site wikipedia…ed]

Obama’s Only Real Accomplishment

Let’s get it straight, behind all the hubbub and noise, the international trips and summits, the TV specials and constant addresses to the nation and any other nation that would let him in, the huge spending plans and the photoshoots—Barack Hussein Obama has accomplished only one thing in his first year in office. Obama’s only real accomplishment is that he took hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money, and directed them to his donors on Wall Street, in the unions and the insurance industry. Barry Hussein took in nearly 15 million dollars in donations from securities and investments companies, and his first priority was to pay it back with a massive bailout that has exploded the deficit. [If this article doesn’t make you sit up and take notice of how destructive the Obama administration has been in only 11 months at the helm, nothing will…ed]

What is Barack Obama doing?

Some distressing civil liberties questions must be asked about an ever-lengthening list of decisions, proposals, and observations by President Obama. To begin, Obama is the first president to give an international law enforcement organization like Interpol free rein within the territorial confines of this nation, presumably not excluding the arrest and exportation of Americans to be charged with crimes under international law. Put simply, this means the Constitution is no longer the supreme law of the land in America. Thanks to Executive Order 12425 , which Obama signed Dec. 16 without explaining why, the supreme law of the land is now arguably whatever Interpol says it is, most likely as directed by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, in conjunction with the United Nations. [Would this be the Obama administration’s method of seeing to it that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are arrested for “war crimes” since they know it can’t take place under our Constitution? Who really knows what was behind this insidious decision by Barack Hussein Obama?…ed]

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2009

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released its 2009 list of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.” The list, in alphabetical order, includes: [Your president made the list which happens to be legitimately dominated by Democrats!…ed]

Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell: ‘I was visited by the FBI’

Following up on a visit from FBI officials about an eyewitness account first described to, Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell described the visit in comment sections across MLive on Wednesday. Haskell and his wife, Lori, were aboard Flight 253 when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly tried to destroy the plane. They say another man tried to help Abdulmutallab board the plane in Amsterdam. Haskell had two detailed posts in two different stories. [A very interesting first person account of a situation that has yet to be reported by the lamestream media concerning the attempted bombing of flight 253 on Christmas day…ed]

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Assemblyman Dov Hikind, A New York Democrat Who Gets It

Why would it be considered “controversial” to take a hard look at the ONE group of people who have made it clear they are hell bent on violently murdering innocent Americans?–State Assemblyman Dov Hikind has revived his proposal for racial profiling by security personnel, in light of the attempted bombing of a passenger jet landing in Detroit.

“I think this is a unique situation,” said Hikind, who introduced a similar bill in 2005 after the London subways were attacked and NYPD officers began randomly searching the bags of some passengers.

Hikind told me by phone that if there is a “compelling governmental interest” to consider race in college admissions, as the Supreme Court affirmed in the case of Grutter v. Bollinger, the same is true in a climate of heightened security risk.

“If this isn’t a compelling government interest to do this, the war on terror, then what is? Why is there a difference?” Hikind said. “No one is saying we shouldn’t check Norwegians–blonde, blue-eyed people–but we’re saying let’s be realistic about it. Their profile happens to be young, Muslim men of Middle-eastern and South Asian background. Is that the only thing you look at? Of course not”……

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Wednesday December 30th

US aware ‘Nigerian’ prepared for terror attack

The US was aware that “a Nigerian” in Yemen was being prepared for a terrorist attack – weeks before an attempted bombing on a US plane. ABC News and the New York Times say there was intelligence to this effect, but its source is unclear. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab flew from Lagos to Amsterdam before changing planes for a flight to Detroit on which he allegedly tried to detonate a bomb. [Gee, one would think after 3000 people died on September 11, 2001 the government would have one hell of a system in place to make sure the citizens of this country were safe from having some nutjob muslim boarding an airplane after paying cash for a one way ticket from Nigeria to Detroit without any checked luggage. My seven year old poodle could have seen the red flags and heard the alarm bells go off on this situation…ed]

Awlaki personally blessed Detroit attack

The Nigerian accused of trying to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner had his suicide mission personally blessed in Yemen by Anwar al-Awlaki, the same Muslim imam suspected of radicalizing the Fort Hood shooting suspect, a U.S. intelligence source has told The Washington Times. The intelligence official, who is familiar with the FBI’s interrogation of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, said the bombing suspect has boasted of his jihad training during interrogation by the FBI and has said it included final exhortations by Mr. al-Awlaki. “It was Awlaki who indoctrinated him,” the official said. “He was told, ‘You are going to be the tip of the spear of the Muslim nation.'” [Perhaps it’ time to drop the political correctness and understand Islam is at war with this country and “the muslim nation” will stop at nothing in “its” quest to kill thousands more innocent Americans…ed]

Somali Man Arrested at Mogadishu Airport With Chemicals, Syringe Last Month

A man tried to board a commercial airliner in Mogadishu last month carrying powdered chemicals, liquid and a syringe that could have caused an explosion in a case bearing chilling similarities to the terrorist plot to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner, officials told The Associated Press on Wednesday. The Somali man — whose name has not yet been released — was arrested by African Union peacekeeping troops before the Nov. 13 Daallo Airlines flight took off. It had been scheduled to travel from Mogadishu to the northern Somali city of Hargeisa, then to Djibouti and Dubai. A Somali police spokesman, Abdulahi Hassan Barise, said the suspect is in Somali custody. [They fly commercial airliners in Somalia? Who knew? I wonder what is more dangerous, the guys flying the planes of the crazy bastards trying to blow them up mid flight?…ed]

While terrorists plot, the FAA parties

While a terrorist was plotting to kill Americans over the Christmas holidays, what was the Federal Aviation Administration doing? Why, spending $5 million on a three-week-long Christmas party, of course. A series of seminars in Atlanta officially were aimed at training managers on a new air-traffic-controller contract but degenerated into one big bash. According to ABC News, the seminars didn’t even cover half of the 100 new provisions in a contract that went into effect two months ago. Participants apparently also were too busy partying on the taxpayer dime to learn much. Whistleblowers told ABC tales of rampant drunken debauchery, including one attendee propositioning an undercover reporter for her services as a prostitute. [What taxpaying citizens call a drunken party the government calls extensive training. I’d like to know where I can sign up for one of these gubmint jobs and get MY groove on…ed]

Why is Obama still in Hawaii?

Five days after the Christmas Day bomber tried to blow up NWA Flight 253 over Detroit, President Obama is still on vacation in Hawaii. He has delivered two hasty, tie-less statements on homeland security from a makeshift podium in Honolulu whose underwhelming sum impact has been the equivalent of voting “present” (Obama’s career m.o.) By his own admission and in direct contradiction to his hapless DHS Secretary, the president acknowledged yesterday that “systemic failure” led to the breach. Obama is not scheduled to return to Washington until Sunday. That’s four more full days of reinforcing his image as detached, aloof, and too damned tired to tackle the jihadi epidemic with the once-hyped energy and passion of a 48-year-old Super-Agent of Hope and Change. [Michelle Obama: Hey homie, the next time we go on one of our over the top expensive vacations on the taxpayer’s dime I want you to order the TSA to ground all commercial airline flights so we don’t get bothered. You hearin’ me Barack? I ain’t got time for this kinda mess!…ed]

A slowly dawning realization

Barack Obama could get you killed. That’s the reluctant conclusion more and more Americans are contemplating in the wake of the bizarre handling of the Northwest 253 attempted bombing. “Feckless” is one of the kinder terms one could use to describe the Keystone Kops approach of the Obama team to the War on Terror. Janet Napolitano’s reassurances to the public that “everything went according to clockwork” were so wacky as to be alarming. Obama’s first interruption of his golf game to speak to the American people was so detached as to create the impression that the many simply is not taking seriously his responsibility to protect and defend the American people and their Constitution. His second interruption of his golf game was slightly less detached, but featured disembodied language (“a systematic failure has occurred”) with no actual people failing. The buck never even gets close to this president, though Janet Napolitano may soon be hearing a bus motor revving up, and the wheels approaching. [The post of the day…ed]

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Monday December 28th

EXCLUSIVE: Photos of the Northwest Airlines Bomb

A singed pair of underwear with a packet of powder sewn into the crotch, seen in government photos obtained exclusively by ABC News, is all that remains of al Qaeda’s attempt to down an American passenger plane over Detroit. As seen in these photos, the alleged bomb consisted of a packet of powder sewn into the briefs of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old Nigerian. Al Qaeda took credit Monday for the attempted bombing, boasted of its ability to overcome U.S. intelligence and airport security, and promised new attacks. [Normally most folks would not be interested in what the underwear of a terrorist bomber looks like…ed]

MSNBC criticized for response to terrorism story

MSNBC spent considerable time Monday reporting on the aftermath of an attempted Christmas Day attack on a Detroit-bound airliner, but its executives didn’t want to talk about why the story received little attention as it was breaking. Competitors CNN and Fox News Channel gave much more extensive attention to the story on Christmas night as MSNBC stuck with taped programs on a murder mystery and environmental issues, along with an “undercover” report on the teenage sex trade. MSNBC has been criticized in the past for failing to respond quickly to breaking news during off-hours, a choice that may complicate its efforts to be seen as a go-to news source. The network is revamping its daytime schedule to be more news-oriented than personality-driven, since the latter approach has proven to be a ratings failure. [msnbc….the Obama news network dedicated to covering their messiah’s ass 24/7….ed]

Two al Qaeda Leaders Behind Northwest Flight 253 Terror Plot Were Released by U.S.

Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the Northwest bombing in a Monday statement that vowed more attacks on Americans. American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an “art therapy rehabilitation program” and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials. [I have a terrific idea. How about when we capture these America hatin’ muslims we throw them into a very secure prison run by the military that is located somewhere offshore and keep their skinny asses there as enemy combatants until the war is over. You know, like Guantanamo bay Cuba…ed]

Illinois Congressman Says Obama Official Agreed That Moving Terrorists to U.S. Prison Would Increase Risk

Rep. Don Manzullo (R-Ill.) said last week he was “shocked” to hear a senior Department of Defense official agree with him that the administration’s plan to move detainees of Guantanamo Bay to Thomson, Ill., would pose an increased security risk. At a press conference in the House of Representatives, Manzullo said the official “agreed with me there would be an increased security risk to northwest Illinois, but he had no way of estimating the extent of this threat.” Manzullo told reporters he was “shocked” at the admission and later told he was confused about how the administration could manage a risk it could not quantify. “That’s when I said, ‘Well, if there’s no way that you can estimate — measure — the extent of the increased risk, then why are you making the move in the first place?’” [Top level gang bangers carry out drug deals and murders all day long while housed in Supermax prisons so tell me again, exactly why is Obama is making the move to close down the prison at GITMO and move these terrorists onto American soil?…ed]

Bomb plotter: ‘More like me’

FAILED plane bomber Umar Abdulmutallab has bragged to FBI agents that there are more young men plotting to launch attacks on the West. The 23-year-old Nigerian has told security chiefs of a sinister network in Yemen who are ready and waiting to strike. The reports come after The Sun revealed that cops fear that 25 British-born Muslims are plotting to bomb Western airliners. The fanatics, in five groups, are now training at secret terror camps in Yemen. It was there London-educated Abdulmutallab prepared for his Christmas Day bid to blow up a US jet. The British extremists in Yemen are in their early 20s and from Bradford, Luton and Leytonstone, East London. They are due to return to the UK early in 2010 and will then await internet instructions from al-Qaeda on when to strike. [Well isn’t this a cheery thought. Ya know, instead of inconveniencing millions of airplane passengers and millions of people who do not fit the profile of a terrorist bomber how about we start inconveniencing and begin encroaching on the “rights” of the people who belong to the group of whacks on this planet hell bent on killing innocent Americans. Like muslims?…ed]

Report: Dutch traveler profiting from heroism on jet

The Dutch tourist who helped stop the alleged terrorist plot is profiting off his heroism, according to the media outlet Gawker. Jasper Schuringa, who burned his hands while taking down Flight 253’s would-be terrorist, has taken in at least $18,000 for two cell phone pictures and interviews with CNN and the New York Post, according to Foster Kamer of Gawker. Schuringa, who sought the help of an Israeli handler to arrange the media appearances, according to the Web site, said Saturday he heard a pop, saw smoke and climbed over seats to stop a man from trying to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight in Detroit. “I didn’t think. I just went over there to try to save the plane,” Schuringa said on CNN. As passengers on Flight 253 screamed “fire, fire” on Friday, Schuringa said he figured the suspect was “trying to blow up the plane.” [Let the pro terrorist smears from the lamestream media begin. Al Gore has made millions off his bogus global warming scam so if this man makes a few thousands bucks off saving an airplane full of human beings then good for him…ed]

Jasper Schuringa Yanked Flaming Syringe Out of Abdulmutallab’s Pants

The Dutch hero credited with halting a suicide bomber’s attempt to blow up a plane loaded with Christmas travelers said today the syringe the bomber was holding was on fire and was stuck deep into the bomber’s pants. “I really had to pull it out of his hands because he kind of resisted. And it was also kind of stuck in his underwear,” Jasper Schuringa told “Good Morning America” today. Fresh details emerged today about the terror attack aboard Northwest Flight 253 on Christmas day, largely from “GMA’s” interview with Schuringa, the passenger who leaped over plane seats to subdue alleged bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. “When I came to the seats he was holding … the object which was on fire and smoke was coming out of it,” Schuringa said. “I really had to rip the whole object out of his pants.” [Maybe Delta Airlines could send this guy a few bucks for perhaps saving them from having to buy a new airplane?…ed]

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Care For Another Martini Senator Kennedy….Errrr Max Baucus?

For a second there I though I was watching old Ted Kennedy making a ghost appearance on the floor of the Senate Chamber but after taking a second look it turns out it was none other than Montana’s Democrat Senator Max Baucus slurring his words and getting all loopy while chastising the Republicans for not gleefully jumping on board the ObamaCare ride to hell in a handbasket. Clearly this drucker is funk as can be!!

Hey Max, the clear majority of Americans don’t want this Obamination to begin with and the Republicans can’t do squat to stop it anyway. The only ones who can throw a monkey wrench into your precious government takeover of the healthcare system in this country are your fellow DEMOCRATS you drunken bum!
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Sunday December 27th

Al-Qaeda in Yemen threatened US 4 days before terror attempt

An Al-Qaeda operative in Yemen threatened the United States and said “we are carrying a bomb” in a video posted online four days before the botched Christmas Day attempt to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight. The video does not contain any clear evidence that the speaker was anticipating Friday’s attempt, but it has attracted scrutiny because of reports that the bombing plot may have originated in Yemen. The 23-year-old Nigerian man accused in the attack claimed he received training and instructions from al-Qaida operatives there, U.S. law enforcement officials said, and a key American lawmaker has said there are “strong suggestions” of a Yemen connection. [What did the Obama administration know, and when did they know it?…ed]

Not again: ‘Unruly’ passenger aboard Northwest Flight 253 taken into custody

Jitters or another deadly threat? A disruptive Nigerian passenger caused the pilot of the same Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight targeted by a Nigerian bomber Christmas Day to declare an emergency Sunday. Delta/Northwest Airlines flight 253 landed safely in Detroit at 12:34 p.m. and was shunted to a remote part of the tarmac, where it was being held as officials investigated. Michigan media reported the incident did not appear to be a terrorist threat, but rather was caused by a businessman who became ill during the flight. The brouhaha started when a passenger spent nearly an hour in the bathroom and then emerged “unruly” and “verbally disruptive,” witnesses said. [Nothing to worry about here folks. Just another Nigerian on an airplane locking himself in the bathroom for some time then acting weird when he finally comes out. Move along please. Thank you, Janet Napolitano…ed]

Officials: Only A Failed Detonator Saved Northwest Flight

Officials now say tragedy was only averted on Northwest flight 253 because a makeshift detonator failed to work properly. Bomb experts say there was more than enough explosive to bring down the Northwest jet, which had nearly 300 people aboard, had the detonator not failed, and the nation’s outdated airport screening machines may need to be upgraded. “We’ve known for a long time that this is possible,” said Richard Clarke, former counterterrorism czar and ABC News consultant, “and that we really have to replace our scanning devices with more modern systems.” Clarke said full body scans were needed, “but they’re expensive and they’re intrusive. They invade people’s privacy.” [This information in no way diminishes the heroic actions of those who jumped this terrorist punk and prevented him from possiblly reverting to a plan B…ed]

Fire Napolitano

Understandably, the White House is trying very hard to get out in front of the would-be Christmas bomber story. The head of the Department of Homeland Security isn’t helping. I watched her on three shows and each time she was more annoying, maddening and absurd than the previous appearance. It is her basic position that the “system worked” because the bureaucrats responded properly after the attack. That the attack was “foiled” by a bad detonator and some civilian passengers is proof, she claims, that her agency is doing everything right. That is just about the dumbest thing she could say, on the merits and politically. [I agree, Napolitano is nothing but a useless partisan hack with about as many qualifications to hold her position as Obama does his. Zero…ed]

Senate Democrats to W.H.: Drop cap-and-trade

Bruised by the health care debate and worried about what 2010 will bring, moderate Senate Democrats are urging the White House to give up now on any effort to pass a cap-and-trade bill next year. “I am communicating that in every way I know how,” says Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), one of at least half a dozen Democrats who’ve told the White House or their own leaders that it’s time to jettison the centerpiece of their party’s plan to curb global warming. The creation of an economy-wide market for greenhouse gas emissions is as the heart of the climate bill that cleared the House earlier this year. But with the health care fight still raging and the economy still hurting, moderate Democrats have little appetite for another sweeping initiative — especially another one likely to pass with little or no Republican support. [The ‘Rats are stressing and are pleading with their free falling messiah to back off his radical agenda so they can have a prayer on hanging onto their power come the midterm elections in 2010. Good luck with the narcissist there kids…ed]

Washington Democrats gorge on absolute power

The wisest quote of 2009 came from President Barack Obama, who cut off belligerent Republicans with the reminder: “Elections have consequences.” They surely do. And Americans are paying the consequences of the 2008 election. The most tangible fallout of the electorate installing single-party rule in Washington is that policy-making has become an ideological exercise, rather than a pragmatic one. Republicans still represent the views of roughly half of the America people — on health care, it’s more like 60 percent — and yet the minority party has had no moderating effect on the health care reform packages moving swiftly to passage. It’s a bill written by Democrats and passed by Democrats, with all of the give-and-take taking place between Democrats. The horse-trading is between the middle and the left, instead of between the right and the left. So instead of a bill that falls close to the middle, Congress will produce one that is well left of center. [And this is precisely why the Democrats will get their asses handed to them come November 2010…ed]

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You Won't Believe What You Don't Know About The Insidious Global Warming Scam

You name virtually any issue of concern around the planet and a “climate change” nutjob will create a way to blame it on global warming. Don’t believe me? Then check out this website which comes complete with HUNDREDS of sourced links.

Everything from zits to lousy beer to gnarly crabgrass to the earth going gonzo on it’s axis to destruction of the fashion industry to ocean fish now needing GPS units in order to find their way around to ice sheet GROWTH has been blamed on global warming. According to the envirowhacks nothing occurs on mother earth without having some sort of tie in with so called man made global warming aka Anthropogenic Global Warming or AGW.

Unfortunately there are just enough exploitable useful idiots around, indoctrinated from birth to believe this global warming nonsense, that the rotten bastards who have been perpetrating this hoax have been able to get some traction on this fraud. Of course they couldn’t have pulled it off without the help of the liberal media and the left wing shysters who have infiltrated governments all over the planet.

While there are literally thousands of climate scientists who have tried to speak out against the global warming hoax for years they have been effectively silenced by the media who refuse to allow them air time, institutions of higher learning who have ostracized anyone who questions the religion of global warming and governments who refuse to offer funding grants to these scientists because they don’t toe the politically expedient global warming line. In addition these climate professionals have found it next to impossible to have their work published in scientific journals due to the bias of publishers who’s livelihood depends on funding from those with a particular political agenda.

Fortunately, for citizens of this country in particular, Al Gore invented the internet and the truth about the great global warming fraud is starting to reach the masses in a very big way.–THE WHISTLE BLOWS FOR TRUTH

The whistleblower deep in the basement of one of the ugly, modern tower-blocks of the dismal, windswept University of East Anglia could scarcely have timed it better. In less than three weeks, the world’s governing class – its classe politique – would meet in Copenhagen, Denmark, to discuss a treaty to inflict an unelected and tyrannical global government on us, with vast and unprecedented powers to control all once-free world markets and to tax and regulate the world’s wealthier nations for its own enrichment: in short, to bring freedom, democracy, and prosperity to an instant end worldwide, at the stroke of a pen, on the pretext of addressing what is now known to be the non-problem of manmade “global warming”.

The unnamed hero of ‘Climategate’, after months of work gathering emails, computer code, and data, quietly sent a 61-megabyte compressed file from one of the university’s servers to an obscure public message-board on the internet, with a short covering note to the effect that the climate was too important to keep the material secret, and that the data from the University would be available for a short time only.
He had caught the world’s politico-scientific establishment green-handed. Yet his first attempts to reveal the highly-profitable fraud and systematic corruption at the very heart of the UN’s climate panel and among the scientists most prominent in influencing it’s prejudiced and absurdly doom-laden reports had failed. He had made the mistake of sending the data-file to the mainstream news media, which had also profited for decades by fostering the “global warming” scare, and by generally denying anyone who disagreed with the official viewpoint any platform.

The whistleblower’s data file revealed, for the first time, the innermost workings of the tiny international clique of climate scientists, centered on the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia, that has been the prime mover in telling the world that it is warming at an unprecedented rate, and that humankind is responsible.


The gallant whistleblower now faces a police investigation at the instigation of the University authorities desperate to look after their own and to divert allegations of criminality elsewhere. His crime? He had revealed what many had long suspected:

– A tiny clique of politicized scientists, paid by unscientific politicians with whom they were financially and politically linked, were responsible for gathering and reporting data on temperatures from the palaeoclimate to today’s climate. The “Team”, as they called themselves, were bending and distorting scientific data to fit a nakedly political story-line profitable to themselves and congenial to the governments that, these days, pay the bills for 99% of all scientific research……(be sure to read this entire article, you won’t believe what you don’t know about the depth of corruption involved in this global warming hoax!)

More great reading about one of the largest frauds ever perpetrated on the world’s population can be found here, here, here, here and here.
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Saturday December 26th

Passengers help foil attack on Detroit-bound plane

An attempted terrorist attack on a Christmas Day flight began with a pop and a puff of smoke – sending passengers scrambling to subdue a Nigerian man who claimed to be acting on orders from al-Qaida to blow up the airliner, officials and travelers said. The commotion began as Northwest Airlines Flight 253, carrying 278 passengers and 11 crew members from Amsterdam, prepared to land in Detroit just before noon Friday. Travelers said they smelled smoke, saw a glow, and heard what sounded like firecrackers. At least one person climbed over others and jumped on the man, who officials say was trying to ignite an explosive device. “It sounded like a firecracker in a pillowcase,” said Peter Smith, a passenger from the Netherlands. “First there was a pop, and then (there) was smoke.” Smith said one passenger, sitting opposite the man, climbed over passengers, went across the aisle and tried to restrain the man. The heroic passenger appeared to have been burned. [But as long as we limit the amount of juice a three year old can bring on board and make sure we confiscate grandma’s nail clippers we’ll be safe while flying right? How about we do what the Israelis do and profile the people responsible for nearly 100% of the terrorist attacks on airplanes and other modes of mass transportation, muslims. Bravo to the brave passenger who leapt into action and very well may have prevented a catastrophe…ed]

Official: U.S. Knew for 2 Years Suspect Could Have Terror Ties

An official briefed on the foiled attack on a Detroit airliner says the U.S. has known for at least two years that the suspect could have terrorist ties. The official tells The Associated Press that the suspect, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, has been on a list that includes people with known or suspected contact or ties to a terrorist or terrorist organization. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing. [Come to think of it the government knew all about that bastard who killed 14 people at Fort Hood and they did nothing about him either. Janet Napolitano and her gang are more concerned about American citizens who believe in our Constitution and aren’t happy about illegal aliens overrunning our borders unimpeded by those who should be doing something about it…ed]

Official: Explosive PETN Used in Attack

The suspect in the attempted bombing of Northwest Flight 253 used a highly explosive substance called PETN, a law enforcement official told CBS News Saturday. The explosives were carried in a soft plastic container – possibly a condom – though much of the packaging was destroyed in the fire, the official said. (SNIP) A high-ranking law enforcement official told CBS News that the suspect apparently used a syringe to inject a chemical into the powder, which was located near his groin. It is a technique not seen in previous attempted attacks and it’s possible that this incident was a test of whether the materials could pass screening and how effective they might be at causing damage, the source said. [There is no doubt in my mind a muslim will take down an American airliner within the next few months. There have been several reports of dry runs designed to test the system and responses lately with muslims getting cover from the politically correct crowd and their buddies over at the anti American aclu…ed]

Investigators: Northwest Bomb Plot Planned by al Qaeda in Yemen

The plot to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit was organized and launched by al Qaeda leaders in Yemen who apparently sewed bomb materials into the suspect’s underwear before sending him on his mission, federal authorities tell ABC News. Investigators say the suspect had more than 80 grams of PETN, a compound related to nitro-glycerin used by the military. The so-called shoe bomber, Richard Reid, had only about 50 grams kin his failed attempt in 2001 to blow up a U.S.-bound jet. Yesterday’s bomb failed because the detonator may have been too small or was not in “proper contact” with the explosive material, investigators told ABC News. [Does anybody else think it’s kind of odd how quickly so much detailed information is “discovered” about these terrorists so soon after they pull off, or try to, their murderous dastardly deeds?…ed]

Ali Velshi Stops Rep. King From Naming Northwest Airlines Terrorist

CNN’s Ali Velshi on Friday stopped Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) from divulging the name of the terrorist who tried to set off a bomb as a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam began to land in Detroit. Velshi did this claiming, “[W]e have not got any information on anyone being charged. So thank you for bringing us information. But would ask you not to name anybody on TV right now, we do not have any word of official charges.” By this time, other news outlets including the Associated Press, CBS, and Fox News had given the suspect’s name, Abdul Mudallad. For some reason, Velshi twice asked King not to say it. [A muslim working for CNN demands a Congressman not reveal the already released name of the terrorist suspect on the air. Tells you where that network is coming from…ed]

Why Is Islamberg Now a Ghost Town?

The Wall Street Journal reports this week that U.S. investigators are discovering that more and more young Muslims are vanishing from mosques, madrassas, and Islamic centers. The disappearances, the Journal notes, are raising grave concerns among FBI and Homeland Security officials who fear that an onset of jihadist activity will take place on American soil in the near future. Hundreds of Muslim men are also missing from Islamberg and this is not a propitious omen. The sentry post is gone and no guards are in sight at the entrance to the 70 acre Islamic settlement located in the dense forest between Deposit and Hancock in upper New York State. Young men in Islamic garb no longer congregate before the makeshift mosque, and no students are in attendance at the one room shack that serves as Sheikh Gilani’s “International Quranic Open University.” Gunfire no longer can be heard from the firing ranges along the eastern parameter of the property – and no grunts come from new recruits at the obstacle course. [Ain’t this bit of news a comforting thought? Keep your powder dry folks…ed]

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J.A.R.G\'s \"Gotta Read\" News Of The Day 1 Comment

A Christmas Greeting From A REAL American President

Ah the good old days…

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