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Archive for the Category: Obama And His Administration
Taxpayers To Fund Building Of New Prison So Obama Can Fulfill Idiotic Campaign Promise
I have a swell idea, since Obama has made the purely political and idiotic decision to close the Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention center, which cost U.S. taxpayers millions of dollars to whip into shape so that it could securely hold hundreds of hard core anti-American murderous fanatics 90 miles across an ocean, why don’t we […]
Tagged al-Qaida, Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay, Iran, Obama, terrorists
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Andrew McCarthy Rejects Invitation To Join Obama Administration Task Force
From the nrinstitute.org here is a letter from former New York Assistant United States Attorney Andrew McCarthy to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder rejecting an invitation to join the Obama administration’s Task Force on Detention Policy and the reasons behind his decision. / / / / May 1, 2009 By email (to the Counterterrorism Division) […]
So Would Your Answer Be YES Or Would it Be NO Mr Obama?
Is it really that difficult for Obama to answer a simple question without it scrolling across a teleprompter screen? The query was presented in a very clear and easy to understand manner. If an attack was imminent would Obama do whatever was necessary to protect the American public? Considering a terrorist attack, whether perpetrated as […]
Also posted in Terrorism Tagged False Flag event, George Soros, Obama, terrorist attack
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Obama Administration Recording Every U.S. Residence Via Census Workers Using GPS Units
It’s true, they just showed up on my front porch. Unfortunately my dead straight arrow and painfully honest much better half got to the door before me and answered the guys questions truthfully. Damn. The fun is coming folks so keep your powder dry and be sure to stock up accordingly… Republican Senator Judd Gregg […]
Tagged Acorn, census, GPS units, obama administration
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Poll Reveals Republicans Lead Democrats In Generic Congressional Ballot
You won’t hear about this on the Obama slobbering lapdog msnbc, cnn or any of the left wing alphabets. We’ll see if Fox News bothers to bring it up. For only the second time in the last five years Republicans top Democrats in a Rasmussen Generic Congressional Ballot poll. Considering the mainstream media has done […]
Archeologist Dies The Day After Welcoming Obama To Mexican Museum
Yikes, I’ll bet Obama is sucking down that Tamiflu like it’s going out of style about right now. Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared an emergency in his country’s swine flu outbreak, giving him powers to order quarantines and suspend public events. Authorities have canceled school at all levels in Mexico City and the state of […]
So Much For Patriotism. Biden, In Top Wage Earner Group, Collects Social Security Anyway
Patriotic huh? It’s patriotic to pay more taxes because you have worked your rear end off for years and have reached a level in life where you are finally starting to see some of that ROI, a return on those investments of 20 hour work days and four hour sleepless nights…for years? It’s patriotic to […]
Tagged charity, Joe Biden, patriotism, taxes
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