Archive for the Category: Obama And His Administration

Obama Dislocates Both Shoulders Patting Himself On The Back

In an extraordinary display of unmitigated stupidity a room full of blithering idiots, in lock step with their hero Barack Obama who struts around like he won 93% of the vote instead of the pedestrian 53% of the goofs he managed to completely fool, cheer, whoop it up and applaud every time he mentions how […]

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Obama Kicks Kindergarten Kiddies To Curb In Favor Of Pittsburgh Steelers

Man what a crying shame for these 100 or so little munchkins. The plan was to show up at the White House with buses full of bored, agitated, hungry and urine filled kindergartners so they could take a grand tour of the White House but alas the costly effort didn’t pan out allegedly due to […]

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Obama To Hold Terror Detainees Indefinitely Without Trial?

Obama takes a big swallow of reality as the new guy tries to figure what to do with people who are far too dangerous to release and do not qualify to be tried in civilian courts. Sounds like deja vu all over again doesn’t it? Where have we heard this subject line before? Oh that’s […]

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CodePink, MoveOn And Sheehan, Where Are All You "Anti War" Clowns Now?

The U.S. has been embroiled in unpopular wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for years against men who do not wear military uniforms, stockpile weapons in mosques and use women and children as human shields so the inevitability of civilian casualties will be an unavoidable and regrettable issue that this country will have to deal with […]

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With Windy City Youngsters Dropping Like Flies Chicago Group Begs Obama For Help

From today’s Chicago Sun Times we see an activist group, going by the moniker of “Black Star,” is demanding Barack Obama use his supernatural powers and stop the kids from killing each other in his home town of Chicago. Keep in mind they aren’t asking the parents of these kids to step up to the […]

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Obama To End Funding To States For Incarcerated Illegal Aliens

According to his proposed budget that is. Immigration into this country falls under the jurisdiction of the federal government but it’s the states that are saddled with most of the criminal costs and expense of feeding, housing, providing medical care and schooling those that enter the U.S. illegally. In return for the massive expenditures the […]

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Obama Eliminates Funding For New York City Police Department Anti Terror Program

This revelation should make the city, devastated in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, feel much more secure. From the, NYPD officials have found some troubling fine print in President Obama’s proposed budget. The budget released Thursday proposes pulling funding in 2010 for the “Securing the Cities” program that the NYPD is using to develop a […]

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Union Thugs Use Direct Line To Obama To Threaten CA With Stimulus Funds

Welcome to the world of Chicago mob politics. The Service Employees International Union, good buddies with those ACORN folks, cashed in some of its clout with Barack Hussein Obama who has now threatened to withhold from California billions in “stimulus” money if Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t see to it that unionized home healthcare workers have […]

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Obama Eviscerates Fund For Families Of Officers Killed In Line Of Duty

And he will backtrack on this incredibly stupid decision in three…two…one…. The Obama administration wants to cut almost in half a benefits program for the families of slain police and safety officers. The president’s proposed budget calls for cutting the Public Safety Officers’ Death Benefits Program from $110 million to $60 million. Justice Department budget […]

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Obama Flip Flops On D.C. School Voucher Program

The Opportunity Scholarship Program had been providing private school education to low income families living in the Washington D.C. area for many years. Virtually all school voucher programs are vehemently opposed by the teacher unions, heavy supporters of Obama and the Democrat party, and in this case they wanted and expected some payback. The Democrat […]

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