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- James on "Dr." James David Manning Warns The Long Legged Mac Daddy–White Folks Are Ready To Riot! (UPDATED 11-3-09)
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Archive for the Category: Obama And His Administration
Obama Sends Gitmo Prisoners To Bermuda Without Consulting London
From the classless act of sending the bust of Winston Churchill back home the minute he hit the Oval Office to offering the lamest of gifts to one eyed Prime Minister Gordon Brown, it seems Barack Obama is adamant to show the world that while he will bend over backwards (in the case of Saudi […]
Also posted in Terrorism Tagged Bermuda, china, Guantanamo Bay prisoners, obama administration, UK
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Janet Napolitano Welcomes Arab With Pro Terrorist Leanings To Advisory Panel
And here we go folks as the chief of America’s Homeland Giveaway Department, who calls anyone who believes in the Constitution, Second Amendment, a crackdown on illegal immigration, the chance at life for yet to be born babies and of course returning soldiers potential domestic terrorists, just added the head of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee […]
Interesting Thoughts About George Tiller's Murder And A Little Rock Arkansas Army Recruiting Center
Naturally many of the pro abortion fanatics came right out of the chute trying to pin the killing of the despicable George Tiller, a man who ran one of the few late term abortion rackets in our country, on the entire pro life movement. Of course they blame the murder, and yes it was cold […]
Also posted in Islamic and Muslim Issues Tagged abortion, army recruiting center, George Tiller, Little Rock AK, muslim
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