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Archive for the Category: Obama And His Administration
Census Chief– "We WILL Count All Illegal Aliens"
The Obama administration is gearing up for the Constitutionally mandated 2010 census so that means we should see an additional 15 or so Democratic House seats for both California and Texas after all of those living illegally in our country are counted…
Also posted in Illegal Immigration Tagged Acorn, California, Catholic, census, Democratic, democrats, illegal aliens, immigrants, immigration, Obama, Texas
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Yet Another Obama Cabinet Pick Cheats On Taxes
Health and Human Services nominee Kathleen Sebelius joins the club of Democrats nominated for Obama’s administration who have not paid their taxes in a timely manner….
Also posted in U.S. Politics Tagged Daschle, democrats, ethics, Geithner, IRS, Obama, Sebelius, tax cheats, taxes, Treasury Secretary, Washington D.C.
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Secret Service Code Name "Renegade" Fits Obama Perfectly
The Secret Service code name for Obama is “renegade” which according to the dictionary means a deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another and an individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior….
Tagged Constitution, fraud, islam, Muslims, Obama, radicals, renegade, renegado, Secret Service
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Obama Fires GM's CEO Guarantees Vehicle Warranty Service
Well I certainly feel better and hope everyone else does too now that the federal government, currently up to it’s proverbial crooked nose in enough problems to keep the squirrel cage spinning every moment of the day, is in the motor vehicle warranty business…
Also posted in Economy, U.S. Tagged automakers, chrysler, GM, healthcare, Obama, teleprompter, UAW, unions, vehicle warranty
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New York Times Hid Truth Of Connection Between ACORN, Obama
In a bit of shocking news (well not really) the New York Times, a paper that is literally swirling the toilet bowl waiting for the final flush, has been outed for killing articles clearly connecting the voter registration fraudsters at ACORN, their twin sister companion group Project Vote and the Obama campaign during the recent presidential election…
Also posted in Media Bias Tagged Acorn, democrats, election fraud, New York Times, Obama, Obama campaign, Project Vote, registration fraud
Look, It's Not Like The People In America Are Stupid
What should we call people who are so painfully clueless about critical events happening within this country? Braindead? I suppose in many cases, yes….
Obama's First Two Months Set To A Catchy Tune
Steven Crowder whips through the first two months of the Obama administration’s fumbles and stumbles to the tune of Billy Joel’s “We didn’t start the fire”….
Also posted in Humor Tagged billy joel, first two months, Obama, video, we didn't start the fire
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Rahm Emanuel's $320,000 Fannie Mae Free Ride
Imagine that, another Democrat who was involved with Fannie Mae, who made a pile of money for doing nothing and who is sitting at the top of the food chain in Washington DC…
Obama Ditches Teleprompters, Opts For Flat Screen TV To Stay On Script
After months of ragging about his constant use of teleprompters for everything Obama switched to a huge flat screen TV in order to stay on script because without something to tell him what to say he becomes a babbling baboon…