Barack Obama the post turtle.


The old Texas farmer decided to take a day off and head into town for his annual doctor check up. The long time town doctor had recently retired and a young whippersnapper had taken his place. As the young doctor conducted the examination the topic eventually got around to Barack Obama and his presidential aspirations. “Eh,” the older gentleman grunted, “Obama’s nothing but a post turtle.” The doctor, who had moved to Texas from the Bay Area of California was unfamiliar with this term so he asked the farmer what he meant.

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The older gentleman thought it was unusual that someone had come along that had no idea what this meant but he explained, “When you are driving down an old country road and come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a “post turtle.” He noticed that the doctor seemed confused by this so he continued on, “You know that turtle didn’t get up there by himself, you know he doesn’t belong up there, you know he has no idea what to do while he is up there and then you wonder just what kind of stupid idiot put him up there to begin with!” “Obama” he says, “is most definitely a post turtle son.”

This entry was posted in Humor.

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