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- James on "Dr." James David Manning Warns The Long Legged Mac Daddy–White Folks Are Ready To Riot! (UPDATED 11-3-09)
- James on "Dr." James David Manning Warns The Long Legged Mac Daddy–White Folks Are Ready To Riot! (UPDATED 11-3-09)
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Monthly Archives: August 2009
Pelosi Calls Citizen Protesters Un-American–Tells Illegal Aliens They Are Patriotic
Steny Hoyer, (D-MD), House majority leader and Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Bully were given the opportunity to push the Democrat party governmental takeover of our healthcare system in the pages of USA Today the other day and Hoyer was smart enough to keep his comments fairly benign. Pelosi, not so much but then again nobody […]
Tuesday August 11th
Watch as Hillary Clinton, looking real good with the gut, her ubiquitous 70’s era pants suit and the flat greasy looking hair, blows a gasket after being asked a question while on her tour of Africa. Good thing there weren’t any ashtrays handy. ABC News’ Kirit Radia reports: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lost her […]
Monday August 10th
Man with disabled son says he was threatened at home after confrontation with Congressman over Obamacare. Video. “We’ve had a visit from them in the middle of the night.” Democrat leaders feel the need to set up a ‘war room’ to assist their cohorts in Congress in spreading Obama’s healthcare takeover propaganda. House Democratic leaders […]
Saturday August 8th
Plane, helicopter crash into each other then into the Hudson River. Authorities believe nine people are dead after a sightseeing tour helicopter and a small plane collided mid-air just after noon over the Hudson River between Manhattan and New Jersey, authorities said. At least two bodies have been recovered. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said […]
"Dr." James David Manning Warns The Long Legged Mac Daddy–White Folks Are Ready To Riot! (UPDATED 11-3-09)
. . . . . Seems like we haven’t heard from the good pastor “Dr.” James David Manning for some time around here so let’s grab a chair and listen up for a few minutes… Sponsors… article continues below… Don’t know about that awful singing there “doc” but we sure do love the passion my […]
Hitler, Obama, Healthcare And Right Wingers
One of the most infamous left wingers in the history of mankind…that rascally old coot Adolph Hitler is doing everything he can, with the help of his Hitler Youth, ACORN, MoveOn.org and a mess of other George Soros funded liberal groups, to track down and report to the Obama regime the spreaders of malicious lies […]
Jack Booted Swastika Carrying AARP Mob Takes Over Meeting And Starts Talking About Freedom
Saying the left wingers running AARP aren’t fully behind this Obamacare boondoggle is like trying to claim B. Hussein Obama is a centrist politician looking out for what’s best for America. Both scenarios are total fabrications. The chubby little snit who began the meeting is quite typical of your garden variety snooty liberal who just […]
Friday August 7th
Well ain’t that the chits as Cuba announces it’s running low on buttwipe. Yeah communism rocks. Cuba, in the grip of a serious economic crisis, is running short of toilet paper and may not get sufficient supplies until the end of the year, officials with state-run companies said on Friday. Officials said they were lowering […]
Nancy Pelosi, "Town Meeting Protesters Carry Swastikas"
Nancy Pelosi claims healthcare protesters, “astroturfers,” many if not most of them Democrats by the way, are carrying swastikas into the town meetings! What a freakin’ loon! This lying hag seems to have a real beef with people who aren’t too happy with her and Obama’s policies that have run this country into the ground […]